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File: images (70).jpg (32 KB, 560x548)
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Yo whassup nigs.

I'm considering purchasing a Revoltech Alien Queen bootleg, anyone here give me an idea of what they're like?
They look great from what I've seen
Just get the NECA rerelease on BBTS, it’s way better.
Man old bootlegs are probably really shit but its cheap so bite the bullet and report back
Will do, it's just that I'm pretty sure I came across an Alien bootle before and it was surprisingly good.
As long as they get similar translucent plastic and an okay paint app it should be fine
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Yeah dawg I'm pretty sure it'll look something like this
Is 25 bucks such a financial hardship you need to come here to get help making this decision?

I have neca aliens, hiya aliens, monsterart aliens, and by far the worst one is my revoltech alien. It looks wrong, the joints are shit. I can't imagine a bootleg version of a queen based on their design is going to be great. But it's fucking 25 bucks if it's shit .... it's 25 whole fucking bucks.
You want guaranteed quality go hunt down a real one and pay the money. Or buy a neca queen. Bought one years ago when I was a broke college student and I love it.

Also considering last week we had a suspiciously similar thread. I wonder if you are that same guy.
Good lord the real deal is only 25 bucks on Mandy
Can you scrape together another 30 bucks for the shipping?
This is such a beautiful figure. It's a shame to disgrace it with an ugly bootleg, it deserves better.
Is there a chance this could also be the real deal?
I just assumed it was a bootleg because it was 40 buck
Revoltechs don't really hold too much value besides a few really rare ones. And Mandarake doesn't sell bootlegs AFAIK.

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