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Updated checklist through the end of June
The new Darumaka we thought was coming turned out to be the same Galar version we've had already :(
This main line has been so hard to collect. It's always duplicates and new guys. Having same mons isn't the issue, it's when it's never the ones I actually need, Reminds me of the bad Jakks days, while Tomy US did something right
Anyone actually own all of these? Looks annoying
More than I few times now I wish I didn't pick up the single pack 3" figure so quickly cause some of the 3 packs would have 2 smaller figures I'd want but didn't need a dupe of the bigger one.
What’s the best Ho-Oh currently available? I’m hoping we get it as a Selects or 12 inch eventually.
Tomy DX
Select GameStop stores are getting some new plush right now.
I want them to make a 3" Spiritomb they made a nice Gastly and Haumter. Starmie too.
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I saw that! I need to find those Cleffas, they're so cute! I'll literally buy so many...
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Did they ever make figures of every Gen 1 Pokemon?
Who is "they"? Hasbro made a full collection of all the Generation 1 Pokemon like 30 years ago in mini form. Since then dozens and dozens of various companies have been producing all types of different lines in scales and styles.
Sorry, I meant scale world.
Oh, no, definitely not. Only about half of them I think. But between all the unofficial people/companies making 1/20 scale versions, you can easily get all the Kanto Pokemon. Search any Pokemon and you can find a figure maker selling a very official looking one
no unless you buy the 3rd party chinese figures
>golisopod AND ceruledge
fuck anons, I'm getting suckered in
Yes. Good? Debatable.
I wonder if Ceruledge and Golisopod will show up in Europe normally or not. The distribution of their size class seems really wacky where I live.
Why is the Tetris block so misaligned
The biggest problem is distribution.
I don't know what fucker is in charge of it for Jazwares but either they're retarded or willfully ignorant to the line.

half the time, parts of the wave don't even come out in the US, or one retailer is the only one who gets them in. But wait, actually one retailer has all of the new stuff except one part of the line, actually fucking Walgreens has the missing ones. Oh wait, this next wave is exclusive to goddamn Cracker Barrel! Surprise! Now one of the new figures is only at Kohls.

Its pure incompetence. I've never seen such bullshit with a line, much less the biggest goddamn media franchise in the world. Jazwares should be ashamed.
>3rd party chi

Bootleg, stupid fuck

Get good
Shut up ya dumb bitch!
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Dang it Jazwares, how hard is it to glue a head on properly? Their QC is so annoying man.
That being said, this figure's pretty cool and fun to mess with. I had the Jakks Blaziken as a kid, so this brings back memories.
Don’t come around here often, is there a place to check if a specific product is coming to the US? I’ve seen that Pokemon Sleep Snorlax with the Pikachu on the belly and I’d prefer to buy through an official site if possible.
>I had the Jakks Blaziken as a kid
Was that the one with the missile shooting function that locks his one arm completely straight? I think that might have been a Hasbro, come to think of it.
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The one I had was this one with like three points of articulation. The one you described sounds cool though, I’m sure I would’ve loved to have it too.
Being a Blaziken fan is suffering. The Mega got two good figures, but nobody's bothering to make a good regular Blaziken. The Hasbro was 3", while the other jakks was 6" and was a talking statue. I also have Bandai Europe's but that's no better
Should be going up on the official Pokémon center website I’m pretty sure.
Entei in Canada yet?
Not that I'm aware. And he probably won't show up until Raikoi vanishes from shelves cause there are waaaay too many of it left on shelves. TRU needs a 50% off on Raikou specifically. The last one i went to had 1 mewtwo and probably 15+ raikou.
It was the same at my TRU. They're all gone now though and the Pokemon section was pretty barren, no selects or epic figures on shelves just some older smaller figures. Considering the other figures were Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Garchomp if I were a kid that could only grab one Raikou would be my last choice as well. Toxtricity is going to be the same.
Of what?
We also haven't seen Metagross. There's an evolution pack coming though, so I wouldn't be mad at having to get a shiny/glossy version.
sauce pls
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>Being a Blaziken fan is suffering
Try being a fan of the other Hoenn starters, "lmao"
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i know ;_;
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Didn't know that was a thing. I'd still prefer the regular one though I've seen Scizor in person and I still don't really like how the gloss looks on a steel type. I have regular Beldum and was hoping the Metang 3 pack with the stand would show up at one of the Canadian stores. I think it came out around the time of Metagross so we're quite behind on some stuff.
Discord. Pics of a lot of new things were found on EB's site. Metagross and Greninja glossy packs, an electric & ghost type three pack, the official pics of the next Environment Base wave with Magnemite and Shellder, and official Zeraora and packaged Ceruledge pics
How is TT so based?
How come you discord guys never post new pics here? At least post a link to the discord
It's the same link it's always been every time people ask. Nintendo Merch Central

