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Domestics no longer interest me. I simply buy 50-100$ imports like once a month. the only domestic line i collect is jada street fighter. Albeit marvel figures are terrible right now. mcfarlane refused to acknowlege any of his problems. Gi Joe is a Boomer brand for people twice my age. Star wars has bad shows/movies.

I now have to constantly choose between snail shell/figuarts or like 2 marvel legends and marvel legend always lose. Why would I buy spiderman variant 104, over a snail shell aileen? I'm confident by like 2026 walmart and target wont carry action figures.

The only thing that could convince me to come back would be giving all hasbro/macfarlane figures proper proportions and japanese joint configurations (figma/figuarts/mafex/idc). Also Character selection needs to return to 2014 levels where its 6 A-list characters in a wave. the Z list team characters can all be exclusives or in multi-packs like they always shouldve been.
Pic related is an example of character selection from 2014. one is ben reily (normal canonical Spiderman variant) and spider carnage (a cool character anyone would buy). I dont want tarantula (reused body) whos been pegwarming my walmart for over a year. same for every domestic brand except power rangers, who hasbro straigt up canceled. Lmao. 10 years ago it wouldve been a store exclusive and go for like 40$ on ebay because it was "rare"
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Anon, this isn't your blog. Don't like buying modern toys? Fair. I just don't think anyone is going to listen to your "demands". Also, way to go using a Dork Side Toys photo.
I like modern toys alot. I just dont like american toy companies
Thanks for the blog post anon. I don't think too many people care though.
I hope i like her. Kinda curious about the nuke-matrix stuff, its around the same price. Kinda like op, im interested in what else is out there now that the few mass retail lines i enjoyed are winding down or not doing anything exciting.
Your standards are simply too high and out of line with what the average collector wants, which is cheap slop to get a dopamine hit when the package arrives at their door, then put the figure in an A pose on the shelf and never touch it again.

t. the average collector
Hope your overspending doesn't come back and bite you in the ass when your rent's due.
Do people really not budget their toy spending every month? I set aside a few hundred aside a month of leisure spending, that includes toys, my other hobbies, going out and actually doing things (when I still did things). Lately, it's become more of just a toy fund since I'm older and don't go out and what not, and my other hobbies have slowed down a bit, but that's fine. There will be times where pre-orders hit all at once unexpectedly and I overspend my monthly budget, but then it evens out because stuff I budgeted for a month later or whatever is already out so I end up spending less when the figure was supposed to come out, if you know what I am saying. If you aren't budgeting your toy purchases and don't have a means to pay for them after you pay for your monthly bills, you shouldn't be collecting toys. Simple as.
>this thread AGAIN
Is this Carbon Scoring?
What run had Carnage become Spiderman?
Sometime in the 90s. I don't remember which one exactly. Also in the 90s cartoon.
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Clone Saga, when Ben Reilly was thought to be the real Peter all along and Peter retired to care for pregnant MJ.
It's like one or two issues during the Clone Saga, the design is cool, the writing kinda sucks. Spider-Carnage was also the final boss of the 90s cartoon, design had some issues, but writing was pretty good.
im 28 and dont care at all that gi joe is for boomers. they have a monopoly on affordable military toys and they look badass as fuck. not sure why other fan's age is relevant to you. i havent talked to any other joe fans, why would i need to? and i own the whole Classified line except serpentor.
I'll care about Snail Shell when I see a prototype of the fox girl they've had concept of forever.
OP is a massive autistic who feels the need to make multiple threads about his own personal tastes like they're word of God. Also he's the metal joints autist from a few years ago.

Anon likely collects motu, turtles, or gi joe nostalgia bait and cant accept people like toys as art. No i dont want to buy a turtle to A-pose on a shelf for eternity. If i do not play with a toy it gets boxed.
>toys as art.
Lmao, I can appreciate the work that goes into the engineering, sculpt work, paint applications and what not as much as the next guy, but these are mass market plastic effigys to pop culture made for emotionally stunted Man children and actual children. Calling them art is kind of an insult to actual art.
>the writing kinda sucks.

This was the first time the editors really pushed their shit on the writers, up to the point some simply went fuck it I'll get paid either way.
Editors should've continued paying attention to continuity, not interfere in running story arcs. Maybe then Perlmutter wouldn't have fired their asses.
>fox girl
Who? What? Show me.
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No, she's mine!
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Domestics arent even all that great as fodder figures. All Domestics except Jada, Jazware Spartans, Mcfarlane 40k and Black Series scale really badly with import figures. Even then when it comes to Star Wars its all Disney garbage so the characters are ugly and not white.
I'm about half and half. I primarily collect 1/10 when it comes to domestics so I'm not too worried about them meshing with my 1/12 imports. Definitely been buying progressively more imports over the years as space has become a premium, but sometimes it's nice not to have to worry about a figure being fragile or having a bunch of different parts and just plopping it on the shelf in a decent pose.
You can still enjoy toys and see the companies as shitty. I may buy a lot of Bandai and Hasbro stuff, but that doesn't mean I worship them or that I choose to be ignorant of their scummy practices.
Don't domestics come from the same place as your non-domestics?
How many points
This is my first Snail Shell figure. I basically exclusively buy Figma for 1/12. I hope she's as posable as the photos make her seem, cause that's been my biggest gripe about Figma.

I also hope her joints aren't shit, like every single Fraulein Revoltech I've ever bought.

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