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ITT-Post action figure design art/concept art
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thats cool, i didnt know they got yoji shinkawa to draw concepts for figma.
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Kenner batman 100 (1996)
sketch by Araon Archer
indirectly concept art picked up by mattel a decade later
its incredibly to find production art these days there used to be tons of sites that archive this kinda stuff
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oh damn i forgot about the duke line those things still look great
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Pig Cop almost had an exploding feature.
haha thats amazing.
i imagine it might have functioned in a similair way the small soldiers toy did with the arms that flew off
Come on, are you guys really this dumb? It's literally just an exploded view drawing. Showing how the parts should be sculpted for the articulation and construction, jesus christ.
Explosion view? articulation? whats the difference
I'm not sure if you're just dumb, or tying to make a joke but 'exploded view' is a well known technical term when all the components of an object are shown separated from one another.
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Not familiar with the Small Soldeir figure. It does look like it would have worked similar to the Kenner Exploding T-1000 and Exploding Beetlejuice figures.
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It was originally planned to come with a an exploding action feature. The guts can be seen in the exploding view.
Even if that is the case, what's shown in the drawing is an exploded view and not a depiction of any possible exploding action feature. The figure would not be able to come apart like shown and be put back together.
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Does this simplify it for you?
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pressing his belt buckle would send his limbs flying
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One of the more infamous concept arts, the Marvel Legends Ultron toy for 2003.
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The sculptor misinterpreted the way the head was shaped, painted the eyes in the wrong spot, and it went over terribly with the people buying the toys to the point that prior to release Toy-Biz had to resculpt the head into a "regular" Ultron head on a wildly redesigned body.
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Micromaster concept art
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Even moaaaaar
I miss this era of superhero sculpts, it was like Super Imaginative Chogokin.
bro... it is an exploded/expanded view, but check out the chest. They never sculpt guts into a figure if its not going to be seen.

Maybe next time pay attention a little harder and you wont sound like a fucking retard autist.
Holy fuck are you an idiot.
Holy fuck that guy is an idiot.
still have this guy
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heres a peak at a nightwing we never got
no. retards need to be called out, or they will keep being retarded.
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go back to your fisherprice thread lmao
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Bdjsjjsjsj even EVEN mooooooooaaaaaaar micromasters
...or you could just stop being a faggot and pay attention to things instead of getting buttblasted by ever single post.
This one is crazy. You can't even tell it is supposed to be Ultron.
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I wish they kept the wolf-like head at least, that way some fixings in the face could've been made him look like the actual prototype face.
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The final design doesn't even look like an evil robot, just look at that silly rabbit-like face.
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Some for Machine Robo.
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best thread on the board right now

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i wish modern capeshit had this much personality
>that slalom batman pin up
>the face
My sides

all the batman concepts ITT make me wish spinmaster woulsd try harder with both their DC and Batman lines. they're transitioning into a movie batman anniversary line now, and Id rather see them have some fun with that idea over just releasing a dozen new screen accurate batmen and friends. It's crazy that Batman Unlimited is a standard we havent been able match for more than a decade.
looks S.I.C. esque
i coulda swore there was a scuba spider kinda like this
there could have been. toybiz was no stranger to repainting figures from random lines and including them in new ones. Im pretty sure they repainted triton and iron man into spidey variants at one point too. incase you were curious that was the concept art for vampire wars anti-vampire spiderman
definitely. alot of toybiz guys seemed to have their finger on that pulse. you can see it in the earlier ultron concepts too. Im assuming robot wolverine was meant to be a variant for the x-men classics line that got cut from production. reminds me alot of their cyber spiderman design wise.
Vintage Wingnut concept art
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>even the baby mammoth is articulated
thats amazing
Some Beast Wars Transmetal concept art. Crazy to think the Transmetals were already in the works before the show even came out and the toys were only just starting to come out
all the beast wars concept art is amazing. I really wish more toylines got art books or something, many of them honestly merit it.
here's some scans for one of the Beast Wars era books. A heads-up: while the book IS NOT porn itself, there will most likely be NSFW ads on the page:
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thanks for the heads up fren
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lego concept art always seems harder to come across for some reason
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With lego, it's hard to imagine anything but the toys being the concept art itself.
they do actually work off concept art however. most themes require it before they move to prototyping, even licensed ones.
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I'll always be mad that we never got more of these guys
who could blame you anon? even at that time that SOVL was quickly disappearing from store shelves. Atleast Xevoz is fondly remembered. I doubt the average person remembers Skeleflex despite how awesome that line was. Ironic they were both Hasbro creations.
Are there any sketches of the batman from this line available? one of my all time favorites when i was a kid
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I had a Skeleflex toy when I was a kid, and couldn't remember what it was called for the longest time. I think skeleflex conceptually couldn't have gone much further than it did though. Xevoz offered a lot more growth potential
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this is krang say something nice about him

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