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I'm all in on the cantina bros. But I don't have many 1/18 figs. What's some good ones to get to hang out in there?
Oh come on, at least try to be clever about it.
The Acolyte vs. Akiba Maid War video was pretty funny.
Never heard you talk about anime before Mike, lol

Care to share you insights about the Black Series Holiday crap that Hasbro is dishing out yearly? I think this recent one with Dracula and Frankenstein 2-pack broke the camel's back for me.
Maybe try Star Wars figures?

I concur, good vid....


It’s actually kind of weird watching a grown man turn into a weeb, he’s putting anime clips in pretty much all of his videos now. It’s kind of weird, because his audience is gen x/boomers who don’t give two shits about anime and the videos generally don’t do as well as his other toy reviews/toy drama ones.
sorry this is unrelated but anyone have the video link when retroblasting got a call from his daddy when he was filming? some how I can't find it on the internet
The scale for R2D2 is waay off here, he should be half the size.
>man financially stable enough to collect toys, has a hot wife, and has good relationship with his father
destroy him
Does your dad not call you, man?
Stupid Rogue One
Is this an actual movie still? it looks like ai
it was a funny video because he was so angry at his own father
TLDW. People pay for his content?

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