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Why are so many idiots just taking photos of toys in their hand on IG? What's the obsession? Why aren't people interested in creating stories and interesting photos anymore?
It's narcissism. Americans cannot tolerate the idea of show casing something without having a literal part of them display next to it.
You'd say the same thing even if they were doing what OP suggested.
Cause it's significantly easier to do and generates far more engagement.
Engagement? Sounds like a kino way to level up those ranks for a badass swagger when showing off how epic ones 1/12 kino six incher collection is.
what figure is this and why is it so greasy?
Usually a greasy figure is because it is leaking plasticizer. It’s really gross feeling. You can clean it with soap and water, but odds are it will just leak again.
what spider-man is this
Probably from too much hand posing
Fuckin this. 90% of mutt toy reviewers want to show their face rather than just focus the video on the toy they're reviewing.
More like lazier and generate warranted criticism
>warranted criticism
Here maybe, but not on instagram
Attempting to ensnare Kira Yoshikage.
Instagram has thousands of circlejerking NPCs who eat up shit like AI slops. Hand posing is perfect for those kind of people
Right now? Dataset poisoning.
I think it makes it looks like it's effortless compared to setting up a stand, and it is indeed less effort. Thus it is quicker, it lets commenters write an easy "so dynamic and natural" comment, and everyone gets the screentime, likes and support they've come for.
probably a bootleg
which makes this even worse
like imagine being proud of a bootleg that hand post it
handposing is so fucking cringe and i hate going into threads on this board and seeing retards fat brownish ham hands
Even worse than that. It's a redditor
People don't want to spend the money on flight stands.
They're faggots. Any other questions you need answered?
No seriously what is this? Revoltech joints that cant go past 90°? Is this some toybiz revoltech kitbash bootleg or something?
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I have an IG for my Transformers and I've posted a few hand pics, but only because I don't have any stands and sometimes I want a dynamic shot of a jet or something swooshing around. I always try to make my hand as unobtrusive in the shot as possible as though, and I do usually try to tell a story with my pics or at least have them doing cool poses outside or something. (pic related)
It does get frustrating when I go through the trouble of posing a bunch of bots looking cool, or ask open ended lore questions to engage with my followers, and top out at like 2 comments and 20 likes. When meanwhile some autist will post a pic of his bots doing the toy soldier pose crammed 50 to a shelf, or even still IN the fucking box it came in, and get 10 comments and 100 likes. Oh well, it's only social media. It doesn't really matter much.
just reverse image search. it's a reddit post. the guy says its a bootleg.
Its algorithmic, human element in social media and youtube guarantees more views.
You mean tiktok?
Something I've noticied is people like characters, not the whole picture, so a regular picture or a popular character will always get more engagement than a great pic of a random character.
Maybe he just doesn’t have a stand or it’s easier to get a more dynamic shot?

Idk, it’s the excuse i give myself.
I know my hatred of hand posing is irrational, but I just feel like if you're collecting dozens of action figures and want to share photos of them, then you can afford to buy a pack of stands from the numerous listings online and set up a half decent photo that doesn't include your crusty hand holding the figure up to your room light.
If "creating stores" means ACBA alleyway dioramas, nah. Fucking keep it. I'll take handposing any day, it's the purest expression of enjoying a toy and usually results in more dynamic angles and daring choices. Diorama shots are fussy and overworked 99% of the time.
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maybe its some kind of counter culture. Like, low budget indie movies. Maybe ACBA became so high elitarian that people like the easyness and ascessability of simple pose in hand shots. i remember in photo threads on /toy/ here how it started simple and clean with desk shots, then people started learning actual photography techniques and used dioramas and it kind of splitted the community in two. The more casual posters didnt like those, who invested in the hobby and felt disencouraged. Personally, l ike all of them. i even saved some hand shots in my inspirations folder too, since they can do have some actual neat poses. better than the 1000+ likes basic pose capeshit shots on acba sometimes even.
based answer from my favorite toy guy. We love you Art Snake :3
Kicking so much ass with this kino display.
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Toy photography threads are my favourites, I like the mixture of ‘toy on my desk’ and ‘my beautiful well shot photography’ posters make.

