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>two mini-figs and the most boring scenery imaginable
>That'll be 50 dollarinos, plus tax and shipping, and don't forget to tip your DEI delivery driver
>jewish nigney higher ups notice that duel sets are selling a bunch because they're an easy and cheap way to get wanted figures with neat backdrops
surely gouging the fuck out of their price and making the builds boring as fuck will lead to only good things, surely they won't eternally shelfwarm like that throne room set that was totally worth 100 burgers
are you blind? There’s 4 minifigures here
There are several Lego threads, go complain there instead of creating a new thread.
I am also a lego hater. i used to love lego, until it all became about the minifigures. still have all the original modular buildings. Will buy the new excavator though
Yeah I don’t understand why anyone cares about the figures in Lego sets. I have lots of Star Wars Lego sets and I never cared about the figures it was about the vehicles for me. I understand they make scenes too but in this case it’s just Disney Star Wars has lame scenes they have to make it based on the new shows lol
got this set somewhere in 2016 it was around 150 dollars at the time I think (DK my parents bought it for my birthday) it came with 3 mini figs but it at least had the whole Ghost (I also have the phantom "I got it first"). Lego has gone down the drain and all the AFOL Shills and Glowie Influencers (those damn fuckin master builder fucks) keep sucking up they goyslop. >:[
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forgot to add the image
Lego has been absolute ass for over a decade. Mini figures look terrible, sets look terrible and with such low piece counts, the value just isn't there.
Not to mention the shitty plastic quality in both bricks and minifigures.

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