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earthworm jim figure premium dna are out and i think its the best under 30eur figure of the year

the only complain i have its the suspenders
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I broke mine to get the extra range
Isn't that the company that fucked over its customer base and then changed its name?
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Where are you seeing this price?
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so did they fuck over the factory too? why are these all popping up on aliexpress before they even released?
Sometimes workers sell figs with defects, ones that got discarded by quality control. What's the case here, no idea. Premium DNA would really fucked it up if they trashed their opinion again, after releasing a very good BattleToads line.
Yeah. That's the company run by known scammers Matt and Ben Westover.
The factory workers haven't been paid by the Westovers again, and unlike the Megalopolis stunt, the ones getting screwed found a way to get even this time.
I've been wanting toys of him and Banjo since those past 3 years of waiting on pre-order. But now I just dont want them anymore.
same, the original toys are expensive now, the new toys are expensive and also a bitch to get for many reasons, this is the case for many things I collect and I almost thank them for making collecting not worth it because I've just been focusing on bodybuilding and exotic meats and cheeses which much less expensive and much more rewarding
welpp just bought two figs
>the suspenders
oh shit, those aren't groovy at all
Are the aliexpress ones legit? I'm kind of hesitant to get as the last thing I ordered from aliexpress was just a bag of air.
These popped up on my Ali feed yesterday while I was shopping 3D printing parts and the listings look legit. One of the photos is legitimately from the shipping warehouse. I picked up Jim and Psycrow. We'll see if they show up. The aliexpress price was literally half that of most resellers with free shipping.
how long did it take to get him?
>fuck over factory
>surprised when they just sell the product themselves
Where is info on this???
yeah i broke mine for the extra range, with those attached is like zero movement
How much is it in US bucks?
Theyre up on avg for $25. A steal compared to the msrp of $48 before shipping.
I still have the playmates figures maybe I’ll sell them to get this
I'd say that's what happened
Sounds like mismanagement. They should have caught whatever problems in the sample phase. And surely not all 3 figures and the head packs were all bad, so it's a bit curious. Definitely curious to see what these look like compared to the aliexpress ones. Based on various takes, I'd have to guess that maybe the strap was the problem since it limited its torso movement.
Ok I'm thinking about getting the extra heads, I'm not sure if I should indulge into the other figure since I'm not familiar with earthworm jim
This seems like them trying to cope with everyone canceling their orders to get the AliExpress ones. Everything I’ve seen from pictures of those is that they’re 100% fine, no problems. Something I did find a little strange, is that bob the killer goldfish and number 4 usually isn’t as discounted on AliExpress as the others. Also professor monkey for a head isn’t offered. I guess that’ll be the one most people will be paying full price for.
>Also professor monkey for a head isn’t offered.
He is from some sellers, but for prices like 98usd. The other two have prices that track with their msrp, like 30-40 for Psy, then 50-60 for Bob.
I really hope the suspenders in the final retail release version were fixed because this feels a bit of a let down.
They'd only need to be both a softer material and a bit longer, but suspenders built like this will always be a problem with articulation. Basically it'll either look ill-fitted, bend weird with the body, or is super stiff like this one seems to be to preserve the look.
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they are too short on the front making it really tight, its legit a oversight on the length,
the ones on his back bend a lot without any problem.

right now im waiting someone to post the PsyCrow pics to sell me on him
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AliExpress HX Global store has him for $18.47 free shipping!
Any official stores I could get the entire line to EU? With acceptable shipping rates?
Damn, the 21 i got him at I thought was going to be the lowest, at least for a while.
those suspenders are actually ruining the entire figure kek
and turns out doug is a huge flaming faggot pedo protector? thought he was supposed to be based. glad i didn't get that kickstarter book that i was kicking myself for missing out on
Gonna need a sauce on that anon.
I bet this dude posts here
…what? Most people I see reviewing the AliExpress versions seem to have 0 problems beside the suspenders I guess and I only have seen people complaining about that here. We don’t even know that the suspenders are fixed on what’s going to be the official releases. They just said “missing deco” and “incorrect armor”, that doesn’t sound like they fixed the suspenders to me. Unless they’re calling that armor.
>Kiwifarms faggot posts here

