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We know the franchises Hasbro dont own, in this case Marvel and StarWars two of the biggest franchises in history lost them money last year, whereas Transformers and GI Joe, two objectively smaller franchises with toylines that have much higher budgets, actually made them a profit despite one of them having a box office bomb in June, and the other having no presence in pop culture since 2013.
At this point it’s almost certain that Hasbro is cutting corners with Marvel and Star Wars because Disney fucked up the franchises. The sooner Hasbro drops them when the next contract negotiations come up the better.
Just saying im starting to notice a pattern here

>Hasbro makes a deal to extend the marvel contract with Disney in 2020, directly after FFH was the biggest Spider-Man to date, and after Endgame was the biggest movie ever period.

>Due to how well the franchise was doing, Disney likely asked for a larger sum of money for the licenses and Hasbro obliged

>Directly afterwards that, Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, Doctor Strange, Thor, Wakanda Forever, Quantumania, The Marvels, Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, MoonNight, MsMarvel, She-Hulk, Secret Invadion and Echo all underperform and severely diminishing the hope fans had for the future of the franchise.

>Suddenly no one wants to buy the figures Hasbro needs to sell loads of to recoup production costs + the insane amount of money they’re locked into giving Disney for the license until the contract expires

And then again:

>Hasbro makes a deal to extend the LucasFilm contract with Disney in 2022, directly after the back-to-back successes and positive reception of Mando 1&2, Visions, Bad Batch 1&2, Clone Wars 7, Tales of the Jedi and the announcement on a 5th Indiana Jones movie by the guy who made fucking Logan

>Due to how well the franchises were doing, Disney likely asked for a larger sum of money for the licenses and Hasbro obliged

>Directly after that, Disney has back to back critical and commercial failures of Boba Fett, Mando 3, Kenobi and Ashoka, and Indy 5 being awful and bombing in theatres, with most fans no longer having hope for either of the franchises.

>Suddenly no one wants to buy the figures Hasbro needs to sell loads of to recoup production costs + the insane amount of money they’re locked into giving Disney for the license until the contract expires

I’d feel sorry for them if it weren’t obscenely funny
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Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.
Marvel still hasn't regained the popularity levels it had during the Infinity Saga, and may never will again. You do see a surge in sales for stuff like popular comic characters and the occasional popular MCU property. Like the Spider-Man NWH figures, except for Matt and MJ, sold through almost immediately.

You can say the same for Star Wars, except it's in an even worse state. Whereas Marvel's shows have been relatively inoffensive, just mediocre to kinda bad at worst, Star Wars shows are outright breaking the established lore just so they can alienate its existing fan base. Pretty sure Disney outright killed that brand with the sequels and Disney+ shows. Overall, I'd say Disney+ is probably the biggest factor into those franchises current state. Sure, Mandaloran breathed new life into Star Wars for a hot minute, but Disney failed to recognize what made those first two seasons so good and have been unable to replicate it. I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen to X-Men 97 since they canned the show runner. We know that his plans for season 2 were solidified so there isn't any changing that, but after season2, I have a feeling that Disney is going to pull the same shit all over again.

So in summary, I think the reason Marvel Legends and Star Wars Black Series aren't doing as well is because the franchises they're based on are both at a pretty deep low at the moment. The toys themselves don't really feel any better or worse than similar offerings from other companies in the same price point. Like, I'd argue Jada figures are on par with newer Hasbro molds that have been designed in the past few years.

