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>is it canon? no! but also yes!

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Build a crimefighter inspired by your childhood drawings.

>Previous Thread
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Someone on the facebook group made a Pheyden mechanical
Bunney's name is in the link, cmon! Also nice Zardoz

Wow, what a prolapsed faggot
This is cool. I always wanted something like this but didn't have the know-how to put it together. This could help people plan out customs.
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>scalper faggot comes to rescue a sheep fuckers honor for creating a coloring in page used by 6 people
I just want it brown ok?
Discord saw it first

Sorry you're banned
Has anyone posted in hand stuff of the beast box axolotl yet?
Sure, they've been out for a bit now.. There are numerous reviews on YouTube.
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more orbitron v1.1 tonight
scalpers assemble!
I'd rather Brian buy 50 to scalp than that one faggot who buys as many as he can to put on his shelf
>that one faggot who buys as many as he can to put on his shelf
>muh gotta have one for each head and then brag about it even though you don't have any
amazing how some people have zero self awareness
I don't understand how we only get the worst fucking noobs in the discord, Orion sucks on ice. dude is up every maker's ass because he's so spergy and wants things a certain way and then got one early nod from tgb to show off and won't ever shut the fuck up about his zulloid hoarding while immediately knowing he needs to be defensive about it. also, everything's a motu. god.
>mfw being a Glyos fan who doesn't go on the Discord
50? Maybe
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oh boy, sure hope we get another green zulloid next month!!
I'd rather Brian die from his prolapsed anus getting caught in between the floor of an escalator and getting sucked in and chopped up by all the gears.
yo, same. love green
Data incoming:
Zulloid = 6, Delphi = 5
Green Zulloid = 3, Green Delphi = 0
BROWN Zulloid = 0, BWOWN Delphi = fucking 2
fml senpai
Dont you worry, you'll get another brown Delphi here soon
>it's still in stock
wtf, i though that one faggot would have bought them all by now
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He's such a little bitch lmao
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Oh great, he's gonna start hoarding all the nemesis too
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He's probably approaching the peak of his glyos buying curve. In a year or so he'll look at his stash of unopened bags and ask himself if he really needs to buy the latest thing, which is after all pretty damn similar to all the other shit he has. Next he'll start curating his collection, over pricing stuff when he attempts to sell it, gradually realizing it ain't worth what he paid for it. Finally he'll start visiting here, posting cynical shit in an attempt to convince himself he's better than others and restore his damaged ego.
So you are mad because he buys stuff? Maybe stop being a poorfag?
damn nigga why you have to make it personal
Dat gauss!
Also $69 is a back door steal!
Thought you were fucking around but $69 is actually a very good price for all those

I will forever be mad I didn't get that Guyver Gauss. But not $152 mad.
Some decent deals to be had there, 10 sincroborgs went for around $70 with shipping, would have bid but only needed 2 of them.
new wolfman doozie
>>I am an ex Kenner Star Wars collector- anyone who behaves like they do should have been an abortion
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better keep an eye on them moon phases anon
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Man, I wish I was as smart as him so would have thought of putting my Glyos in tackle boxes from Walmart
I put mine in free boxes from costco, I only have to pay an annual fee of $60 to get those free boxes for free.
Is this considered Blackface?
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I just can't keep up with it all anymore anon. I'm gonna return to my default position of being quite racist at home and see what happens from there. Note that pic related is a black man who later adopted a white face, make of it what you will.
White werewolves, Black werewolves, the X-Files had Native American werewolves. Where the Asian werewolves at?

Hey, what do you call a werewolf that doesn’t show up?

A wherewolf!
how much longer do we have to put up with Orion being a gigantic sensitive sperg baby before he has a blow up and quits and sells off all his hoard
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Asian's eat dogs, to them werewolves are just delicious snacks.

Also if werewolfs are a thing, then where are the whatwolves, whywolves and whenwolves?
Traveling through time and space with Dr. Whowolf.
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Dr Poowolf
Oh boy another exciting week of fun glyos news, production updates and builds from the creators! Maybe they'll be a drop, who the fuck knows! Fingers crossed that $16 figure I want is bundled into a $50 pair!
Nothing is $16
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