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Describe yourself using toys and anons make assumptions about you
I mean you pretty much own all the mainstream stuff posted here except Star Wars.
>80s nostalgia
You're underage
tmnt is 80s, mario is 80s, dragon ball is 80s, batman is 80s, street fighter is 80s, megaman is 80s, metroid is 80s, dumb fucking zoom zoom
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Good thread. Are we allowed to use more than one picture?
Op here
>TMNT movie 1990
>Super Mario world 1990
>Dbz US air date 1996
>BTAS 1992
>MegaMan tas 1994
>Super Metroid 1994
Also, I'd assume you were born in the 'Seventies/are gen x going off of all the toys in your image. The only real outlier is Master Chief.
As long as you >> them I don't see the problem
You've looked up how to make mustard gas at least once
Haha, i hope >>11062590 feels even stupider.
Close, but I already knew how thanks to 4chan memes.
Nice beetleborgs
>Describe yourself using toys
I don't use toys I play with them ... well I mainly pose them over a few days. Then I put them in their display pose and put them on the shelf. The I pull them down occasionally to re-pose them again or take a fun picture
Your favorite color is pink
Thanks man. I have pretty much everything made from that line including the roleplay weapons plus some prototypes.
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Oh yo I think I used to have this guy. Forgot all about him until just now. what was this line?
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You put your penis in places they shouldn't go
You are sub and are into dominant women.
You like gross out stuff.
You have a sense of humour.
too bad YOU.. will die
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>anons make assumptions about you
People already do that without the toys.
Based and fun pilled
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You're based
Its the notorious pedophile ban evader ChungusFurry, report him for trolling.
My sides
fucking hell
It at least encourages image posting on an image board
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Millennial, stuck in a shitty job and hasn't left his parent's house.
secretly an actual gril
You judge people's music tastes hard
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Kek Residents
Was in band during high school
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I was listing my exposure to them as a child
>secretly an actual gril
come on now, no need to make fun of the guy
Post it
No I don't want to dox myself and I'm not sure they should've been sold in the first place.
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Bandai has all the rights. I don’t think anyone cares about American versions.
You keep saying that but it's totally irrelevant.
I'd rather not chance it
>Cans of aluminum
Dude you are a massive faggot
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Chingusfurry, please…your meds.
I post on here as part of my collecting hobby when I'm not spending time with my wife and kids. You shit post on here 24/7 like it's your job. It's sad. You aren't even good at it.
Please, just take them.
Screeching like a retard isn't trolling it's just being annoying. You should seriously get help.
Mattel, Attack Pack. That was actually one of the Mcdonalds toys. Pretty incredibly paint apps for a Mcdonalds toy.
Assume away.
You are very supportive and progressive of minorities and gays and have tons of black trans friends around you
Probably have like 3 rooms dedicated to showing their toys thanks to living with a wealthy family, showoff...
Early to mid 30s
Just the one. I wish I had multiple rooms so I had a place for Gigazilla, he is just collecting dust on his box next to my desk. I mean this is a toy board to post pics of toys...
Pretty much, yeah.
You spend too much time AI generating porn
you live in SEA and are middle-age
>Into Motorcycles
>Duke Nukem
>Anime chick with a skateboard
You browse /fit/.
Ancient weeb.
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Worried this dude is going to send you to toy jail?
not really an assumption because it is blaringly obvious: you're poor
Crazy to think thousands of toy collectors dont own a single import cause poorfaggotry.
>buy imports bro they're so much better!
>import fags constantly shitting on their own releases, upgrading after 3 years and asking for 3.0s and 4.0s at this point
Exact same thing happens with domestic lines too. Pretty sure its more of a superhero fanon thing. You leave that fandom to collect literally anything else like GI Joes or Kancolle figures and this complaining and retarded drama immediately evaporates.
who's the babeeee
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Giantess fetish
40 year old bald man
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I don't have as much display room as I'd like
If America is ever invaded by Toku monsters, you will get a call from the president.
>import fags constantly shitting on their own release
Dude tell me about it, I mostly buy imports myself and the threads here are terrible, the figuarts and dragon ball threads degraded into nothing but shitposting as of late.
The Mafex and Revo generals are fine for the most part outside of the need to constantly argue about Western figures.
Whole board is like that now. Look at the Marvel and DC threads. They whine more about toys they don't even have any intention of buying than actually posting there own. There's only like a handful of guys that still will post their stuff.
their peak of popularity and cultural significance was in the 90's. i'm sorry you're retarded and you're a gen x latch key kid with damaged neuron activity due to lack of socialization and overexposure to shitty television. RIP

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