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I think GI Joe sucks!
This, but unironically. G.I. Joe Classified is everything wrong with the toy industry in one toyline.
G.I. Joe looks the same as when my dad was a kid and he is in his 'Fifties. Do you see the problem?
No, I don't like Action Force either.
Good for you, no one is forcing you to like it.
G.I. Joe when my dad was a kid was Adventure Team. I don't know if they even sold it in his country.
>G.I. Joe looks the same
How is that a problem?
they used to be literal dolls dumbass
>Drop the clothing and gimmicks in favor of efficient articulated toys at a small size that makes building a whole military easy
Seems like GI Joe evolved plenty.
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I was unaware that they had quad tube NODs, Ops Core FAST Helmets with Peltore attached via Arc rails, Crye combat uniforms in Multicam, modular plate carriers with lvl IV plates and tactical AR-15s with electronic optics and tac lights in the 50s.

Sorry, but as a gear fag, I appreciate the level of detail they put into this figure. It's not exactly 1:1 with real deal equipment, at least not all of it, the helmet is definitely an Ops Core and the plate carrier looks like an IOTV without the neck, groin and shoulder armor. I almost want to take a pic of me all LARPed up since my setup isn't that different than the figure's.

Basically, you're wrong.
No. It was 12 inch starting out, and 3.75 inch when it was good. 6 inch is like eating UPF made out of low-quality movies.
By dad was born in the 'Seventies. He grew up with RAH and showed it to me when I was younger. >>11064835
I'm not. The cast is virtually unchanged since the RAH day. G.I. Joe should die for not just evolving, but devolving. At least Transformers changes a big details here and there. For G.I. Joe all you get is a mix of time periods (80s/WoT era) and maybe an aesthetic change.
Classified tried to evolve with the first wave, but was heavily criticized for looking like fortnite/airsoft shit. People don’t want it to evolve, that’s the thing.
I fucked your dad btw
Transformers also consolidated the cast to Optimus Prime/Bumblebee/Grimlock/Wheeljack/token girl(usually Arcee), Megatron/Starscream/Soundwave/Shockwave. Easier to market with a controlled cast size.
Stinky bait, looks like op pulled out the day old chicken liver lol.
>lifelong joe fag
Classified is literally one of the best retail-level domestic toy lines available at the moment. Are you high?
Did you give him a son he could actually love?
>Do you see the problem?
Not really, unless you're one of those brain fried zoomers who seethe whenever
Also you don't put an apostrophe before "fifties" when referring to age.
They’ve made several attempts to change and capture a new audience and every one of them has bombed. Appealing to nostalgia is all that they know works.
This would ideally signal that the brand has run its course and they should move on to doing other things, but now they can just sell the same thing over and over again to an ever aging fanbase for decades.
Eh, they've never been my thing, but the Classified figures seem pretty good for what they are. Decent accessory count and actual guns instead of the bullshit we have to put up with from DC figures.
Flint is probably a grandpa now...
Imagine suckins hasbros balls this much
They dont scale well with imports so they suck
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I miss 3.75 gi joe. I miss when 3.75 was the dominant scale in the industry...
>$25 per figure
>no playsets and vehicles that aren't triple digits
>fragile gummy plastic
>limited articulation with visible pins despite coming from the same company that made the Fortnite Lynx (and boat)
>lady Jaye and snake eyes movie wave shelf warming in every walmart instead of... figures people actually want
>multiple sub lines, each one incomplete
I could probably keep going too but I feel like gijoe needs to be figures who can pose good holding guns, survive being played with by children, and most of all I need to be able to get more than fucking 4 for $100.
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>nothing but 3.75 regular joes and 1/10 Sigma Six for a time
>I wish Joes were wholesome kino chungus etc 1/12
>Finally get GI Joe Legends
>Just get Snake Eyes and forget the whole line
o-ring is the ugliest garbage on the face of the earth, might as well be making yourself your own dolls with straw and stones and draw a face on with a sharpie.
classified is the greatest toy ever made.
I'd like to own the 60s 12" action figures a lot and I'd like them better than Classifieds, but i don't have several thousand dollars of spare cash, so I'll meet halfway and get Classifieds. its the perfect compromise between homemade straw dolls and miniature real life people as far as the wallet and storage space go.
o-ring (and everything else that GI JOE did after the 12" vintage line was discontinued) is so minimalistic and ugly that using the designs is not stagnation or lazy. it's just correcting a wrong. the wrong was their toys were ugly, the correction is they're not ugly anymore.
they had great designs hindered by a cringe cartoon for babies and toys cheaper to produce than HotWheels.
>classified is the greatest toy ever made.
should make bait less blatant anon
show me where else you can get military style figs for under $100 and i'll buy those instead.
they have a total monopoly on it, so its not hard to be the best when everyone else is making gay shit for little kids or historical realism toys that price out 90% of people.
Shit anon last time that happened was when Mcfarlane had the Cod line. Those are still some of the best looking military 6 inch figures ever made domestically. And its true 1/12 too, bit smaller than Joes so theyre perfectly in scale with stuff like Figma and Mafex.
they only made like 5 guys. gi joe has a total monopoly lol
I dont mind joes, the problems i have with them stems primarily from how domestic toys are made than the actual line itself.
I've been reading a storytime of the comics and a few of the girls are cute, so it seems okay.
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6 guys and only 3 of them had modern articulation.

