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i find the best way to find out if people buy toys for enjoyment or to consoom, is to ask them their thoughts on joint quality. If someone unironically prefers crunchy domestic joints they are a consoomer, have less than 100 toys, or have been in the hobby less than 2 years. Mostly these are crossboard trolls, or people who pretend to be into toys for nerd clout. the people who prefer japanese smooth joints, buy imports on a regular basis, and are buying toys because they genuinely love the art of action figures.

>but has-mcfarlane joints are less breakable
you are 40 years old. are you throwing your toys across your home on a regular basis?

>but muh character selection
so you care more about characters than figure quality. consoomer behavior

>i cant afford imports
one import is two domestics.

you would not believe how successful this method has been for me in determining YT channels I want to watch, accounts online to engage with, and posts to ignore.
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My favorite are the robot damashii joints, because they are smooth, andyou can hardly tell they arent apart of the sculpt
I like when joints have clicky ratchet sounds, it’s very satisfying to play with.
correct on robots. All 3P TF's with ratchets are based
Feels so good man. Big chunky clacks.
Would you rather have one good thing or two meh things?
I'm fine with Kotobukiya's joints. Sanding them down a little is part of really making the kit 'mine'
I cant tell if you read the post or not.

Obviously I want a fully sculpted figure with perfect joints over 2 hasbro figures.
One good thing, every time.
Your thread about not looking domestic toys with the Spider Carnage in the OP not getting enough traction anon?
Hi chunguspedo!
Yes and the joint-anon posts from a few years ago, where i posted about wanting diecast joints in domestics for months. I really dont understand why hasbro cant make 30$ mafex-lites. The chinese bootlegers can. I'd even consider paying 40$ for reused bucks, if they just made everything at import quality.
>too afraid to go post that in the 3rd party general so you’re trying to ‘correct’ people in other threads
I see
Oh God, this autist is back. Abandon ship!
my convictions have stood strong for 3 whole years. I still havent heard anything to convince me I'm wrong except hasbro needs to be also be safe for literal babies, and they could swallow small parts.

why would i buy toys designed for babies?
No one cares what you do bro. Go ahead and buy imports only. You're getting better quality stuff anyway. But you don't need to make multiple threads blog posting about it.
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I'm nostalgic for 2014 hasbro and toybiz, but everytime i buy an ML expecting the same nostalgia it vanishes. same with mcfarlane. no more domestic super duper heroes
>Hates Hasbro and makes multiple threads bitching about them for years
>Still buys their product anyway
Holy shit, how many of you battered wives are out there? If you don't like their toys, stop fucking buying them. Holy shit.
American consumer base has proven they cannot resist eating the small plastic parts. Please understand, they can’t even have kinder eggs.
Durability is a very underrated factor when it comes to toys, because some of us *GASP* like to PLAY with our toys! So sometimes the McFarlane figure IS desirable, because we could stuff that fucker in our pockets, knowing that the figure will be ok at the end of the day. Sure, that's not everybody, but the durability feat can still be desirable.
Character selection is a BAD thing now? Why wouldn't someone jump on a decent figure of their favorite character, especially if it's pretty cheap like a $25 McFarlane figure?
Finally, some people just don't WANT to spend $80+ on a single figure. The TMNT line has a good figure of each turtle for less than $10, that makes the whole turtle team only $40, that is a really good deal if you want the whole team as decent figures, for very cheap.
Your entire post boils down to "hurr durr, don't be poor!"
>Mostly these are crossboard trolls, or people who pretend to be into toys for nerd clout.
its only like 5 or 6 times a year. I guess I expected them to improve over 10 years. Its crazy that they peaked and plateaued when i was a preteen
In your pocket? are you like 12 or something? I've taken some toys outside for one or two pictures, but i hope you arent bringing these around to impress normies or something.
You were a preteen in 2014? Goddamn fuck off zoomie.
Based, I personally love the Kaiyodo stuff cause the articulation is something else, and the old models used to have ratchets that made clicking sounds, sadly they stopped being made years ago iirc.
>but has-mcfarlane joints are less breakable
Eh, it doesn't matter since most of them have 22 POA in this day and age. Fucking ML stuff has more articulation for almost the same price.
I like the sculpts though, I will give it that.
It is nice.
mcfarlane has more articulation, hasbro has more range. either way you are being scammed. there has been nothing innovative since pinless joints. before that it was literally nothing if you dont count photo real heads (i dont buy mcu).