Posting pics here is so tedious, slow and obnoxious with the damn captcha, and some people are deranged so I totally see why many avoid it here
Maybe. But trannies that have all the new pics and actually know what's coming out :)
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I'm not in there but the stuff pops up quickly on mfc which is how I often come across them. Here's some of the stuff the other anon is talking about.
Now we need figma Margo to go with Zeraora.
We've seen unofficial pics of all these months ago in the discord. Here is the very last place all pics and things are ver posted. The discord is just such a nicer space without the degenerates as shown a few posts above.
Still haven't found the Haunted House anywhere outside of paying $60 on ebay
The Haunted Forest set with Murkrow? It's only appeared at some Gamestops and is appearing at all the Super Targets and some other ones with the extra toy sections too
>Nintendo Merch Central
I had no idea the twitter retired. But man, I really needed those links
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Apparently they float
Oh damn, in person only? No wonder I haven't seen it
Those are cute, where will they be available?
they’re available for order on Plaza Japan
Yep, Gamestop's site has (or had?) the sets with Omanyte and Honedge, but never listed the Murkrow one online. Then Target never listed any of the environment sets from that wave online at all.
Hmm I’ve never ordered from them, they legit and trusted?
I’ve ordered several times from them, they’re quick and receptive
I just found out there are Groudon and Rayquaza model kits, is there no Kyogre kit released/announced to go with them?
Not yet but it'll likely be made to finish the trio.
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My older cousin had the talking one with light-up wrist flames when I was a kid. It was the coolest shit
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The pose really isn’t selling me on the Zeraora figure if that’s the official promotional photo.
It looks like he belongs on the cover of a Where’s Waldo book
I wouldn't be surprised if that was close to the extent of the forward leg range.
I just gave that one away to my friend’s son who’s getting into Pokemon. He was enjoying it so much, it’s a shit figure for actual articulation, but the effects and voice were awesome and made up for it.
I need that street diorama but chances are I'll never see it in stores
fatty floaty pika. can't get any better
Just got welcomed into the discord and found nothing of the sort. Scrolled all the way back into last december. You tricked me
Well then you're blind too. Metagross pics leaked months ago. Zeraora even before that I think. We had pics of the back of the package for the Magnemite and Shellder base sets in the discord a while ago. Saw the glossy pant Greninja set months ago too. Every single thing has ben leaked in the discord for weeks or months. Even some other things like a 2" Drilbur that may not have made it here yet either.
Let me guess. You were looking in the Pokemon category and not the correct Jazwares one right?
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Fail World comparison with Select Tyrantrum
>The discord is just such a nicer space without the degenerates as shown a few posts above
tbf, your discord elitism is a likely cause.

>X is coming soon!
>No, it's in the discord

Why have this fucking thread then? Are you that robotic to struggle with a captcha? Has AI taken over you already? You seem to reply just fine, so why not add the images?
Why hasn't Jazwares done this mf yet smfh senpai
>You seem to reply just fine, so why not add the images?
I've never once replied saying that the images are in the discord so there's another person or others here that do that. But I understand it. Why should people take the time to download each image, re size it, post it here one by one in separate posts while doing the captcha and waiting for the timer for each one just because YOU want to see pics? If you want to see them, go over to the discord yourself.
How's the articulation? Glad to see his mouth can close.
Bunch of large pokemon waiting for a shot at the one large figure per year.
Other guy is going to have an aneurism, but that's a pic from the discord from a week or so ago. Nobody has it in hand yet, it's taken from a guy who gets stuff early from the factory. They also posted a video showing off the joints. It's got jaw, neck on ball joint under white fur, arm, hip, and tail joints.
Is this the first official product portrayal of the little inflatable platforms that deploy for your Pokemon to stand on when you battle in water in SV?
>Why should people take the time to download each image, re size it, post it here one by one in separate posts while doing the captcha and waiting for the timer
..to show others? Spread awareness? Discussion? If you're posting about it, might as well show it.
Like I said, what the fuck is this thread even for if every upcoming release is constantly "Check the discord"? This is an imageboard. Post your images.