That said, I army built the fuck out of brown guy here and i should have bought more of the other guys, especially mustache man. Great army builders and cannon fodder.
I bought one of scary mask guy and mustache man, foolishly thinking they'd go on clearance like the early wave. Now they're stupidly expensive.

I don't even buy that many Classified figures, because I'm not big on 1:12, but i can't help buying my favorites, and only if i think Mezco won't make them.
I hope Mezco does Major Bludd, because i missed out on him, since he was a store exclusive and people were still excited by GI Joe back then. Now most Classified you can find in fucking Ross for $ 5.
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I should of army built these guys but I was deep into the superior import toy mind set and laughed off the awkward articulation. In hindsight these guys are the perfect fucking fodder. They still look better than the vast majority of 6 inch domestic toys coming out today.
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In another timeline Id probably be obsessed with Classifieds but unfortunately they just dont look right next to my slightly smaller scaled import stuff.
then u should fit right in in their general
Trouble Bubble and the bikes were under $50.
Thos CoD figures were terrible. I have the objectively best one, Price, and even he was a total shit show with his awful hips, is tumor wrists and shitty face print. Joes completely destroy Todd's CoD line.
I unironically prefer the late 80s onwards GI Joe when they started going crazy with it.

The early, more realistic military themed Joes are fucking boring.
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good for customs
Almost all of this is false, unless your only frame of reference is when the line launched in 2020, and about, Spring of 2021.

>>$25 per figure
That's pretty much the entry point for all figures of this scale and size, now. I challenge you to show me a figure line that is equal or (less) in price, while also maintaining the same level of paint, sculpt, detail, and accessory count. Not even Hasbro's other lines can compete. Marvel and SW figures are the same price, and there are fewer sculpts, and both lines come with almost no accessories. Most have maybe 1-2 accessories, and if they have any more than that, they're a $35 deluxe release.

>no playsets and vehicles that aren't triple digits
They weren't even sure the line was going to last very long, so there weren't any vehicles at first, but now there's been the Coil motorcycle, 3-4 different versions of the RAM cycle, the Trubble Bubble and the PP Trubble Bubble, the Ferret and Tiger Paw, the SMS missile rack (sure, its meant for the HISS, but it can be towed behind the HISS, VAMP, or Stinger.) All of those were $40-$60. Even the VAMP and the Stinger are only $100, and there are more vehicles on the way.

Literally a problem with every toyline. And 90% of the stuff ends up easy to get (even on clearance or other sales) unless you're impatient and NEED everything day-1.

>fragile gummy plastic
How can it be fragile AND gummy..? And this is really only true of some of the weapons, which granted, sucks, but they've mostly phased the wobbly, warped shit out.

>limited articulation with visible pins
They've literally been phasing the pins out, and most recently releases don't have them.

>lady Jaye and snake eyes movie wave shelf warming in every walmar
Hasn't been relevant in probably two years.

>multiple sub lines, each one incomplete
I guess...but it isn't like the line is over or anything. And they've gone pretty deep on some lines, like Tiger Force and PP.
Can i see his face. Only have Ghost who is masked and doesnt need advanced face tech to look good.

Holy based
Are the really buff ones on the lower shelf pro wrestlers geared up?
yes. there are a few chyna figures that work great as a buff chick base body
Love it every time I see these.
I never heared of G I Joe
I never owned a toy of G I Joe
I don't know what G I stands for
Who's the blonde with the minigun?
Government Issue
Refers to soldiers of the second world war
cool to know thanks king
> I don't know what G I stands for Gastrointestinal
Ok, and?



100% fact checked by true American heroes
my raging alcoholic dad is getting evicted and he keeps trying to pawn the GI Joes he bought for himself when i was a little boy off on me, i've been telling him for two decades they hold no sentimental value for me and i never really enjoyed playing with them. fuck gi joes.
honestly id be into 80s cartoon if they were animated by the japanese like they did their intros.
>t. rusty brown
Now THAT'S a collection. Stand proud anon.
Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.

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