I really cant tell between the end of infinite series and the average peg warmer. I bought all of mcfarlane wave 1 which was like 10-15 figures and they have not improved at all.
the west will never take toy making seriously like the east.
the difference between modern figuarts and old figuarts is literally night and day. i still have the spindly loose old figuarts
>there has been nothing innovative since pinless joints
I like how Hasbro has tricked people into thinking pinless joints are a new innovation.
I preferred this style. I like the skinny, spindly look. Reminds me of the old chogokin toys that were brought to the US as vehicle rider figures.
>gatekeeping fucking toys
can you even go any lower?
>t. just bought a new legacy magmatron
>metal pins
>designed by the japanese

Welcome to the club anon
Domestic brainrot consumers absolutely can and will buy hundreds upon hundreds of shitty Hasbro toys and not find anything wrong with that but otherwise I agree with all your points.

Chinese bootlegs can definitely be Mafex lites. The ultimate proof of having import tier articulation and joints for the same price as an ML at the cost of less consistent joints and less paint apps.
I have lots of takaraslop....
It does not cost more to be precise. Its the industry standard across all industrys. When is the last time you had a screw that was off-tolerance. Maybe it happens once a year.

Ultimately the looseness of chinese bootlegs is only because their unofficial and made by people who simply dont care.

>six sigma yellow belt
I find that gummy joints and stuck joints absolutely negate any durability simpler domestic engineering has over imports. Imports may be more delicate but the joints are so smooth and fluid you really shouldnt be breaking anything. In contrast I need to brutally wrangle and grapple the fuck out of domestic figures just to pose them. Twisting joints loose or scraping off paint becomes inevitable because of this.

My main issue with domestics is that they take up the same space as an import or more. If you have limited space, its always better to get imports ocer domestics.
I have some Queen's Blade revoltechs and as much as I like them, I always feel like I'm going to break them.
I think the Chinese bootlegs have worse joints mainly because they use cheaper plastic. Mind you this is still better plastic than the spongy gumball crap domestics use and Bandai also uses really shitty plastics in their Shf line.
>Muh imports
>Hasbro le bad

Nah...I'mma do my own thing.
>Are you twelve?
That's like, literally the target demographic. Even then, that twelve year old is still playing with that toy, no way in hell could an import facilitate such a function. Point was, though, that even adult collectors can appreciate high durability.

Because imports could never suffer these issues? Import figures gets stored in hot warehouses, or are transported in trucks as well, dumbass. Ive collected from many brands, both local and domestic, and either could have issues. Funny enough, of all of the McFarlane figures I've gotten, only one has had a stuck joint. Meanwhile, the significantly lower number of Figma has had the same amount of problems. Anecdotal, I know, but more honest than your lies.
What Asian/Eastasian country do you suspect of having the best plastic?
>inb4 japan
I never had a stuck import joint that couldnt be fixed with some gentle edging and Ive bought at least a hundred imports. Everytime I had to unstuck a domestic, it always felt like I was about to break the whole joint.
It really is a night and day difference between using a single finger to precisely manipulate an import figure compared to gripping and cracking apart a domestic figure like youre killing a small animal. I totally get why hamhands are a thing. Domestics practically teach people to roughhouse their figures to death with how clunky and obstuse the joints are.
Honestly everything is made in China and theyre probably the best at commercial plastic manufacture. The plastic furniture on lots of German cars smells absolutely vile and toxic whilst youd never get such things in Japanese and Chinese cars.
>dust but not normal dust, some green mold spore
>tools in the backround

Crack den collector
Fuck i just realize the red thing is a coca cola bottle cap. Anon, please clean your appartment
Japan and America still make some shit in house and is almost always better.
IT's usually expensive stuff though and not mass produced, except for Bandai's Gunpla and little unpainted green army men.

The reason you don't really see mass produced toys anywhere else but mudhut countries like China and India is just cause labor that isn't slave labor is expensive. So stuff that doesn't need a lot of labor, like LEGOs and Gunpla, can just be shat out by machines and packaged almost immediately.
Why would you need labor for assembly? Cant a machine do it much better?

I guess thats why hasbro switched to pinless in the first place, so i dont understand why imports wouldnt switch unless it was impossible.
Globalization was a mistake.
That being said, is there actually any in house burger toys? Thought it was all made in China anyways. I dont think America has any domestic industry left aside from the token Rayethon or General Dynamics plants barely producing a couple hundred missiles a year for a future war that will need thousands upon thousands of them.