I think the toys aren't selling not necessarily due to the quality, but due to the current state of their respective franchises. Thanks for reading.
>I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen to X-Men 97 since they canned the show runner.
I don't keep up with Marvel news, so I didn't know this happened. Shame, I was about to watch it, but I might not bother.
I hope they reissue the Sauron BAF from a few years ago to cash in on the X-Men hype before it all falls to shit. That might be the only Hasbro figure I would still pay full retail price for.
>I was about to watch it, but I might not bother.
You absolutely should. If anything, the season is a good self contained season of X-Men. If a piece of media is legitimately good, I try not to let the backseat political agenda or whatever is going on behind the scenes try to ruin it for me. I can separate the art from the artist. The show itself was really well done, if you're an X-Men fan you absolutely won't be disappointed.
>I think the toys aren't selling not necessarily due to the quality, but due to the current state of their respective franchises. Thanks for reading.
This. And oversaturating the market. There is too much Star Wars, and the toys which exist for it now are mostly ok to overpriced. I think they cut back a little recently though. I see a lot less in stores than I did before.
The entire toy industry has cut back. It's just the way retail works. When sales are high these companies over produce figures and flood the market. Then, after these figures don't sell through completely, because they oversaturated the market with them, retailers stop ordering as many units. The toy companies respond by cutting production runs to the point that stores can barely keep product of popular characters or IPs on the shelf. Then the pendulum swings back and we're back to the oversaturated market. And this isn't just limited to tiysm this applies to literally everything in retail. Too bad these manufacturers can't figure out what the happy medium is and instead resort to these knee jerk decisions.
It's not the politics, but I hate when a show turns to utter shit after a few seasons like Game of Thrones did. Nothing worse than investing 40 hours and then it takes a dump in your mouth.
If it's pretty much a self contained season though, I'll still give it a shot.
You should give it a shot. It's basically a speed-run of the '80s & '90s story arcs. Beau DeMayo already penned season 2 (most expect a breeze-thru of AoA, Onslaught and whatever arc had Wolverine and Gambit as Horsemen of Apocalypse.) so it may not go to shit until season 3.

As to Hasbro's Disney-owned property woes, that's likely mostly all on The Rat. They're the ones tanking the properties.
Nah, Disney hands muddle their creativity. Their GI Joe and Transformers line doesn't suffer because they own it. No boob censorship, no forced characters no one wants, and by god the accessories for the price.
Price. Hasbro burned good will of customers. Their CEO Mr Cocks started a Churn and burn.
Yes, unutilized shipping costs went up because of Covid but thats just an excuse nowadays. Opportunist scumbag.

Too high price - too fast. They try to cash in on FOMO by adding preorders when the same items end up sitting on shelves/clearance cheaper later because EVERYONE PREORDERED then cancelled because XYZ got it faster or cheaper. Now everyone is limiting their preorders because they're tired of seeing it hit clearance in droves.

Also random factor that does hurt them: Haslabs that rob from current waves. Collectors only got so much money. Especially when prices of everything else went up.
GIJOE has been hitting clearance just the same. Pulse is throwing it all at TJMax/Ross/Ollies behind the scenes.
and its the same thing happening with their movies. They've trained consumers wait it out, it gets cheaper. Like why am I going to rush to see a movie that looks ..ok... when I can wait and see it on D+ or Netflix for the money I already spend anyway?

Same logic for toys now. These companies trained us that waiting is key.
They pulled from the worst era in marvel. I get that we need diversity but just like Marvel NOW/All New All Different did, they did too much at once and alienated audiences instead of doing it naturally. Like we should not have lost/replaced Ironman AND Cap at the same time no matter how tired the actors/contracts might be. It doesnt help the comics are in an era of ISSUE #1, LOTS OF VARIANTS that get false sales because completists and speculators chasing that #1/First appearance of xyz nobody truly cared about... so now theyre transmitting those stories to film and theyre not hitting because they truly never hit. It was all a game played by wrong audience.
But thats the movies.

The toys are in limbo because the characters werent truly demanded to begin with or we are winning the clearance chicken >>11061843 because we're tired of being burned by high pricing.
the fact you can still want marvel stuff after what disney has done to it makes me lol. thor drinking beer and dancing at college dorm parties talking about bbc or whateverr, whoa so cool gotta get a figurine of him.
you should sell all your crap now while inflation is high and drooling retards getting tattoos of black panther's bbc are still pretending to care about it.
You'd have a leg to stand on if literally every other product imaginable didn't also skyrocket in price 200%.
Movie figures have ALWAYS been low demand compared to comic figures.

