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Eyestrain edition

Previous thread: >>11036596

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect (except for AML) or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
not alot of car posting in awhile
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Do you practice your calligraphy?
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A got bored by the end, and lost some parts. Didn't weather.
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I'm going to buy a vac form kit.
no naughty symbols?
Legit question, if I build a 1:48 109 or 190, should I put on the windmill of friendship? I might put it in my shop where customers can see it.

Maybe also make a Spit and display them together as an excuse.
there's no reason not to
very nice, tamiya or finemolds?
no one really cares
There is absolutely no reason not to put the windmill of friendship and tolerance on any nazi plane
bitch, paint your frames
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I tried
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Finished this. Eduard 1/72 Bf109G2
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Quality model, lighting and photography could be better though.
what am I looking at
Do you have any specific tips on improving the photography? Add more lights?
You need a stronger, diffused light source. Maybe a tripod so you can use the lowest native ISO for less noise. You can get the entire model in focus by combining multiple photographs in software, it's called focus stacking.
you are looking at light, projected by a screen, but that is not important right now
This is top tier AIRPLANE! humor and I love it.
You know, I never noticed. That's what there was in the box.
The grain and blue background remind me of old blogs and mags
kinda kino
Anyone got any good Arab T-62 pictures/schemes?
Specifically when they decided to do suicide by jew
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Both the Trumpeter and kinda bad Tamiya 1:35 T-62's come with Yom-Kippur War Syrian schemes. I think Egypt's T-62's (pic) were delivered just in time for the war, but Syria I'm sure of.

As for the other countries, they don't border Israel.
Wrong pic.

Also if you're bold, there's also Egyptian and Jordanian Centurions. How they managed to not friendly-fire each other, or misidentify Israeli Centurions as friendly, don't ask. Also Iraqi and Kuwaiti Centurions.

Also as a "what-if" the British wanted to pull a Dassault-tier move in the 60's and sell the brand spanking new Chieftain to both Israel and Egypt.
Any opinions on HKM's B-17s? I bought the Eduard kit while it was on pre-order and wanna know if there's any issues.
I don't give a shit if some rivet if put to 1:1 is 0.005mm off.
Sponge chipping went better than expected
Sponging makes me nervous, as my tism can immediately detect repeating patterns.
Are scale manufacturers dying out?
Apparently autistic Japanese magazines send their guys out overnight so they can be at the modeller's home by first light to take pictures by the light of the rising sun.
Which sounds like a meme but I swear its true (and try natural light).
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I have heard of the Japanese magazines doing that. I took some pictures in front of a large window around midday. These look better than the previous ones taken in the evening at the same spot.
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>cleaning up pin marks in general
>especially in 1/72 gear bay wells where you can't use your sanding files or sticks or rotatory tools
Are you in a country where it's illegal to display the Carousel Of Care?
Then why do you have to ask?
>caring about 1/72 wheel wells
>caring about anything on the underside
>Not enjoying your plane's nether regions
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Dark enamel wash on the lower half. I don't know yet if this turned out good or not.
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Other side as comparison, not yet done.
real chads build gear doors shut, canopy closed, with pilot in the seat
why are there frozen water negro runes on a German tonk? And strait-edge x?
A captured abstinent mobik mobile? pure fiction.
maybe it's bulgarian?
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Give me one reason why I shouldn't basecoat the tracks of active running panzers with shiny steel.

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>buggered half the transfers (thanks eduard)
>melted the wheels
>can't rig for shit
one day I won't tragically fuck up on a biplane
Where do you think the still functional Panzer IVs went after WWII?
>Melted the wheels
Don't model in a blast furnace then
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Nearly done with the Tamiya Chieftain I started a while back, just need to mud it up a little. I started a few of my older kits as out of box builds to skill up so I wouldn't ruin the expensive new ones.

I can see how this shit was revolutionary in 1975 but seriously fuck the guy who decided the hubcaps should be a single piece of vinyl. nearly all of them scraped off when it came time to seat the wheels in. I guess they must have figured this out pretty fast too because the Leopard 1 from only a few years later has much more reasonable hidden polycaps inside the running gear.

Also, how the fuck do you get oil paints to streak properly? every time I try streaking, the paint seems to just dissolve into a wash when i drag the brush over it. It's not horrible, but I just can't get it to do the vertical streaks properly.
>how the fuck do you get oil paints to streak properly?
Have less thinner on your brush. Ideally it should be completely dry.
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>Morinaga Yo's drawings are superb I'm fond of the examples too, the Gepard and the 8-wheel armored car etc.
>Anyway, the usual gravure pages must come to an end, scale aviation also includes them but please leave gravure to the men's magazines and make it about models.
>I'm leaving one star.
He's right.
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I think I fucked up this resin Panzer II
It's supposed to be in a Norway diorama, but I think the mud is too much? I might just scrap it and start the next kit on the list
What if a pre-shaded model was prepared with a white primer instead of a gray one?