Japan is cool though, because they actually care about crafstmanship and their national image. I think most of my figmas are mostly assembled and produced in Japan.
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Like i said, only simplistic shit is usually made domestically. Building blocks, green army men, models, etc that don't need assembly, painting, or other multi-step production. So shit like lawn chairs can and are made in the US. Stuff like cups, bowls, etc too.
I mean, you think your shampoo and water that come in bottles are made overseas? IT's cheaper to make it in the US than cart it all the way from Mexico or China.
Super easy to make and barely needs a human monitor the process, muchless touch it.

Also, is Squaresoft toys made in Japan? Because their shit is super fucking expensive compared a Bandai or Hasbro figure. I don't really pay attention to packaging, so i didnt even know Figmas were made in Japan.

That said, labor has a cut off point where quality can't be any better. A good factory in China is the same exact shit as a good factory in USA/Japan. Just like how there are bad factories in the China, there are bad factories in USA/Jp. If something goes wrong, it's easier to make a change in the US/JP than it is in China, hence domestic stuff usually being better
Mattel/Hasbro/Bandai/Apple put in a lot of money to set up their factories in China, so that standards are as high as if the factory were in the US (treatment of labor is another story). If a factory is Chinese made, standards are usually worse and materials can also be worse too.

No, toys still need to be assembled by hand. Robots are still pretty simplistic and a toy would have to be made really really simply for a robot to get in there for mass assembly.
It's why clothes are so much cheaper today than they were 20 and 30 years ago. Even the expensive brands wear out extremely fast because cloth is being mostly produced by machines now and sacrifices needed to be made in order to lower the human labor required to make it.
Even cheap JCPenny store brand stuff from the 90s and early 00s holds up better than expensive brands from today and even from the late 00s.
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>not appropriate abe simpson scene
are you even trying?

But seriously, toys would be much much cheaper if the process were automated. Maybe in 20 or 30 years that might change.
There's a lot of documentaries about how cheap shit is today thanks to automation. Nevermind raw materials getting more expensive, thus they need to cheap out on that too if they want to keep prices low.

IF you are older than 30, it would be more obvious at how much cheaper stuff is today, because you might still have a favorite tshirt or sweater from way back when that you still wear.
My mom was throwing shit out like a decade ago and she was only throwing out new stuff, because her old stuff (pillow cases, blankets, jackets, etc) was holding up better than new stuff. And this is despite her being a fucking fashion snob, who wants to follow latest trends, like brand new furniture every couple of years and new shoes every month.

Complexity requires more labor and for more automation to be involved with toys, no one who likes articulation would be happy.
Okay loser. I'm still gonna buy what I want.
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i'm picky about joints and range of motion, but can be perfectly happy with <5poa vinyl kaijus or monster in my pocket tier blobs of rubbery plastic too

>>but muh character selection
>so you care more about characters than figure quality. consoomer behavior
it's more these people care more about them as statues or references to things they like in other media
for me i usually prefer original stuff or can be perfectly content with a toy for the toy sake even if i don't know shit about the sourcematerial

I think simplifying preferences or priorities into true scotsman/consoooooom basedak is silly to put too much energy or emotional investment in.
But yeah if a review can't be critical and point out quality of joints or interchangeability of accessoiries or bodyparts that's a sign for me not too bother.

As for "gatekeeping" i think the no statue is a good rule of thumb even if it isn't perfect. It more or less differentiates liking toys with more general "nerd memorabilia"

But yeah I would've liked if people prepared me better for how flaky and maintenance heavy the Mythic Legions joints are. I only have 2.0 bodies so not sure if those are worse, but the painted joints make them loose tightness very quickly and then i'll have to regularly go in with some polyurethane to have them not flop.
A shame, as I love the interchangeability.
I vividly remember everyone running out of facemasks and needing to import from China during the 'rona varus shitshow so my confidence in non Chinese manufacturing capacity is quite low.

The Figma being locally manufactured thing might actually explain why Figma bootlegs are still so utterly shit whilst bootlegs of Bandai stuff (who are made in China) are way better and closer to the originals. I'm pretty sure Play Arts are made in China too and there are indeed tons of bootlegs for them.
You actually are a real life comic book nerd, fat rolls and grease stains and everything, aren't you?
You cared enough to reply lol
I am so jealous of that ulala, she looks really good on that darkness body ... of course i think the darkness body makes any head look even better
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Yeah, capacity is something China has, but i really wouldn't trust anything that isn't made for an American/JP/western brand or in American/JP/western created factories.