I’ve seen a lot of stop motion/photo story creators handposting too, I think it helps you appreciate how the figure may look in the viewer’s hand and what you can do with no stands or anything. There’s definitely a lot of younger collectors now there’s stuff like $30 Wal-Mart SHF who don’t have alot of resources or the experience to do any high quality photography.
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thank you anon, thats kind of you!
But that's the thing, most of the super popular hand posing posters are still putting lots of effort into framing and lighting, and it kinda feels like they are forcibly putting their hands into the shots because they know it gets more engagement that way.
The stop motions are ridiculous. I just wonder what professional and semi-professional animators think when they see some retard posting a jittery stop motion with their giant arm in every single frame get hundreds of thousands of views, meanwhile they're painstakingly editing armatures and wires out and bolting their equipment down to ensure the shot is stable.
Now this fucking irks me, whenever a toy reviewer shows themselves and the fucking toy next to them. You can barely see the figure's details.
Why the hell do they do this? I want to see the toy not their greasy and fat faces ffs.
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Well, usually pro animators like Animist get paid and have careers in animation whilst random people making little 5 second videos of their toys amateurishly animated to vine audio or something are not, it’s pretty different. If the pro animator wants to make quick stopmotion shorts in a similar vein they can and have the tools to make it way better and to edit their hands out in post of they need to use them.
>most of the super popular hand posing posters are still putting lots of effort into framing and lighting
WTF? This is such a weird thing to say. Most handpose pics I see have no thought at all put into lighting, it's just snapped in their living room or whatever, with whatever ambient light is present. Most do not even have an actual dedicated light source. And "framing" in handposing just means moving your camera around with your other hand. Which takes like 2 seconds. It's nothing like the fussy adjustment you do with a tripod and carefully planned angles in a diorama and shit.

I don't know where you got this impression that handposers are putting a ton of time into this extraneous stuff. In my experience, handposing's very purpose is to strip away all that shit and focus on the posing more.
Handposing also lets you play with the lens differently. When focusing in on just one figure, you can foreshorten, use the lens to block parts of the body or exaggerate others to look larger, and really craft a well-composed image.

The diorama on top here probably took hours to set up, it even has post-processing effects and shopped out stands and shit, and it's just fucking dull. Poses look stiff, and you can't do anything interesting with the camera since you're focusing on such a large scene with so many characters. All you can really do is shoot it flat from a medium distance, or risk most of your painstakingly constructed scene being too blurry from DOF to make it out. It's just fucking boring most of the time, you can make this kind of thing work but it takes more skill and actual photography knowledge than most toy photographers have.
At least the bottom picture had the decency to mostly hide the hand.
I feel photos like the top one are pretentious af.
ACBA slop is the worst.
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>hand posing posters are still putting lots of effort into framing and lighting
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This is from the biggest handposer of them all, "lethalcollector". You can check the rest of the post out. Now, tell me. What fucking lighting and framing can you see from this crap? It's sad no one aspires to try to do things actual toy photographers, such as SGTbananas, Hotkenobi, and Sirdork do anymore.
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THIS is actual framing and lighting. People should be inspired to be able to make stuff like this someday. Not just some fucking dumbass with a figure in his hand getting 2000 likes. It's the amount of likes that inspires these idiots. Not the guy making content.
I don't find this appealing at all. I guess it's impressive that they recreated the anime scene, but that's what it looks like, an anime screencap. As a toy photo it sucks, can barely see the poses, and it feels like they spent more time on the photoshop effects. >>11070016 is simple and to the point, you can see the entire pose and silhouette, and it shows off the posing skill of the user.

Both involve skill, sure, but I am just not interested in shit like >>11070020. I started buying high-end toys because I am interested in pushing posing to its limits, not to make fancy dioramas. These are toys, we're not making movies here.
I agree with most of this but there's no reason for some user's fingers in the frame. It adds nothing to the pose, and frankly it's a crutch. This is a nothing pose, but I don't know what this user was going for. And that ankle??

This is a good image and makes for a nice shot, but I guess it may end up the difference between someone who likes to doodle in his little notebook vs someone who draws beautiful paintings. If I were to post pictures I'd just be doodling. Wouldn't my hands in the frame like a loser though.
>This is a nothing pose, but I don't know what this user was going for
Are you joking? It's pretty clearly supposed to be a sprinting/dashing forward pose on his way to punch someone. His ankle is sideways like that because it's supposed to be planted on a ground plane. I didn't think this was an issue, but it seems like some people need this spelled out with an actual piece of ground or they can't figure out what's going on.
Oh sweet, that Spider Gwen, may I ask from which account that pic is from?
>fun photo to show off the figure's capabilities literally in hand
>pretentious slop
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so uuhh...when is the foot model going up for preorder
The duality of man.
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I think its fun
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Looks like a Frankenstein mix of mafex and amazing yamaguchi.
alright even as a fan of handposing, shit starts getting messy when you involve more than one figure
I remember when I first started the hobby, getting a package was a huge event, unboxing all the shit, setting up my lights, taking a bunch of pictures, it would take like the whole afternoon, it was satisfying but definitively very time consuming.

As I got older it was hard to justify investing the time, so I don't necessarily blame anyone that goes for a simpler approach, it does produce a lower quality product tho, that's obvious.
Nice, handposing is fun. I like you, anon.
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I take pictures of my toys outside.
heck yeah, this is what takes a toy picture to the next level
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The funniest thing about a lot of these I see, is the large number of teenaged "figure-heads" that've cropped up on tiktok and the like hyper-fixating on that hood/street swag aesthetic that the ACBA guys started, shits funny as hell. To give credit though, some of them can actually pose pretty well.

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