Nowadays the comic figures are in the weeds because everyone has end level collections and is just filling gaps is a big part of it.
>Nowadays the comic figures are in the weeds because everyone has end level collections and is just filling gaps is a big part of it.
I think this is also a big part of it. For the longest time we had huge gaps in the Marvel universe, remember when they weren't making any X-Men products in the mid 2010s? Hasbro didn't give us proper classic Avengers until like 2018-2019, whenever the 80th Anniversary line was. But now, we are at a point where a lot people's collections are nearing completion. Like, in all honesty, if I stopped collect MLs right this second, I'd be alright. Sure I have a gap in the collection here and there but for the most, part, I have every character I wanted, and slight upgrades like pinless limbs aren't enough to get me to upgrade 90% of my collection.
Hasbro did it early. They test-kitchened it with their Fortnite line which failed spectacularly because they never marketed it. Apparently that Marketing manager went out on maternity leave and they left it in limbo.
They tested both MOSTLY Plastic free-packing and higher prices on Fortnite. Apparently they did sell "just enough" to think they did good but the line cratered with no marketing. Which is awful because it was ripe for crossovers with literally every property. All they had to do was throw digital codes for same skins in with and MARKET THEM if they truly wanted to sell them.
Lmao, nice conspiracy theory you fucking goober. Everything else, not just toys, is stupidly expensive.
There are so many things wrong in the world and all American can do is cry about rising costs of children's toys.
well we are at a toy board anon
And there are cheap alternatives that do not rely on legacy media. Comic books have always been shit and star wars is for babies, grow up
No, if only because it makes you seethe.
Here's your (YOU)

Its not a theory. It's fact.
Yes, since they make those lines. But Hasbro won't drop the IPs as long as they continue to make money. They will continue to output lazily made figures for as long as they make profit on it. That is that.
Hasbro didn't test the waters for the entire economy to shit the bed dummy.
>I'd argue Jada figures are on par with newer Hasbro molds that have been designed in the past few years.
You'd argue wrong. Hasbro is still using ancient neck hinges on most figures and when they do use ball pegs they don't work to provide the natural range that design is capable of. They aren't using double ball pegs for both waist and chest joints and are still using the inferior ab crunch from years ago, they just swapped the place they use it to the waist, eliminating a natural point of human articulation, the ability to turn at the waist, which a ball peg would afford. They are still cutting corners everywhere they can.
Be sure to plug your ears any time Morph and Wolverine talk to each other though.
Also Disney requires Hasbro to make certain toys for their projects. So they have to make a bunch of shit they know will peg warm. Must be brutal.
Anon, they're not that much of a difference from how a GI Joe head is. I said newer engineered figures, not reused ones that were designed in 2014.
Morph was always a massive fag.
Doesn’t Disney legally have their claws in Hasbro’s balls preventing them from dropping out?
I haven't seen a boob in GI Joe for ages
You'll go back to preordering day 1 once you miss out on some figures you wanted because orders have shrunk. They will retrain you.
Anon, I also covered when they use ball pegs for heads and screw up the implementation. Hasbro mostly makes crap head articulation whether its hinge based or ball peg based.
Both yes and no
I dont care about Star wars so ill go with marvel first
Disney force them to make merch for upcoming movies, seeing the Marvel Legends team its pretty obvious they are comic fans that dont give a shit about movies but are grabbed by the balls in that issue, its also very obvious the movie toys get more budget than the comic ones since they usually get New sculpts, only to end up bombing since the mcu is bad now.
That and inflation affected sales, nowdays people caught up to it and wait for sales in order to buy shit, this in turn is making the stores think twice about ordering Marvel Legends and is giving us Amazon only waves with limited stock.

What it IS hasbro fault is that their design team for legends sucks ass, they spend money in New molds that have no neck articulation, low small shoulders, legs that cant do splits, and waist twist that looks like shit instead of double ball pegs
>Movie figures have ALWAYS been low demand compared to comic figures.