Even then...
>you care more about characters than figure quality. consoomer behavior
Getting a figure just because it's a good figure is still consoomer behavior. Buying a figure because it's engineering is impressive or innovative or the paint apps are incredible or whatever is still you just consuming a medium that someone else produced. I don't collect like this but I have more respect for the guy who has 50 Miku figures in a room sized shrine dedicated to vocaloids than the guy who has a 1000toys synth and a revoltech raiden on his minimalist style desk.
i have an even more simple filter
>follows yt channels instead of watching one or two short reviews to see the figure regardless of the uploader
has one simple reply post from me and nothing else
>Muh brand loyalty
I don't give a shit about companies mate. Not everyone is a console war obsessing faggot like you.
Globalization is completely soulless. The privilege of national expression through sovereign manufacture is being lost to more and more nations by the day. There is no options left to make high end representations of western brands and cultural icons but Chinese and Japanese factories; unless you want to count firearms as toys because I think that's the only high end local industry America has left. Its not like American brands and pop culture is doing great either, not after being infected with the ESG/blue state plague.

China does have plenty of interesting high end indie toy companies and these indie toy products establish several of this Board's threads. It is just proportionally tiny compared to the size of their industry due to the restrictive centralized planning of the CPC. It is ironic that they make the Japanese produce toys of Genshin Impact; which is their only indigenous culture that actually has international appeal.

Japan is lucky to be the only nation on earth that has likeable, indigenous pop culture and the ability to actually manufacture their own high end merch for it. They also do America a big solid and hard carry the entire capeshit action figure industry on their backs.
The biggest problem with local manufacturing will always be that employers are only willing to pay garbage wages for an employee who will need to be skilled enough to put together things like higher end action figures, they will want as few employees to do as quick and sloppy a job as possible.
An American without any experience in a toy factory also won’t have the skill that somebody who is working for Goodsmile would have, so an American manu would have to train up their workers, buy machinery needed, and generally put in millions of bucks into a business that will likely fail as their margins will be extremely slim and they will have to upcharge so much for the product. Current wages aren’t enough to live on for lots of people and nobody wants to work for peanuts at a sweaty boring job painting and assembling 300 Superman figures an hour at a toy factory when they could get the same bussing tables. Manufacturers would really much rather outsource to a country with low worker’s rights (or even just slave labour) and a crap economy.
You’re only ever going to get high quality local toy creation if the local+global economy can recover, which will never happen as it’s essentially just rigged nonsense at this point.
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>China does have plenty of interesting high end indie toy companies and these indie toy products establish several of this Board's threads
But most of it's actually poor quality.
They may look nice, but Joytoy and Ori Toy's Acid RAin line are made with fragile plastics that break too easily. A ton of third party Transformers and wannabe One:12 suffer from shit plastics too. Chinese brands are almsot always lower quality because they don't need to meet western standards.
Stuff like Planet Green Valley is one of the two Chinese toylines i know that has quality through and through, but is made in such small batches, they barely are mentioned on /toy/ even when a batch is being released. It's a product of passion, so the creator is basically the only employee and he isn't thinking about cutting corners.

>employers are only willing to pay garbage wages for an employee who will need to be skilled enough to put together things like higher end action figures
dude... shit's less complicated than making burgers and taking orders at McDonalds.
It's why toy making relied on child and slave labor, because it's braindead simple. It's as assembly line process that's mind numblingly boring where you do one simple part out of a dozen processes. The only thing a company needs to do to get "high end" quality action figures is higher quality control, so that you have an extra 10 seconds to make sure the paint apps are straight and rejectable shit is actually rejected.
Being braindead simple is why the toy factories were brought to China in the first place.

Pic is from a Playmobil factory. So everything but the electronics are made and assembled in Europe....if any assemble is even reqiured
Nah, if you want good high quality figures, you don’t want burger flippers off the street, you want people able to apply delicate little tampos, assemble figures, paint small details etc that can’t be done by machine. Just getting some shittily paid random to do it means you get low quality bootleg tier toys. Playmobil isn’t on par with figma production.
I've always thought RDs are more fun to pose than Figuarts.
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Shoving in joints and lining things up in straight angles doesn't require better skills than your average vegetable pickers who takes a shit in a bucket at the end of field.
IT's why most Chinese workers come from rural parts of China that plant mud and breed rocks.

You just give workers the extra 5 or 10 seconds to do their part of the assembly line right and you get the perfect results. And the difference between a playmobil figure and a figma is that there's more steps involved assemblying the figure. More labor that makes the assembly line longer, thus higher costs.

