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HC Giga and Theri are in stores now and BOTM Utahraptor and Achillobator should be shipping out later this month.

Previous thread: >>11026797
I like big dinos with super articulation. T-Rex, carnosaurus, velociraptor. Hammond collection is really cool. I hope they give us a plesiosaurus. It's my favorite.
>but plesiosaurus isn't a di-
How about I take my gun and shoot you in the foot and watch you squeal like a piggy?
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>Is this line still going?
Yeah. It consistently gets a new small and medium dinosaur every few months with a new extra large dinosaur once a year (Tyrannosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and now Giganotosaurus) and it looks like we're gonna be getting the new large sized dinosaur at least twice a year (Carnotaurus and Therizinosaurus this year).
> I thought it was going on clearance everywhere.
they sell out online almost instantly and most of the big figures sell out pretty fast in stores. The medium-sized herbivores and humans are the only ones that really shelf-warm.
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Love this evil turkey
by far the coolest that a therizinosaur has EVER looked.
that giga mold really has problems though. it's fat, each body segment seems to have its own separate non-continuous color scheme, the gaps between parts are massive.. good anatomy though, no giant feet.
i have been saying for ages, the term 'dinosaur' should never have been assigned such a specific meaning across one section of "big weird reptiles we keep digging up"
at the time that term was coined, it certainly didn't mean "just ornithischia and saurischia" so why should it mean that now? Let Dinosaur refer to all the cool reptiles, and use a different term for that group if you want. Surely it has one already.
what is the deal with that joint below the chin, it looks like he couldn't straighten his head out with his neck, so what's it even there for? just rotation?
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I love the Giga. He's my favorite figure of the line so far. If he had articulated toes and they'd done more brown dry brushing on the rest of his body he'd be perfect.
>what is the deal with that joint below the chin
swivel and head tilt plus it can do a little straightening and looking down.
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Got some dudes.
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I really hope they eventually do a Jurassic Word Rexy with improved feet and teeth to go with Freddy and Zeb
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Thoughts on the Pyroraptor?
Can you make him flip off the camera?
Who the fuck is Zeb?
I hope so too
Along with the Indominous and and Spinosaurus
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The Giga. It's kind of a dumb name, but apparently they called the giant mechanical puppet Zeb because he has zebra stripes.
Same here especially the Spinosaurus
I love it but I do preffer the action one. I preffer that bushy tail and more meaty proportions
Looks good.
I've been thinking about getting the Hammond Theri but I got the Sound Slashing Theri a while ago and I'm not sure if there's room in town for TWO herbivores that hate everything in their vicinity.
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>Eons and Creative Beast Studio know our audiences share our passion for the fascinating reality of deep history. So we teamed up to create unparalleled 1/18th scale mammoth action figures! Our Backerkit campaign launches soon- follow our campaign page now!

What the fuck is David doing with the money he makes that means all of these figures still have to be kickstarted this deep into the line? I've seen significantly less successful Kickstarter toy lines transition into standard production, but David keeps coming to the Kickstarter well and this is before fulfilling even the first wave of the last kickstarter.
Oh that's cute then, i like behind the scenes nicknames to props. I thought it was something retarded like "Quilliam"
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I was going to say that doesn't seem worth hunting but people hunt turkeys so what do i know
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Are we closer to Chaos Effect now?
I'd love for them to go crazy and make the chaos effect dinos. Oh a Hammond collection style Ultimasaurus
Don't say that anon, now i need it
When is this due out?
Hammond Collection Iguanodon when
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How can i cope with knowing i will never have her?
it seems so strange to me that Iguanodon wasn't a big feature in the franchise.
Iguanodon kind of fell off in popularity during the 90's and 2000's
that gay ass cartoon movie killed any interest when they gave them creepy lips
I just want a big Spinodaurus but people are still seething about JPIII
literally the last Hammond collection I need
And always will. What a shit movie.

Very useful though, immediately let's me know that anyone speaking defending it is a complete and total fucking retard.
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honestly it's funny that it was able to retain popularity for as long as it did. It was the second named dinosaur, but it remained pretty popular well after Megalosaurus got eclipsed by Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.
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>Toy manufacturers don’t think that people are interested in scientific accuracy, but Eons and Creative Beast Studio know otherwise! Our audiences share our passion for the fascinating reality of deep history. So we teamed up to create unparalleled 1/18th scale, hand-painted mammoth action figures!

Backerkit for Mammonths coming in a couple months. Collaboration between PBS Eons and Creative Beast
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1/18th scale Mammoth and baby Mammoth

Trunk will be a combo of ball joints in the thicker section and bendywire in the thinner section.