My problem with pre-shading is that the colors can be kinda muted because they were only sprayed on in a thing layer.
Normal pre-shading is black&white, no?
It can be any colors that have enough contrast. I frequently pre-shade tanks with red oxide and dark brown, which is much more pleasing to me than the typical white/gray primer and black shading.

The key to preshading is that you have to spray or brush the topcoat on in thin, translucent layers. If you spray a completely opaque layer you will never see the preshading at all. That's the part most people fuck up.
Pretty cool of the crew to paint the tactical number with snow
And the swastika with dark chocolate glazing.
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anyone got a clue why a brand new bottle of Mr mark setter would be leaving these milky marks? like what the actual fuck, I spent like 4 months on this plane and it's now more or less ruined. Thanks a bunch whoever the fuck reccomended this stuff!!

enamel base coat with 2 sprayed layers of gx100 laquer clearcoat gloss. It's had 48h to dry. Yes I used only a tiny about of solution and wiped off excess instantly with a cotton swab.
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maybe I got given shitty knockoff ones or something
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>enamel base coat
>leaving only 48h for glosscoat
Ah anon! I see my mistake! Next time I shall leave 48 years to let a laquer cost cure, what a dummy I am!
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Lol, go on ahead and smash your plane you stupid little boy, and maybe next time leave a week before slathering a glosscoat in a chemical bath of a solvent and a mild acid.
Should've just used acrylics like a chad
you can probably cure this with an additional coating of gloss varnish, it doesn't look like it's pigment causing this.
maybe, I'll see how it goes.

More research shows the circle jar versions are a new 2023 version of Mr mark soft set, new formulas, so I'm gonna put them away for a few years until people figure out their do's and dont's
It seems a fairly common problem, not exclusive to this brand. Apparently careful use of warm, soapy water ought to get most of it. Whatever remains a gloss coat might cover like >>11075339 says.
Those are the two remedies I found, but I can't report on their effectiveness because nobody ever came back to say if it worked or not.
>Mr mark setter
It is LITERALLY pva glue in a solvent, no idea why people Mr.use it tbdesu.
koz it werks, you fucking retard
show us first your homemade mark setter made of pva glue and solvent
>buy made in Ukraine
>there's some hair among the sprues
Not the first time, too. Are Ukrainians just that hairy?
>He fell for the ICM meme
Why yes that's me.
It was Modelsvit actually, I've only gotten ICM to cannibalize for parts.
>tfw fell for the Trumpeter meme
>bogged down with labyrinthine 1000 part abominations
I only want to build forty year old motorized Tamiya now. Curse you, Peter Trum!
>falling for the trumpeter meme in 2024
It was fine then when they were still cheap, now everything they do feels like a ripoff.
>buying chinese products
Why yes that's me.
As someone who uses that product without a hitch on enamels and acrylics: you used too much and haven't cleaned it up properly
You might've also used it too soon, before your paints or varnish have fully cured
Pre-shading is retarded and useless.

Try something other than finger paints next time, anon.
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In the words of george lucas:

I may have gone too far in a few places.
looks like someone fucking sharted on it
In retrospect I really don't like the effect the splash mud gives when applied by the brush/toothpick method. I think I'll just go with the thicker mud paste and thin it down for any future work like this.
Anybody had success airbrushing Mr. Metal Primer? I tried it both unthinned and thinned with Mr. Leveling Thinner, both times got a spiderweb-looking result. As if it was curing into strands in the air.
Where can I download pdfs of Panzer Tracts
Somebody has to have uploaded them somewhere, right?

>t. mr gay queers
I don't buy the stuff but please show me how to make it myself so I won't have to.
Trumpeter is a dinosaur, it's embarrassing how much flash, sink marks, misaligned dies, spikes and other production defects are on their average new release
>t. gunplafag
The fuck are you talking about?
An observation I had when weathering with some Tamiya panel enamel wash: using mineral spirits would seem to completely dissolve thin areas and very, very slowly work away at thicker deposits. Almost seemed like the thinner was just getting under the wash and chipping it away instead of reactivating the paint.

I also had some patented Tamiya enamel thinner that I tried. That stuff would reactivate the paint, thin or thick, but made it difficult to actually, you know, clean the wash off since it would just make a larger smear everywhere. Very useful for blending the wash though.

TL;DR I know it enamel and not oil paint but maybe there's a lead in here you could follow regarding the thinner you're using.
The mud splatter is stylistic designed to be that way, and you can’t undo that, but you can diminish the effects of it. Hopefully it’ll work.
Recommendations for a T-55 or T-62 kit in 1:72 or 1:35
Tamiya T-55 1/35 if you're unskilled, the new Takom ones in 1/35 if you're skilled. Tamiya's also got a 1/48 T-55 which is good. Not sure about 1/72.