Stop pretending braindead work is more complicated than it really is. IT makes it sound like you aspire to be one of these low IQ, unskilled workers.
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is... le newfag!
Enjoy your non-durable $200 waifu fig that'll break the second time you try to pose it, importcuck.
Pure copium.
Theres only one figureline classified as non durable goods and its an American line, not Japanese.
Chinese indie toys get better the larger in scale you go. Their bootlego is pretty close to Lego quality and they regularly make UCS sized sets for things Lego would never consider designing.
Their 1/12 figures are already way better than anything designed by domestic companies and probably better than Bandai Figuarts at this point.
And the Chinese have always been at the forefront of modern hyper realistic 12 inch figures. No one in the world really beats the quality of textile goods they can put out.
What you lose by outsourcing your toy manufacturing to a far off nation is soul. The national pride of a worker making toys that brings the children of their nation joy. Toy designers have to be extremely passionate and have strong overreach with their overseas factories to make up for this. Jada seems pretty successful in this regard, their products have high effort and soul.
it's you again, tard
That’s why Chinese toys are 90% garbage, anon.
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this is dumb reactionary shit and toys can be enjoyed by many different metrics. OP is a pot stirrer just trying to start shit. and judging by the 70+ posts ITT, you all fell for it.
He only made this thread because his thread with Spider Carnage in the OP didn't get enough traction. He outright admitted it here >>11062360. Guy is a console war babyman.
Hong Kong isn't Chinese, no matter how hard China tries to beat them down. It's a western creation, like the Mattel and HAsbro factories China has claimed for themselves and copied poorly.

Meh, any company is the same as long as they acknowledge their mistakes and improve. ... but China doesn't like to admit they make mistakes though and tries to rip off others as much as possible.
Some companies like Mattel don't care and just push through, despite the best intentions of their employees.
oh, it's that blogging dumbass who needed the whole world to know that he was quitting hasbro.
The entirety of Chinese manufacturing is a western creation. Remember globalism is souless and we willingly and stupidly surrendered our technological and industrious spirit and knowledge to the Chinese. There is nothing in Hong Kong that the mainland isn't also doing; the days of mainland China being a communist backwater is long gone and if anything mainland China is one of the most advanced societies on earth right now. America and Europe on the other hand have regressed into the third world by endlessly importing the third world. Im still going to argue that Chinese original toys have long since surpassed the majority of domestic western toys but once again, this wouldnt be the case in general had we held onto sovereign production as a whole. The squandering of western civilization's massive political, financial and technological pre-eminence over the rest of the world will go down in history as one of the darkest events in human history.
>Joytoy and Ori Toy's Acid RAin line are made with fragile plastics that break too easily
I haven't got any Acid Rain figures myself but the JoyToy stuff I own is anything but fragile. In fact a few of them have suffered shelf dives when I accidentally knocked into a shelf and been completely unharmed. Sounds like a hamhands problem.
>A ton of third party Transformers
Varies tremendously. I own quite a few and they're pretty solid; the same shelfquake knocked off a pretty hefty Megatron figure and he didn't take a scratch.
A few years ago I'd agree that Chinese original toys were a massive gamble but they've definitely caught up. They're not quite at Japanese levels YET but they've surpassed domestics.
Even many 20 dollar bootleg figures made in China far surpass domestic figures in paint, joint quality and molding. Figma bootlegs are still atrociously terrible but Revol, SHF and 1000 toys bootlegs to name a few examples have no right being as solid as they are at their price.
JoyToy had problems with breakages in the past, but their quality improved massively across the board around the time they took on the Warhammer license. I have bought from their other original lines since then (Battle for the Stars, Dark Source, Infinity) and their quality is much better now. I have also been buying Acid Rain since the line started. Those have always felt durable, they use a softer plastic that seems hard to damage. I've never had one break on me.

You can tell that poster is operating on super outdated info, not only because they don't seem to know that JoyToy improved, but mostly because they're still talking about Ori Toy. Ori hasn't been involved in years, Kit Lau broke Acid Rain off into their own independent company, and I'm pretty sure Ori is dead. Their Three Kingdoms figures never really took off, and the last thing I can tell that they made was an Optimus Prime figure like 8 years ago.

Said poster is also talking about burgers and McDonalds, pretty sure it's the Burger King Coupon dipshit from the JoyToy threads.
This is really a case by case thing. I got a really awesome Figma bootleg recently, but then right after that got a total garbage one that was no better than the ones we were getting in 2015. It really depends.

