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I got the Ct Toys spider gwen for 15$, after seeing youtube reviews on how "great" it was. When i opened it up, it was the worst figure experience i've had all year. Plastic felt gummy, no joint integrity, and floppy.

YouTube reviewers are such scam artists. "Better than the original" was the biggest bait I've ever heard. I don't know how anyone could think this was acceptable.

That being said i'm kind of gullible towards bootlegs. All my transformer ones are amazing and made of hard abs. I bought all the pretenders, and the wei jiang devastator. I might buy a few more in the future.

So is there any other good bootlegs out there that are cheap and strong? I felt like /toy/ would know all about this.

>well bootlegs are typically produced after shift...
I know this. I've heard this preamble a hundred times. Just tell me good bootlegs. Bonus if you have Links.
Not my picture. I trashed it within 5 minutes.

Some things i'd like to know
>demoniacal fit
>bootleg g2 bionicle hero factory
>good figuarts/figma bootlegs
>g2 bionicle bootlegs (theyre like 3$ each on ali express)
demoniacal fit is a good bootleg, got only one of their figs and it felt close to the real thing.
am not really into, but bootleg saint seiya figures are better than the original.
i got the bootleg twilight princess link, and honestly it was pretty damned good. also got the botw link nendo, but the print quality wasn't the greatest and the joints were a bit loose, but overall still looks great for a bootleg.
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Bootleg SHF Broly is famously very good, almost indistinguishable from the real one. I’d say the KO 1000toys Hellboy is also amazing, I have it and it’s excellent. The bootleg Sentinel Miles is pretty good, obviously suffers from the paint apps not being as good and the plastic a lesser feeling quality but otherwise I think they’re comparable articulation wise, having both. I think figma Deku also has a very good bootleg from what I remember.
I've tried looking for the bootleg on Ali but it seems like every seller either has him out of stock or are using his image to try and scam for a different figure. Annoying as fuck honestly since the bootleg does look pretty decent all things considered.
Probably long out of stock, bootleg and original both came out in like…2019, I want to say?
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Probably depends.

Ordered this from eBay for something like $30-35, including shipping.

EB refunded entire CC amount simply based on photos of damage and I don't have to return the figure. Had to wait about 10+ days for credit. Am sure some folks abuse this but unless people are using different accounts and different CCs you can probably only abuse this maybe twice or so.

Another time, I had a ML Spider-man with a broken arm (not peg damage, actual upper arm arrived cracked) and they refunded that BUT I had to return the figure, they paid shipping.

I'd rather buy in person and would consider a KO no question in that case.
The old neca Mirage turtle bootlegs were pretty decent back in the day, nowadays the mold has clearly degraded though.
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if you are interested in Saint Seiya stuff I can vouch for the Shinetime brand
their copies of Bandai original myth cloths are almost identical (minus the skeleton to form the constellation of the armor) and have even gone as far as making their own figures (the gold saints from the Lost Canvas manga)
each one of these is around 50-60 bucks
you just have to shop around, find real product photos (most chinks will just use the official prototype ones) and read every review before buying.
And most of the time you get what you pay, i.e. this bootleg >>11079420 can be found for as little as $9 and it does feel like a $9 toy, you can't expect QC or good materials at that price

better how?
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a particular brand, Toypoint, is making releases of the olympian gods
so far they have done zeus, apollo and ares and holy fuck, the level of engineering they have leave most of bandai's original figures biting the dust. they even come with the totems to form the representation of the god if you want

the rest of the bootleg brands (MST, CS Model, Shinetime, etc) give a very accesible option to get the classic gold saints for anyone who wants them, as bandai went insane with the prices, jacking up like 3 or 4 times the amount of what are mere rereleases (just with a pretty colored box)
they have even begun to make a whole bunch of the silver saints, which were almost entirely p bandai so their prices went through the roof originally and the copies are relatively decent

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