I constantly download, resize and post images in other generals for non-Pokemon stuff. It's not that hard.

>join the discord
If I wanted to do that, I'd be there and not here on 4chan. Want me to join your facebook group next or something?
Last kit was Scizor. Hopefully they'll finish the trio. They've been really slow with announcing new kits since Groudon.

>Posting pics here is so tedious, slow and obnoxious with the damn captcha
Found the reason this general keeps dying

I don't collect scale world so it still doesn't say much to me, but he looks alright. Wasn't he an Epic though?
The scale world Groudon is about 17cm. Looks like they filled up the width space in the box from head to tail so about 12" wide.
Went to a junkyard today and found this guy in a bag of other toys. Couldnt find the flame he came with, its a burger king toy but looks funny. I hate it when people throw away perfectly fine toys. Just give them to kids or something.
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forgot the pic
They just come here to take info but never give back
Nice, sounds perfect. Thanks for reporting.
>Broccoli hair
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What's the best way to find Raikou in Canada?

I found Suicune dusty and hidden in the bottom shelf of my local gamestop and I got Entei when I crossed the border to Buffalo.
I don't know why this got posted upside-down
Who’s this cutie?
Check toys r us, its usually the last figure still on shelves from that wave.
What has ever been discovered here first and then taken over to the discord? Pretty much nothing. The bullshit going on in here is exactly why people don't post stuff here.
I mentioned this in >>11068077 that I got a Korean Takara Tomy Samurott.

It was the only listing for it I could find of Ebay. Are there other sites I could find these on or was it probably my only chance with that edition for now?
It’s exactly the same as the Japanese version but it’s packaging is way nicer. The seller also mentioned that the quality for the Korean versions tend to be better but I haven’t seen anything to prove that
Solid choices.
One time I was hauling a box of toys and tried to call every goodwill in town. They all just rejected what I had because they were closed, so I just dumped them next to some curbside furniture
pkmncollectors may be an option. I won't question why you spent $40 on a moncolle of a big pokemon
It was in a lot with multiple others.

I wouldn’t pay $40 for a single common figure
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Wave 4 Environment sets arrived from GameStop.
All three are repaints of previous sets, but still nice.
-Spring Forest w/ Pikachu and Caterpie
-Volcanic Cave w/ Larvitar and Torkoal
-Swampy Jungle w/ Croagunk and Mudkip
I always forget how small Torkoal is supposed to be, but happy he got a fig
Even though all repainted bases kind of sucks, at least the next wave seems to not be the case. Although one set has no new figures, but at least we got 2 new good ones and 1 cool new base.
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SDCC Exclusive Kanto figure set
I wish we can eventually have some that can be placed together to create a bigger scene. Like the city one with Trubbish can have 2 others in the same style that continues the street but each is fine as a stand alone. Could also give people incentive to buy the whole wave.
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Does this fit the "Exclusives should be things you aren't mad about missing" rule
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>Kanto Region "team"
>7 Pokemon
The one from last year was cooler in terms of presentation and usefulness. Getting all those starters from various releases is quite the task.
Why Wiglett of all Pokemon? Where does the rest of the body go? [spoiler]Is it the float?[/spoiler]
Wiglett is super popular in Japan
Yes. There is nothing new here aside from the box. The figures are the same old ones that have been released multiple times. The newest one there is Venusaur from 2020.
Last year's large set was a better value too. 28 2" figs for $100. They'd be $112 if purchased individually.