Don't bother with the Tamiya T-62 1/35. Trumpeter's 1/35 T-62s are newer and better (somehow).
What variant? If you say, "I don't care" then buy the cheapest kit you can find, you won't be able to point out the flaws.
What do you expect from a kit? If you say, "I don't care" then buy the miniart kits you'll get your money's worth of sprues.
Zvezda recently released a T-62 in 1/72, it is the best currently in this scale
Their 1/35 T-62s are also pretty good
T-55s in 1/72 are a bit shit, revell has the best one in this scale, but the fit and details suck ass
For 1/35 you are best off with Miniart
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>blow airbrush on propeller
>it spins real fast
Well that anon could be like me who doesn't care about accuracy unless it's point out to me but I do care about detail, whether it's accurate or not is not the point
The more detail included in the kit the better especially since it means I don't need to spend a crazy amount with aftermarket parts
>then buy the miniart kits you'll get your money's worth of sprues.
On the subject of details, I do have a question regarding how to handle some photoetch.

I still have the Tamiya 1/35 Panther Ausf. A with photoetch Zimmerit and detail upgrade sets (Eduard) but weirdly the two don't seem designed to actually work together. Namely, the base Tamiya kit has spots on the hull where side details are supposed to go, like the various tools and the racks for spare tread links on the rear quarter panels. The detail upgrade set uses these with the thinner replacement parts.

The problem is that the Zimmerit panels go right over where these positions are marked on the plastic and are NOT produced with the markings themselves. I'm unsure of how to proceed here - do I just leave some of the Zimmerit off for the sake of the details like the spare tread link racks, or do I glue the details on top of the zimmerit panels?
newfag here, what's a good F/A-18E model to spring for? i've done car models but never any jets before, are there any painting methods or other things i should keep in mind for getting a realistic weathered look?
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>Here is your kit, bro
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>Please buy our resin
I like CMK and barracuda but I will always love true details resin for their excellent cockpits. Fuck Aires though holy shit
i was hoping 1:48 but i already sprung for the 1:72 italeri since that's all the shop near me had
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I've bought 15 models so far this year.
I havent finished a single build this year.
what the fuck dude fucking stop, you have a problem, get a fucking grip


like where are you even storing the boxes
what the fuck dude fucking keep going, you have a problem, get another fucking kit


like where are you even storing the next boxes
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no duplicates, but I do have products in the same family, like yesterday I got a BA-10 when I already have a BA-3 in the stash.

I have shelving around my work-area, could probably still squeeze in another two-shree kits. Have a few stuffed in drawers too. The boomer offload has started, and I'm picking up kits I've wanted at good prices. Hopping on while my moneys still worth something
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Mom I can explain.
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>Why yes, I crew all my models with chicks in mini-skirts. How could you tell?
I should build this, but painted as the most monstrous Waffen SS panzer division there was.

>And this is our son's room
>He's quite the scale model enthusiast
That's why my stash grew to probably slightly past 200. If I'm finding kits I've been searching for years and at a great prices hell yeah I'm buying and even better if they come with some aftermarket included . I have about 14 different sets of duplicates but they are all aircraft
How is this? Their plastic GuP figures were ass, the details were so soft they looked like melted chocolate.
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Yeah no kidding, stay away from this stuff.
Eduard wasn't kidding about packing their B-17F rebox pretty tight. Had one (fortunately unused in preference for their own sprue) piece snap
Is Aires bad?
I just ordered their 1/72 Spitfire Mk.I wing gun bays set
What if Dirlewanger panzer brigade
They aren't bad but the biggest issue Aires is unfortunately known for is that you have to sand alot of plastic to have the resin fit. Sometimes that isn't the case but test fit religiously
I'm not sure Dirlewanger had anything more serious than stugs, they were an infantry division.
nice, I'm at 53 in the stash. Missed out on a 60 dollar T-35 last night, very sad in pants.
The majority of my kits I got at shows with the occasional eBay buy and even more rare from a brick and mortar hobby shop
hobby boss or zvezda?
horrorboss. I built the late model one years ago, when I was even worse, botched the matte coat. It didn't survive the move and now I'm looking for a rematch. Have the book Fallen Giants for reference now too.
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and of course I had to look at ebay again. I am absolutely CREAMING my pants right now. Maybe I'm the only retard that likes these subjects, but lots of big trumpy kits are going for 20-40% off the standard retail prices.
Even the SS weren't stupid enough to give Dirlewanger's psychos a tank
I wanna do a pacific p-51b/c but I also wanna do a blue nose p51


gonna grt the arma hobby 1/72 mustang hope it's good
I wish you luck when you get another one anon
Do a Pacific P-51B and a Blue Nose P-51D. Simple.
2nd SS Das Reich is probably the most notorious of the panzer divisions on account of wiping out the entire civilian population of Oradour-sur-Glane on their way to Normandy.

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