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Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let's keep this general fun and help each other out.

>1:18th lines
Acid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)
Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)
Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)
GI Joe
Hiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)
Indiana Jones
Jazwares(Halo, Fortnite)
Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)
Jurassic Park
Marauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)
Marvel Universe
Palisades: Army of the Dead
Planet Green Valley(Futuristic military females)
Schleich(Fantasy, civilians, playsets)
Shodo Kamen Rider
Star Wars TVC
The Corps
Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cyberzoic

>**Protip: Because of the slow nature of this thread it has been entering autosage prematurely due to the new implementation on the board. It is recommended to pin the thread in the catalog if you want to keep better track of it

Previous Thread: >>11030675
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I have a couple of their old Joytoy Hardcore Coldplay figures and they suck, but I also have a handful of their 40k ones and they're awesome. Hopefully these Ninja Turtles are more like their 40k figures.
where is gonna be the easiest place to order the Turtles since they aren't gonna get a north American release?
Any updates on the Marauder Gun Runners Vietnam line?
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These should be a cm shorter if they wanna be 1/18.
what would these look nice with in a display? hiya?
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What dino is that?

Those Court of the Dead figures are out already? How is the plastic quality on those? I heard Bossfight changed the plastic on the latest releases and its crap. Im hoping they changed it back.

And who is that green sea creature?
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>What dino is that?
Hammond Collection Giganotosaurus
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I like the figures; the quality is like the Athena and Euyrale but all painted. So, the only downside for that was that the upper and lower torso joints were 'stuck' and leave marks when unstuck. But I had that on Series 1 Gorgons when removing gauntlets. Still better quality than any Zombie Lab figure. I've got the other 3 CotD figures in my PoL to ship next time.

>>And who is that green sea creature?
Eagle Force Returns' Goregills, homage to the old Red Shadows Kraken.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Dark Eyes Walker
If you guys remember the recast/custom shop Raginspoon, he's apparently working on a new 1:18 line called Starplex Universe
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smalljoes has Dime Novel Legends cavalry stuff like this guidon and bugle
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That's great. Somehow works even though it's not exactly the Star Wars aesthetic.

Awesome photo. Are you getting the new Rex for TVC?
oh neat.
Finally some zombies that don't look like cartoons.

Didn't even know there were still Walking Dead shows still running.
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>Are you getting the new Rex for TVC?

Totally, the last two aren't up to par. I need him and a few more grunts to make a formation. I've got enough Stormtroopers but they're not quite as fun. They need a modern retooled Stormtrooper.
Tomcat, good to see you here. The tvc stormies are near perfect, all they need is the new barbell hips and they're flawless. Also PLEASE get the new rex, that black series one is an abomination. Also did u paint the "teeth/grill" on your clones helmets gray? They look more visable in your photos, the new 4 pack made the teeths black when they're gray and visible.
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I preordered Rex from Pulse and they say it won't ship until August but BBTS has him in stock but it'll be August by the time they ship because they're so slow.

I also don't paint but I have some third party hands that need it. Maybe I'll give it a shot.
Based dinosaur chad
Oh sweet, that looks cool.
>And she was a good friend.
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Awards and recognition
>For your outstanding bravery and action in defeating Rebel scum
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The JoyToy Yu Jing figures looks great, but I feel like the Nomads got thrown under the fucking bus. They got a single M/F unit type, and their TAG, which is really weird given every other faction so far has gotten full squads at the very least.

Hopefully they revisit them in the near future, Nomads are cool as fuck and have some good variety amongst them.
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And by quick comparison.
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October-November release
generic trash

generic goodness
Where do I preorder?
More from Joy Toy
and the new Joytoy body these Roman inspired figures use.
Still waiting on his Second Kickstarter's base parts. You'd figure tooling up specific peg sizes would be pretty easy, but this project is just dragging on forever.
If they're anything like the other ones with the ghetto golden faces, no thanks.
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Company Commander knocked up one of his subordinates
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john wick enemies?
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Any idea on *where* to order or how much?
I had / have the "goblin village" trio - but am missing one.
The Love goblins would work out as standard goblins but they have gone up in price terribly and are gone from Ali.
Do you happen to have a Star Wars TVC figure to put this next to? I wanted to get one of those bodies to use to make a custom Rayvis from Jedi Survivor but wanted to see exactly how big the difference would be. He's a pretty large character compared to a normal human.
At one point auc-toysanta on Japanese Rakuten would ship global. Dunno if they are still an option since the demise of Gashapon General. When they release there will be at least a couple of sellers on eBay.
They're 500 yen each, which works out to $3.20 Burgerbucks currently.
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So $10 Canadian and $20 shipping.
I will still get two.
- or three.

Lost the guy on top the day I took the pic.
I don't even know how.
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Maybe this dude fits more the size, although I have no idea about customization.
great quality figs
Hey thanks, I appreciate it!
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luv me some soft goods

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