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File: IMG_9159.jpg (789 KB, 1125x2020)
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Is it articulated?
>Not articulated
>No talk feature
It's basically a shitty statue.
Why does it have that weird neck/head seam then?
Mcfarlane could do this for under $100
If anyone spent 2 seconds checking, it says it is articulated at the neck and tail
I have a Garfield in my house and it has real fur, it's fully articulated, and it makes noises. I found it in a field walking around and grabbed it.
This but a drunk college girl
It has too much paint for MacFarlane to do for that price.
Just pre order it and save up. You have more than enough time.
I kind of love it. Would welcome into my home.
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Who else but him
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Why plastic though, a lifesize plushie would make a lot more sense and be cheaper too. You want plastic for small scale merch where the rigidness of the material holds shape well and allows for detailed sculpts that plushies wouldn't be able to give you, but at larger sizes plushies can be very detailed and Garfield's blobby low detail form is ideal for them, plastic Garfield at this size just looks like a giant hollow hunk of junk that is a headache to transport and store.

The only good thing about this is that now you can put him right next to your 1/1 scale Kyubey so that together they can be jerk cat buddies.
Really hate this libtard
>its not even a phone
they always look like that
would be a cool kitchen prop but how tf is that shit $200

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