This is backwards when the movie is well liked, as movie figures sell to a much wider audience and may actually reach some segment of kids, at least the rich ones who can ask for a $25 toy.

Now for modern MCU where every figure in a wave is a representation checklist character with no personality, yeah, they've largely led to clearance waves.
Yeah, back when the MCU waves were good, their eahes would sell out. The Infinity War and Endgame stuff was particularly hot.
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Hasbro drew first blood. They went way above MSRP for this line and Starting Lineup to test-case them for all lines to see if toy-buyers were suckers.

The first line of Fortnite figures everyone fell for, even the dumb preorder on the foundation at almost 50... but did they? They went to Burlington Coat Factory for 12.99 after they were marked OUT OF STOCK.
You are literally retarded Subjectanon
look at this faggot ass cock sucker making excuses for hasbroke
You're retarded too. Hasbro didn't test the waters for the rest of the economy to shit the bed. Ass hat.
>america doesnt have a history of experimenting with foreign nations and local populace for the sake of furthering their agenda

You sound like a zoomer whose only source of entertainment is skibidee toilet. You grow up.
Hasjew getting outjewed by the even bigger Disney jewfish in the pond is pretty fucking funny.
Please understand real Western culture has been dead for decades and has been utterly replaced by pop culture; but the elites wont even let goys enjoy the pop culture theyve subverted our real culture with and want to subvert that too.
I would say the best solution is hunker down in small groups and share a culture among yourselves. Avoid wider media and pop cultural phenomena as they will just get co-opted eventually and be turned to garbage.
and yet, even more expensive toys, like Hot Toys and expensive ass anime statues seem to have no problem selling (many of them even sell out)

and yet, Hasbro can't seem to offload these crappy Marvel characters, despite them costing about 1/10th of a statue of a purple haired anime girl with giant tits.

It's almost as if the law of supply and demand still MEANS something.

get over it. The reason Marvel Legends and Star Wars sales are in the toilet is because no one wants them anymore
Wild to think actual children post here.
>Wild to think actual children post here.
Id happily buy one import for the price of three domestic figures anyday. Spending money for a figure that feels like shit to handle and pose, even if it is just 30 bucks feels like a waste. Spending more money is completely worth it to have a figure that actually feels good to play with.
30 bucks to get a figure that looks good is a totally valid argument but that also doesnt apply to most western toys who are all based off some of the most egregiously ugly and souless ESG slop imaginable. I dont want action figures of fugly barren hags, stinky looking chimpanzee women or another some uplifted slum dweller drug addict masquerading as a hero like some sick circus show.
You're inability to see beyond toys makes me think you're either a actual child or a neet who doesn't buy his own groceries. Everything from gasoline, to food, to fuckin toothpaste has gone up in price. Everything else, not just toys, is ridiculously expensive right now. Are you honestly that tone deaf to what's going on in the world right now?
you wanna resell or molest yourself?
Yeah everything is more expensive, most of all my mortgage which is why I stopped buying domestics to focus only on import toy purchases. If you like toys, there is no reason to completely kill off your hobby no matter what. It just means you need to be more selective and stop buying shitty inferior products.
We heard you anon. You've made like 4 threads about how you're not buying domestic figures. Thanks for reiterating it, but you can stop now.
That wasnt me, its almost like import toys being better is an extremely obvious conclusion that plenty of anons would arrive at.
I don't think anyone is disputing that. I buy both imports and domestics. I don't like brand wars bullshit and I just buy whatever I like from each brand. If I like a certain character or franchise enough, I'll buy imports of them over domestics. But this whole console war "I'm better than you" bullshit is beyond infantile. Cut it out.
>Disney's Marvel and SW shitting themselves
>Shuricoptors piling up at Ollies around the nation
>God fearing Transformers customers now need to pay Leader class prices for what was a Voyager class figure before