This year's set is 7 figs for $100. They'd be $62 if purchased individually. Way worse a value compared to last year.
The side leaves on Venusaur are pointing down more compared to the one I own
The shiny paint version from the evolution multipack also has leaves that droop more. I think they are now using a slightly softer plastic that droops down
Never noticed how this promo image had the leaves like that.
I'm really glad con exclusives suck so i cant care about them, but im also mad.
I swear collecting anything except for the 6 inchers is nightmare mode. I can at least know for sure Target has the 6" selects. I still havent gotten anything from Weavile and later for 3 inchers. Heracross nowhere to be found anywhere, and nothing from Swinub up except for a Torkoal I got from a landscape set.
100% a nightmare to find everything. Each wave ends up only being sold at one store and even those stores hardly stock any. The Weavile wave was showing up at Macy's and Kohl's only. So far the current wave with Zangoose is only showing up at Walgreens. Everything since the Holiday Two packs from last year have been hard to get except for the Spring Pikachu figs since Five Below has tons of those but who wants those?
If any online store would put stuff up, that would make it easier, but only once every few waves does Gamestop put 4" or two pack things online. It freaking sucks.
Lol I never would have even though to check Macy's. Is that where Poliwhirl is too?
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You're basically a real life Pokemon trainer. You can't expect to find everything on Route 1 (Target) gotta look around in other places. Kinda funny but also pretty frustrating.
No, Poliwhirl is in the Zangoose wave that has only shown up at a handful of Walgreens. Most have super old packs though and not even all stores carry them.
Exploring routes is fun in Pokemon though, I don't want to go to Kohl's or Macy's or Walgreens or even Walmart or Target if I don't have to. I just wish the ebay and mercari resellers didnt demand like double MSRP for these things
>I just wish the ebay and mercari resellers didnt demand like double MSRP
Double?? I'd even pay double. Most listings are 3x-4x the MSRP. And they list them for that much since they sell a that price. It just shows how little are actually available, which sucks.
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I can't even find Poliwhirl on Mercari or Ebay. It's so over bros I hope they repack it in something that will show up at Gamestop or Target
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Imagine doing picrel at Kohl's and it works.
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It’s $1,100????
wow a set without pikachu, insane
Very expensive pearly paint.
ooh Skorupi. A Battle Action Drapion is the best i can hope for
come the fuck on. do the people on discrod know if this will be the only release of hat pika? I hate pearly figures
If there was no discord anons would share things here instead, like it used to be. But on discord you can gain more benefit by giving and taking, which would be fair if discordfags didn't monitor these threads to gain the benefit of both sites.
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New Pokémon figs finally dropped at my local Walgreens
They need more spooky Pokemon every year for these. Some stuff I imagine we will eventually get at this rate, Mismagius, Flutter Mane, Impidimp, Noctowl, Spiritomb, Doublade, Crobat, Pumpkaboo, Shuppet
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How would you compare the static Jazwares figures to Takara’s Monster Collection line?

The posesble figures are fun to take out of the box and display but I never saw any play value in Jazwares’s statue figures other than just leaving them in the box.
Moncolle figures are at least half the price for the same experience. I guess they’re fun foam dart targets to knock over with a Nerf gun
Honestly, they both alternate between being better than the other in sculpt and paint. Jazwares has better sprigatito, but the moncolle fuecoco has the better pose
A lot of stuff we really don't know if its coming to the US quite literally until it pops up on the USPC.

Like I would have never expected the Saiko Soda plush to come over, or that we'd get the giant Larvesta just a few days after Japan.

They did bring the Sleep plush over before so I would say its a pretty sure bet they'll come to the US.

Honestly if you can, I'd import it (Meccha Japan is an easy one) - the japanese tag is pretty nice and it might end up being cheaper importing than it is with buying on USPC
>Articulated Golisopod
Oh shit I might need that.
couldn't give people the select Charizard and mew Two
>no venonat
>no nidorans
>no rhyhorn
If they did that then the blastoise would look too tiny because there's no select.

Is there going to be some reveals there this year? Last year they showed off some physical figs like Metagross and confirmed through a slide the legendary beasts were going to be completed.