But I generally agree, China's toy production has gone nuts in the last 5 years. There is some seriously high quality stuff, that's putting both US and Japan to shame.
go peddle your burger king coupons elsewhere subby
Which figma bootleg was it? Its obvious in hindsight but figma bootlegs very likely arent coming from a single group with how varied the joints are. Apparently the goblin slayer bootleg uses ratcheted joints.
Why Subby has such a rabid hate for Joy Toy? Is it because they dare compete with Mcfarlane? (even though they really arent).
Why even have this anti Chinese sentinent, all his burger toys including Mcfarlanes are all made in China.
When someone ask me for joints I know that they are marvel faggots.
I consume real toys, only sofubi.
Toys with joints are for kids.
I wish bootlegs were legit. Got my ct toys bootleg after YouTube spammed me how good it was. Instantly trashed. No joint stability and wobbly. I dont know how anyone could think it was acceptable unless they were a child who never had any figuarts (which it probably is because most of the reviewers were ticktokers)


I was thinking of starting a bootleg reccomendation thread
he's brainbroken, just look into any given JoyToy thread and 50% or more of the posts are his idiotic rants. Shit, sometimes toy discussion stops entirely and it's just full days of him screaming about toy conspiracy theories.
Takeya Predator. It's like 95% perfect.
>but the JoyToy stuff I own is anything but fragile. In fact a few of them have suffered shelf dives when I accidentally knocked into a shelf and been completely unharmed
Which figures fell?
My Chaos Terminators have weakass joints and have fallen from my shelves onto tile floor and survived too. The fact i bought them is because i followed the Warhammer threads closely and after not hearing a peep of anyone breaking theirs after a year, i bought me some Space Marines. Seems like their bigger figures don't suffer from their joints breaking, because there's more mass in their joints.

Why have i been so caution in even supporting Joytoy's Warhammer figures? Because of Joytoy's long history of cheap fragile plastics. Even they knew their toys were fragile, hence including a dozen joints with every set. I stopped buying Joytoy figures in 2020 when they stopped including those joints.
Their normal sized human 1:18 figures are still shit, which is confirmed by the WH40k thread, because the smaller non-Space Marines are reported to break. Seemingly none are safe, all the way up to the Imperial Guard.

Also, the fact that my Space Marines came floppy is just an example of Chinese quality. There's also issues with Gold not looking like Gold. Engrish. Weak glues.
Just shows that Chinese factories have lower standards from factories that were built to US and Japanese standards.

I have a problem with any toy company that cheaps out. Mattel, 4 Horsemen, Bandai. Joytoy. They all produce inferior goods compared to their competitors.
Make shit and I'll talk shit.
>Complains for years about a company
>Still buys their products anyway
I think you may be overlooking some certain segments of newcomers to toy collecting. These would be people who will come into the hobby years later, after the last toys they had being as a kid, and be immediately amazed by the obvious increased range and feel of imports when they try one vs when they try a bog standard Marvel Legend. These people would be open minded as they don't have a dog in the fight.

And then on the other end you may be overlooking people who got into collecting in the late 90s or early 2000s and did so via the tried and true method of going into a department store and just checking out domestics. They would've seen the slight changes over time but be more used to how domestics do things with their joint setups as well as look and feel. Then they see some imports in say 2010 and because it isn't what they're used to they dislike it and keep that stigma illogically. These people may have over 100 toys and have been in the hobby decades, but will hold on to a bias for domestics.
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>There is nothing in Hong Kong that the mainland isn't also doing
Hong Kong has more experience though and again, there's the issue with China cheaping out whenever possible. It's a mentality that permeates China, unlike Hong Kong.
They can copy shit however they want, but when they use inferior plastics and aren't hiring chemical engineers to formulate their paints/plastics like Mattel, Bandai, Jazwares,Hasbro, etc do, their products end up being inferior. And these Chinese companies don't want to improve either or admit they fucked up.

There's a reason why so many goods went to shit when production was moved to China, despite how hard corporations tried to keep production standards the same as when they were made in US, Mexico, India, Thailand, Philipines, etc. And even though these products were always made by low IQ fuckwits, the quality still went down. Why? Because they try and scam the company paying their bills, hoping no one notices they inserted cheaper materials or just rushing shit even faster and sloppier.
I dunno if you've followed this in other generals, but quality has risen from toylines that moved their production out of China.
Everyone who works with China knows how rotten they are, but since they were so cheap (and held expensive equipment hostage, even threatening overrun surplus: as good as production figures at 1/4th the price)), most companies just put up with them.
>I stopped buying Joytoy figures in 2020
By your own admission you stopped buying them, so why do you think you are some authority on their current state despite not experiencing them yourself? Seriously answer me instead of just lashing out at me, I really want to know.

