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Bought a lot of random figures, mostly toy biz marvel legends and early 00s transformers, for custom fodder and these were in there. Don't go to any of the transformers and looked on tf id sites and no missiles like this.
It's not this since the flames in the OP are narrower and a bit more detailed, but I honestly thought it was for a minute.
Wrong, there completely different fires.
Read literally any words in the post you responded to before responding to them.
Wrong, there completely different words.
You're trying to say "they are". The contraction of those words is "they're", not "there.
calm down their pussy
Damn that's so close gives me a lead to look through other digimon or bandai stuff
Trying again
Marvel Legends Toy Biz Iron Fist fires.
Was there a legends iron fist with missiles?
Damn those look really familiar, I'm like 80% sure I had them as a kid. My first thought was a charizard figure but that doesn't seem to be the case.
As I saw these missiles, I could feel the autism and memories flood in, because I had the vehicle these things went with. It's Heatblast's "Alien Cruiser" from the original Ben 10 toyline. They went into the yellow arms that act as poseable missile launchers.
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Another picture of it, flipped onto its other side, and those missiles in their place (and unfortunately small). One of the gimmicks with the whole "Alien Cruiser" line was that you could stack the other ones on top of them with those pegs acting as the connectors between each one. I remember having the Diamondback and Upgrade Cruisers, too, because I think they came in a 3-pack with each other. Hope this helps, OP.
Nah, he's right. That's it.
Thanks so much
those aren't the same. close though.
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1/18. It's already been solved. The only one saying otherwise is either goofing around or doesn't know how perspective works.
Neat looking toy though
Stop jerking yourself off, it hasn't been solved. OP's pic doesn't have the solid yellow plastic extending on the other side of the translucent orange. Perspective doesn't work that way.
JFC look at the thread before you post >>11061590 they're removable.

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