Apparently there's also prehistoric elephants coming too
I don't think anyone defends the movie, they just think the Spinosaurus was cool
>Do you just not understand how toys are made
do you?
Four Horsemen Studios stopped doing kickstarters for waves 4 fucking years ago dude. Most toy companies that start on Kickstarter stop doing them once the business becomes sustainable.
Bro I think the movie is shit too, I'm more so talking about people who are still mad that the Spinosaurus killed a T-Rex (Junior I think?). So dumb.
That's fucking awesome. The ceratopsian series was the best BOTM has to offer so i assume David is just better with quadrupeds
I think some of the Jurassic Park films are shit but I like the dinosaurs. Hell, Dominion is one of the worst but I think Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus are awesome, and I really like the figures that have come out of them.
real nigga right here.
I think it's insane we live in a world where HC has better paint jobs than BOTM
Awesome. that Yangchuanosaurus is surprisingly great, the texture is awesome
Didn’t there used to be a separate dino/JP general? What happened?
I never really got why people were so mad about that, it's just your typical "new villain beats up old villain" thing.
And it wasn't even the rex from the first movie, it was one of the second island goobers.
iirc dinosaur general was first, then it split into JP and dinosaur because of fighting about accuracy but recently some anon just forced the two threads back together again.
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I mean we'll probably get him next year. There've been so many toys of Indominus that the Spino has to come before her.
I don't know about that. I love the HC Giga and Theri, but everything I've seen for the new BOTM Utahraptor makes it look amazing. That being said I do think David could learn a lesson about using dark paints on light plastic. It's so easy to see the paint rubs on my Daspletosaurus because the red is right on top of pastel yellow plastic while paint chipping on the Giga mostly vanish because the dark green compliments the black stripes.
Indeed, it was one of the few mainline Mattel toys I wanted for a reason. Though, I for sure was not in any hurry to buy it considering it was rotting on my Amazon list for years. I noticed they only had a handful of them left and it was on deep discount (for yuro standards, at least), so I just went 'fuck it'.
Wait, when was this announced? Are there going to be other albinos, too?
we need playsets!
Sorry they are too expensive, you can only get them through shitty fund rising campaings now
That's not a playset you idiot.

Stop with the obsession with screen accurate replicas of random buildings and shit. Jesus Christ. Make a fucking toy with cool features. Not an overpriced backdrop.
>we need playsets!

>Sorry they are too expensive, you can only get them through shitty fund rising campaings now

If they did this at a reasonable price online, I think it would do well.
Anyone know how the Creative Beast Allosaurus stuff is supposed to work.
I see there's an a.jimmadseni for Cyberzoic
I see there's an a.fraiglis for BotM
Is that just how it is? Like no plans for a BotM a.jimmadseni release or anything (not that it technically matters)?
Is there a replacer head for the HC Triceratops with an articulated mouth?
The Cyberzoic one is designed to work with a set of transforming armor. I don't think the fraiglis is compatible with it, and as far as I know, there are no plans to put jimmadseni into the BotM line.
It doesn't matter at all. You can buy the dinosaurs separately, or you can buy the cyberzoic one with all their shit together. The difference is nothing.
Don't listen to this retard. The armor works with both.

But more importantly realize that these toys are often pretty shitty as toys, and we have none of the cyberzoic stuff in hand yet so we don't know how good or bad the armor will be, but unless you want this as a slightly movable statue id get something else.
Didn't he design the armors to work with many different dinosaurs?
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Any word on if Silva is planning on doing a Hadrosaur line? He's not stopping at the Tyrannosaurids, is he?
It seems he will stop with the family lines and will do random dinosaurs from now on
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Actually that movie gave it a small boost in popularity and basically introduced Carnotaurus to the public
still a gay ass movie
I'm super hyped for this because there's no way he can give neon colors to mammoths
for fags
I'm considering getting a colossal Rex. Does it look too much like a kids toy?
I watched this yesterday, kinda want to a toy up like one of the smaller dinos (green and dark green stripes)
>kinda want to a toy
*paint a toy
nah the other guy is right that movie sucked
yes, just wait for the nanmu studio articulated rex
But wont that one be 1/35 scale? if anon is considering the colossal then i assume he wants a giant rex
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Do you think Mattel would ever have the balls to make a Sinoceratops that actually looks like the real deal instead of either just Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai or a WWD Patchi ripoff mixed with a sad depressed rhinoceros?
I don't know, have they had the balls to make a proper Dilophosaurus?
I mean, you can remove the frill from the Hammond Collection Dilophosaurus?
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>Extreme chomping Rex body with new head sculpt.
They had one job... at least the jeep and human look cool.
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Yeah but it is still too small, they could release one and call it Dracovenator
They are friends :)
Looks like their one job is to reuse as many molds as possible for any project; clown feet be damned
What croc is that?
i think that's the GI Joe crocodile
The Amber Collection one scales pretty nicely as an adult Dilophosaurus
I've been thinking of getting one and painting it like the novel dilo but that thing is hard to find at a good price
>it's an amazing head sculpt
>on that body
Well at this point I hope they reuse that head on something worthy
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Mattel just revealed its new Reimagined line. First figure is a modern take on the Demon Carnotaur with real feel skin. Really liking this one.
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Via X, seems we're getting a HC Scutosaurus and Atrociraptor Ghost too!
No HC Spinonigga....
Is anybody else upset they didnt keep the nostalgic 93 kenner packaging? For a retro line, nostalgia is what drives the products and that packaging was super important for me. I dont collect these retro inspired figs but the sculpt is so good had it had the vintage packaging I might bite. The figure looks 9.5/10, were it not for the gay-looking code on the leg it would be a 10.
>dino damage, with a treasure map inside
>opened face packaging, in the super soft rubber toy
>ditching 93 packaging
What a bunch of fuck ups Mattel are.
I have no idea why they did this but i'm glad, i love Scutosaurus
I wish the Scutosaurus had a mid-torso cut
great concept ruined by the obnoxious dna tab on its leg
that scutosaurus looks real nice but seems to have the same issue as their dimetrodon, legs aren't arched but totally straight. atrociraptor is a fucking joke, head is ass and even this display piece has the leg assembled backwards. seems like mattel must fuck up two or three figures for each decent one they put out
>this display piece has the leg assembled backwards
Holy fucking shit it does, no wonder it looked weird to me
Damn WTF Mattel? I thought we had a good thing going, we're back to clown feet and bad proportions. This HC Niggymoloch is just looking bad, I hope its a bad angle but I doubt it.

And still no Spino, wtf?

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