If you're experiencing a line solely through others' experiences, you have nothing to stand on. For all your claims of shilling, you don't actually know anything firsthand, you're just making assumptions based on your four-years-out-of-date experience and whatever bits and pieces you can find online. Does that not seem even vaguely ridiculous to you?
>Why have i been so caution in even supporting Joytoy's Warhammer figures?
The lack of self awareness Subby displays is amazing. Every now and then, his ESL slips out.
>I have a problem with any toy company that cheaps out.
>loves McFarlane
>i no read english good
>me not know sentences am fitted together to tell story
Classic example of China not wanting to admit they make shit products by hiring shills to defend how poorly made their products are.

Pic is why you shouldn't trust their smaller figures from breaking
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Complaining about Engrish when you are an ESL mudblood that struggles to form a coherent sentence doesn't mean everything you say is wrong. It just means you are a hypocrite, and not to be trusted.
Pic is why I don't trust Subjectanon when he complains about cheap fragile plastic. He treats all his toys like they are Fisher Price. Also he shills MacFarlane so hard that I think he might be Toddy's love child from an affair with a Mexican maid.
Everyone and their mother in the toyspace is shilling this damn thing. Shame your experience with it was shit. Im increasingly seeing this trend of normal seemingly non sponsored collectors shill everything under the sun for consumerisms sake. Why do they so aggressively tell others to buy things when they may not get it themselves and have absolutely no sponsorship for doing so?
I got the bootleg alien figma for some cheap fodder monster figures and it was so meh I passed on getting the Predator. If hes actually good Ill have to reconsider.
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>posts a picture of collector toys that can be treated like toys because they're not fragile pieces of shit like Joytoy
>thinks his argument is sound.
I mean, showing how durable other toylines are is why i took that photo.
Thanks for supporting my point, retard

If you have to treat your Joytoy figures like they're made of glass, when every other toyline can handle something as simple as another toy laying ontop of it without any damage whatsoever, it points toward Joytoy having shitty plastics.

Don't trust any of Joytoy's 1:18 human sized figures.
Where would you even move out of China to produce things at this point? Vietnam? Vietnam has way less experience than China (Hong Kong is China btw) so theyd suck even more. Recent Figuarts made in Vietnam are QC disasters.
You also refuse to keep up to date with developments in original Chinese made toys. Everyone else knows they are now near import toy quality but you still write essays worth of arguments with 5 year out of touch information.
I can smell the hamhands syndrome everytime I see this image. No wonder he complains about imports being fragile. There is no saving anybody this indoctrinated by domestic slop to handle their toys like a fat retarded 8 year old.
I dunno, where's Hasbro been moving their stuff?
Most people have said those toys have improved.

>You also refuse to keep up to date with developments in original Chinese made toys.
Like i said, i don't trust most Chinese lines thanks to people on /toy/ reporting issues. I've had problems too, so I'm not wasting my money when i know they've made flimsy products

Be my labrat, proving they're safe a year down the line, because Chinese companies like Joytoy only have themselves to blame for making shitty products and losing my trust.

pic of how other posters on /toy/ know they're totally import quality and totally have an impressive reputation.

btw, Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times
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>autistically screeches that Mythic Legions are cheap fragile plastic in every /4hg/ for nearly a decade
>"posts a picture of collector toys that can be treated like toys because they're not fragile pieces of shit like Joytoy"
You dont trust China yet you will still eat up slop US domestic toys made in China. Thats insane buck broken logic. Coping that its somehow Hong Kong made and thus western is also out of touch and nonsensical. Hong Kong isnt a massive hub of toy making like it used to be since its lost its role as a trading proxy for communist era China with the west. All the domestic figures you buy are mainland products period.
You seem to correctly realize deep down that Chinese made toys of western brands are utterly souless yet will support said slop anyways whilst projecting your feelings of being scammed and disappointment on original toys made in China which are made with far more quality, soul and care since its a sovereign product made by a single nation.
Why dont you just admit you just suck western globalist corpo dick?
The mythic legions autist is Subby all along? I wouldnt be surprised but its so arbitrary what his autism compells him to defend to death or hateboner for illogical contradictory reasons.
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>You dont trust China yet you will still eat up slop US domestic toys made in China.
>Chinese factories that were built for US/Japanese toy companies have stringent standards they're supposed to meet and products usually are quality as a result
>Chinese factories built for Chinese companies have lower standards and products usually are shittier as a result
... what's not to get?

