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Previous thread: >>11026914

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
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Loose Collector Toys wolf test vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbw1kvEfjwc

Looks great!
I'm not a big wolf fan, but this looks great.
Anyone else getting Sexyice Mantis?
Doesn't look like it'll be able to look up much, but still looks like a solid product.

Idk. It looks pretty cool, but I'll have to wait a bit, and I'd like to see it in action. Maybe eventually.
If we can get a green mantis variant I'd almost definitely want one.
Thoughts on the minotaurs from Xesray Studio? I think they look neat.
They do look really cool, and they're apparently pretty huge too right?
Just wish they had alternate heads with more neutral faces. Nice they do have movable jaws though.
Which wolf toy is in the OP pic?
The Loose Collector "The Crypt" Great Wolves, and that specific one is "Dilim."

There's four of them, four different colors and heads.
I'm not a sick in the head dog fucker freak, but thats a cool werewolf.
I mean, if you get him, find a cool mummy, vampire, and fish-man, you can have a nice little Universal Monsters collection. No need to actually be a furfag to appreciate a good monster design.
Yeah you're just an obsessed troll that brings your baggage into random threads apparently.
Sorry, not your boyfriend.
You screengrabbed someone else's post so you could jerk off to it huh? No other reason you would keep something so random around at the ready.

You do you, I guess.
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this seem the best place to talk about this

i think this figure would have been a 8/10 if they just painted the fucking suspenders
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he look sick
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best under 30eur figure ever probably
Yeah the white is a bit dull, I do think it works with the parasite part though to imply death.
>i think this figure would have been a 8/10 if they
didn't rip off hundreds of customers and spit in everyone's face by immediately starting a new company with a different name and saying "nothing to look at here!"

Fuck them. Buy the figures for a fraction of the MSRP on AliExpress so the company doesn't get any of your money and you save some yourself. Win Win.
yeah that what i did lol
Cool troll attempt bro.

I don't understand the issue. Should it not be cast in the color or something? Nothing looks off to me?
What's the ass situation like on these guys? I'm hoping for a bubble butt.
nothing is off about it, its great. the only problem is the suspenders
Can you elaborate? Is it just a range of motion hinderence?
Look at his pictures. The suspenders popped out of their little keyholes at the bottom of his abdomen and are floating above the shoulders.
yeah i pop them off myself, with them you cant use the torso joint at all
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we getting another croc?
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big boy too
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Mirage Leatherhead, lookin' real good. And yeah, real big too. That's encouraging.
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great addition to the croc boys. I wanna see if some 3rd party can give him some clothes to give him a different look
Oh heck yeah, that'd be pretty great.
Maxbird offers this set, which is on sale right now. Unless you mean clothes for the new Croc that's supposed to come out.
He looks great! Now I just need someone to make a good Archie Leatherhead...and do a good job of capturing his face, he was so cute in that comic.
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There is -AN- Archie Leatherhead coming, at least according to the Target computer leak. It sounded like it's him in his wrestling gear though. Which is fitting, cause the leak also talks about Archie Ace Duck, who he wrestled against.
This is a good look for him and I'll buy him, but I would also like his classic fit.
Are there any upcoming anthro nendoroids that are not their own weird kemonomimi line?
I think just Shadow, at least that's all I can think of.
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just make Bloody Roar figures please
I’d fuck that belly.
It's super fuckable
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Review of the Loose Collector Crypt Wolf:

Big motherfucker.
damn it looks amazing
I bought mine from BBTS but they have yet to even have it in stock
Yeah, this is just an early sample.
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