Holy Shit, go back you homosexual. Nick Rikeita is rightfully getting Fucked in the ass Doug Tenapel did nothing wrong.
>Nick Rikeita is rightfully getting Fucked in the ass
>Doug Tenapel did nothing wrong.
are you retarded? doug is playing defense for him. doug himself said that his own children have gone without food for so long that their bones poked out of their skin. and that he didn't wash their clothes for weeks at a time
Considering Nick did positively talk and defend Doug during comics gate maybe he'll change his defense once the child drug charges come to light. Also that video is two weeks old. Did Dougy give commentary on Nick's children testin for drugs?
go look into yourself you fucking retard. i already spoon fed you and you started screeching about kiwi farms while saying nick deserved it but then cosigning doug running cover for nick. you're fucking brain dead and doug is a weirdo faggot that didn't feed his children or make sure they had clean clothes
>would rather defend nick and doug than admit how stupid he is
sad. pathetic.
still don't know where you get kiwi farms from. never been there myself. are you disgruntled ex farmer or something? did they start coming after you because you run cover for pedos and defend weirdos who have sex parties and do drugs around children?
wtf is this cringe meltdown you are having? go back to plebbit
>chungusfurry already back ban evading
Is the "stalker child" in the room with us now?
Do you have a source that doesn't involve me needing to listen to a screaming fat cunt for two hours? I can't stand that fat cunt, and I look forward to the day he has a pulmonary embolism on the shitter.
if you mean having ZERO up and down movement on the entire upper part of the figure

i rather break them
>unironically posting losers like andy "one punch man" whoreski
He’s gonna ban evade until he’s dead anon
Hope my pre-order from BBTS ships soon. It's really embarrassing this company can't stop fucking up.
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I'm so fucking tempted because of the price. But I will not waiver. I don't want this damn thing. It just doesn't fit my tastes at all
If you don't like the character why would you even consider it? The figure isn't anything particularly new or interesting, so not much point in getting it just because the price is good.
some people buy toys because they like the feel of their movement. Does this toy in particular have any good joints to work with?
I love the games, the cartoon and that new thing that was teased. And this is the first fully poseable Jim ever. These are incentives, but I've committed to never buy any toy just because I like the character, I now buy toys for being good toys
Based Doug made Asston and Cokeski seethe on the Chomo Casino. I'll buy a EWJim now.
I don't have it, but looking at it it certainly looks like it qualifies as "good", I guess unless you've got extremely high expectations, I suppose. I feel similarly to you, but I'll make exceptions here and there. If you've enjoyed so much of the series, I feel like getting at least Jim, when we're not likely to ever really get another figure, is probably a fair thing to do. Entirely up to you though.
I got my Jim. I love him.
Imagine still believing in evolution and its history of hoaxes.
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well psycrow arrived and look great
not much range but i think the looks alone carry this dude
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saddly they placed no fucking glue on his tongue, now i have to fix it
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Got mine in. Can't spot any defects and the overall figure feels perfectly fine. I've seen a couple other people's copies and the only "defects" like a small bit of mispaint aren't that different to any other typical retail figure. Might order myself another copy for boxed sentimentality.

I'll say as someone who owns Jim and has no interest in getting the rest of the cast that the AliExpress listings made me glad that I never ordered him at full price, so getting him at less than half felt like he was more worth the investment. I would at least recommend getting him because at this point I doubt anything better will come along.
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honestly the psycrow is worth it
what not worth the price is the extra sets of heads
I actually just ordered from a seller that was bundling Jim + extra heads together as an option and it still ends up cheaper than what PDNA was asking for Jim alone. Maybe I'll get Psycrow a little later.
Wait his tongue isn’t glued down? I got psycrow but haven’t gotten around to opening it yet
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its "glued"

but mine after taking a small fall just detach itself because they didnt put any, nothing that cannot be fixxed, i just need to figure out what type of glue is fine for figures
My Psycrow is great because I take care of my toys and don't break them.

Really pops on the shelf. Only thing I don't like is the helmet isn't as clear as it should be.
Does Psycrow come with bare gun-holding hands?
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just one right bare hand
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correction yeah got both bare hands (i just lost it)
Dropping your toys... losing pieces... Jesus christ you're a wreck. You need a fuckin caregiver.
i like to pose them unlike you faggot

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