Can someone ID these boys?
Oh sure, that's Kabuto and Kabutops.
No fucking shit, prick. What brand?
Really? They don’t seem like bootlegs to me.
I think he means those custom third party figures that look way better than the official ones since they aren’t under restrictions that retail toys normally have to be mass produced.
Very popular in the Transformers community
A bootleg is a shitty Chinese reproduction of an existing toy mold, made to trick grandmas and retards into thinking it’s the real one.

By your logic, all fanmade material on Etsy is a bootleg
Is the anon who was going to buy a Guile figure to use as Lt Surge still here? Which Guile figure are you going to go with?
My biggest issue with these is that they are all the tiny 1/20 scale. Also, the 3rd party trainer figure statues are also either 1/8 or 1/20. Why the FUCK can't these guys do 1/12 scale?
3P 1/20 fail world. theyre common in aliexpress

>theyre common in aliexpress

Impossible to find on Aliexpress, either link or shut the fuck up.
Not that person, but they were talking about the Jada Street Fighter one. I think it comes out later this year
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Yeah, the Jada because he's cheap.
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Pretty solid
lol imagine getting so triggered that you can’t even into reading comprehension
Damn this actually looks pretty good. I might get him too and add some sunglasses and maybe try to trim the extra bits of hair off
Wonder what other characters would make sense as trainers. Maybe Roshi as Blaine, some sort of generic office lady for Lorelei? There's gotta be some sort of anime girl with Sabrina's hairstyle since it's kinda common. Same with Karen
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This EPIC Metagross is all I wanted since I was a kid. My only complain is that some joints are too hard and some too loose.
I'd have one by now if it wasn't Gamestop exclusive nor had that stupid $70 free shipping rule
Sorry to hear that, here in Poland you can get it easily online...
>There's gotta be some sort of anime girl with Sabrina's hairstyle since it's kinda common.
Yomi ;_;
Now I need a Raichu 3pack reissue without that greasy paint.

You sound retarded anon, are you retarded?
Not sure why they made him look so grey in the promos I've seen it in person and it looks white like it should. Just need a lab coat body for Blaine.
Raichu is in the amazon 3 pack found on the EB Games site. Electivire, Raichu, Togedemaru. Prob be online on amazon soon
Jazwares just revealed their new anime line, are they showing off any Pokemon stuff this year at sdcc?
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SDCC Pokémon Jazwares display
Nice Deoxys
Panel where they said in the press release they'd show off Pokemon things is scheduled for Saturday afternoon
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Hope my country's Amazon at that, as you never know.
Those Jakks Gold Walmart Mario figs ended up here, so fingers crossed.

>Jazwares just revealed their new anime line

Cool, gonna nab that Deoxys.
Nice maybe we'll get some hints at what else is coming with Deoxys.
Glad I decided not to get the Misdreavus single, she's nicely bundled with Magmar now.

I got that Roshi boxed somewhere around here (in a move).
But the same issue is with their Perfect Cell where the colors of the promo (Looking good) and reality (Way too bright) don't match.
Leave it to weird lighting or them shooping it.
nice stand. hope they show new pikas
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When will you be satisfied?!
Are they selling the Deoxys at SDCC or no? I know someone who's going and if so I gotta ask her to buy one for me
No the exclusive Pokemon item is >>11072517
I need more female pikachu and pikachu wearing various kinds of hats
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This looks fine. I am always worried about the bendable material degrading though.
Same. I wish it had the hands instead so we could've avoided that. Ideally it would've even had both but don't think they're that generous.
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Almost complete of best mew and mewtwo 1/12 scale. Why are selects not in scale
Why are they using their heads as hats?
jazwares is making so much cool shit now yet it’s hard to be excited because they won’t even release their products in my fucking country anymore. still no entei or flygon in canada.
Another Select with no feet. Also i predict the next waves will be Deoxys focused
You mean like his other forms? I assumed they'd only do his normal form. They could make an easy variant where they swap out the dna strands for his arms.

I've been hoping to get the Latis. Feels like every recent figure is of the sort of standing human shape kind.
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Your pictures from the last thread convinced me to finally pick up the Mew. Looking forward to posing it when I finally get it in-hand.
Do note I used the nendoroid mew head.
Thanks for telling me, I can't believe I missed that. The combination looks great. Unfortunately, the Nendo is really hard to find.

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