>Why dont you just admit you just suck western globalist corpo dick?
You're getting awfully butthurt over the fact that there's real distinction of quality between what first world countries make China produce and what China themselves can produce.
Hong Kong itself is proof of that, getting the boost in education and technology from being ruled by a western country and why most of its people don't want to be Chinese.

Instead of crying about how everyone should view China as an amorphous blob, because of whatever commie gobbledygook you were raised on, you should work on raising standards for your shitty company.

Companies like Joytoy need to fix their shit. It's a real problem that's been going on for years, despite all the years of shills claiming they improved.

Way to prove you're an illiterate retard. If you ever read my posts about that minotaur, you'd know my problem was with the accessories and the shitty loose joints. The figures breaking apart like they do didn't happen until the last two years, thankfully after i stopped supporting them.
Like Joytoy, i shit on 4H too. Same level of fail.
Your argument instantly falls out of the window because western companies like Hasbro and Mcfarlane make slop for the lowest common denominator like you whilst Chinas own domestic toys like Snail Shell and Crazy Figure are import quality almost par with or even superior to premium Japanese products. I support superior import companies over lazy companies like Mcfarlane so youre the one who needs to have better standards.

Your understanding of the world is also CNN zogslave tier. Did you know that even Taiwan is formally recognized as part of mainland China by the globohomo UN? This war with China narrative they feed us in the west is a pure fucking scam to distract the goyim masses and is illegitimate under the globalists own rules. Either way pretending part of China is western to cope for the fact that the west has outsourced all its manufacturing is utterly pathetic. Not to mention western toys made in Chinese factories are inferior to Chinas own products.
I thought this was common knowledge. You didn't know this?
>The mythic legions autist is Subby all along?
Yes, he is rancorfag/interest free loans anon/fragile plastics anon/they said they hate their fans in a Livestream anon.
It's good to come to threads like this one and the "when toylines peaked" thread to laugh at his autistic nonsense.
I mostly focus on import toys but anytime I make a rare visit to domestic toy generals, it is almost always filled with some kind of autist spergout. Next you anons will tell me the anti Jada turbo autist is also subby? Worst part is I dont even think he is the worst troll on this board anymore.
>your argument that American and Japanese toy brands made in China are consistently better made because their standards are more strict than Chinese toy brands that have laxer standards fails because of a couple of minor toy companies that aren't even in the same product category as two american brands
>also plz ignore the 23452098235098 other chinese brands, that are big enough to have official distribution in other countries, that deserve to be called chinkshit that you only want to pay pennies on the dollar for on Aliexpress
>also also all western news media is wrong, because Hong Kong totally wants to be part of China and Taiwan rightful Chinese clay. Long live Chingchong!
Can you be any less obvious?
Or are you only trying to sound like a nutter nationalist because you're a troll?

pic of how even a budget children's toyline does a better job than a collectors toyline, which is still an ongoing problem with Joytoy, because chinese companies don't like to admit they're doing a shit job.
You argue like shit.
I cant compare import tier Chinese toys to import tier domestic toys because import tier domestic toys don't even exist. Its almost as if there's a reason we call import toys import toys with strong connotations of vastly superior quality and product design.
Jada is pretty good; though not import tier but something tells me you don't even like Jada because you seemingly gravitate to the worst slop imaginable.
>Larger scale
>Less details and less paint apps
>has fixed arm articulation and overall worse articulation
>Starslop Wars
Look its the superior product guys! Imagine trying to claim the Black Series isn't primarily for manchildren such as you and that it is better than anything. You never ever use human characters as examples of good domestic figures because even you know they are shit.
>picks the objectively worst looking C3PO figures as his examples
Fucking hell Subby. Get some fucking taste.
>Jada is pretty good
>something tells me you don't even like Jada because you seemingly gravitate to the worst slop imaginable.
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>Chinese products can't be compared to anything cause China is too amazing
>1+ social credit
exquisite and impressive.

So you're saying that despite being the worst C3P0s, Hasbro does a better job at color accuracy than Joytoy.

Hasbro shouldn't even be getting close to accuracy considering they make budget children toys and Joytoy should be the most accurate since they charge Japanese import prices, yet look at this shit.
And they use some of the worst plastic in the toy industry.
What kind of mustard does he prefer? He seems like a smooth dijon kinda Primarch.
Typical shf mafex collected seething about troglodyte “troll consoomers” again
>Figma joints are mass produced and easy to replace
>So can I get a replacement with a specific color?
>And they use some of the worst plastic in the toy industry.
You're thinking of NECA.

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