I dont think it's about feeling superior to people here. Its about realizing what utter slop these massive domestic companies are putting out and realizing everyone needs to have better standards and reject this crap until they fail and learn to make much better quality products.
Jada is still oriented towards being a low price product but they are proof of how much value you can really have in domestic toys. They are the domestic toys I would buy and I hope the domestic toy industry eventually improves with Jada as the minimum standard. We may just get import tier domestic products if they actually try to keep improving.
Dawg, I like Marvel Legends. I'm going to keep buying Marvel Legends. Nothing you say is going to change my mind. Stop worrying so much about what everyone else does and focus on you. Imagine, getting butthurt over which toys complete strangers you'll never actually meet enjoy.
Just putting my stance on the whole thing out there, especially since people got extremely butthurt over the other anon criticising domestics.
I want domestics to improve but Im also not above buying domestic figures to use as fodder figures or if its something too damn good to pass up like the Mcfarlane 40k guys.
If anything being tied to all these sinking ship ESG overbloat franchises are holding back domestic figures Even more than Hasbro or whatever companys mere unwillingness to improve.
nice attempt at deflection, but it doesn't work on me. See, because I'm smarter than you.

It doesn't matter that the prices of everything are going up. People still will find ways to fund their hobbies because it's what they WANT.

That's why expensive anime statues keep selling, even though they have increased in price significantly. People still want them. So, they find a way to afford it. Even if that involves budgeting.

You're telling me that Marvel fans can't do that for much cheaper toys? or maybe is it because....the audience just isn't there anymore?

You stupid fuck
Are you missing the point on purpose or are you just genuinely retarded?
Look at this Reddit spacing
Price doesn't matter. Nobody would buy the 3 dollar Rose Tico. Disney forces Hasbro to make shitty figures for their new projects. It's Disney's fault for making terrible projects nobody wants toys from.
Fodder buyers exist
Im a fodder buyer myself. My entire Black Series collection is comprised of old shit that didnt sell soon enough or bought straight off Chinese aliexpress surplus. But fodder buyers alone arent going to clear Ollies out of ugly woke shelfwarmers.
Even then, fodder buyers have better taste than that, they often have no attachment at all to franchises their fodder figures are from so its even more important that the figure looks aesthetically pleasing so an outsider would want to buy it. Only figure customizers would even bother with ugly Rose Tico figures and those are even fewer than fodder buyers.
rebel hanger dioramas need more short, chubby asian girl mechanics
I think the dogshit distribution has pushed collectors onto online stores.
I live in Canada, and most toy stores haven't had new releases in months. It's all the low end RotB toys and SS Airazor

They're the main buyers of Hasbro products now, combined with lower quality products and higher prices, I think a lot of people are just skipping releases.
Did Indiana Jones ever make good toys though?

It's a fun action franchise, but not the greatest thing for kids to recreate since it's still normal looking guys roaming around normal looking places etc. Everyone is a guy in a suit or a guy in a jacket. Not the most exciting thing for kids.
I've thought about this for a long time. Indiana Jones toys didn't sell all that well back in the 1980s either and that's when the property was hot. Were kids just too busy with Star Wars and He-Man or was it just not a sufficiently toyetic property to be successful?

I actually agree to a point; Indiana Jones lacks a strong, recognizable villains, which limits the play pattern. Toht is probably the one that's the most distinct but he's not exactly menacing, at least not in the same way as Darth Vader is.
You're very right about a lot of this, but missing some things.

Marvel and Star Wars are divided. You say Mando season 3 is a failure, which isn't true. That's the valuable part of the star wars brand for toys. Thing is, anyone who wants a mando toy has had plenty of time to get the one and the only character people care about getting a toy of. It's not like X-men, people don't want all the mando character toys. Speaking of X-men, that is which is valuable as well. Not the MCU though. Hasbro couldn't just do x-men though, they had to do all the movies disney had in the pipeline.

Disney lumps the brands and hasbro over valued them. So, yea, otherwise spot on and right. Hasbro is getting fucked by Disney. Hasbro needs to grow a back bone and tell disney what they wanna make, not be forced to make the new shit that keeps flopping.

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