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It’s really hot outside this summer and there’s a PVC figure I’ve really wanted that got listed on Ebay as an import.

I want to pick it up but I’m afraid that the intense heat might affect it while it’s being mailed to me, since it’s hot overseas too.

Would 80-90 degree heat damage a figure during a long delivery like warping or discoloring plastic, making the paint brittle, being faded by sunlight through cracks in the box?
I’m not sure how well protected it will be but I’d also be disappointed if someone buys it before me because I waited too long for it to cool down. Does anyone else have these concerns during summertime?
Huh, that’s interesting they have the Figma Samus in a wikihow
Most mail services don't leave unpackaged boxes baking in direct sunlight so no, not really
I live in southern AZ. When stuff gets delivered to me, usually late in the day since I'm on the back half of the delivery route, figures are usually a bit soft from sitting in the hot truck all day but it's never anything to worry about.
Statues are not toys
Malfunctioning today are we, bot-kun?
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If PVC is getting to melting point outside your home I think you have more things to worry about. It’ll
Likely be fine though, worse you’ll
Probably get is a loose joint if it’s REALLY heated for long periods but that’s fixable yourself.
Same. Fellow AZ resident here. Stuff is usually a bit soft but once it cools off after a few minutes it's fine. Never had an issue in my decade+ collecting and having toys bake in the heat while they were delivered. For context, it's currently 112 degrees out and I'm not concerned about ,y figure that's out for delivery right now.
I’m not worried about the plastic melting, just the condition and paint details being damaged before I even have a chance to open the box.

I’m not neurotic enough to want “mint pristine condition” but I do care about it arriving in the condition it’s listed for.

Thanks for the heads up. I’m still a little weary in 90 degree WA. Probably see if it’s still available near September and count my losses if it’s not by then. I’m the only watcher and it’s almost out of time so worst case scenario right now is it doesn’t get relisted for a while
Paint and details will be fine unless they’re painted on with watercolours.
You are worried about nothing. Anything that ships from Asia to America via container during summer, such as nearly every thing on the shelves of Walmart etc right now spends 6-12 weeks sitting in the sun in a non air-conditioned shipping container on a boat and in the container yard. Anything that gets trucked from West Coast to East Coast can spend another week or two in a container in the sun. When it arrives at the warehouse, they aren't air-conditioned. Basically a giant metal heat sink. The only time it gets to normal temp is when it hits the shelf.
And a figure isn't going to warp or get faded by the sun through cracks in the box in the amount of time it takes to get shipped via airmail.
PS. I live in Australia where in summer it is frequently 45°C or 113° on the burger scale. Nothing has ever arrived warped, cracked or faded.
Figured it would be fitting since her Varia suit is for heat protection

I get to the mailbox as soon as they arrive. I’m not too worried about where they’re left here

Even if it’s temporary, that doesn’t sound like odds I want to take with this one. I’d rather be assured it’s completely unaffected

This one is more reassuring, thank you. I’ve bought this figure before but it had some defects when it arrived and I didn’t want to overspend for a replacement. Still not absolutely sure what to do but I highly appreciate clearing things up
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Poor Sonic
No one's faster than skin cancer.
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I bit the bullet and bought it.

It’s a Korean edition Pokemon figure. If it arrives warped or discolored then it’s $40 down the drain.
Glad I took the chance though
Good luck anon
The seller packaged it carefully. I’m happy and relieved
It'll be fine. I've never had an issue from a psckaged toy sitting out in the 112 degree heat for the day. Now, putting the toy in direct sunlight for extended periods of time is asking for trouble, but obviously that's not what's happening here.
I felt like shit for opening a window for airflow today in front of my stuff.
The UV indext was around 6 or 7 at the time. How bad is that for the condition after 2 hours?

The package is arriving tomorrow though. I’m looking for somewhere it’ll be absolutely safe
The package arrived but I’m afraid to open it.

After a day outside with family, I got some secondhand cigarette smoke on me. I showered twice and washed my hands obsessively but my autism is afraid of getting the FedEx box out of my closet and contaminating the contents. I don’t know what to do, what if the residue is still on me? I hate myself
The package is fine, you’re just being mentally ill. The residue is gone, stop letting your OCD get the better of you for a $40 Pokemon toy. Now open it and post result.
Holy fuckin shit. Open your goddamn toy and stop being such a mentally ill sperg. Your toy will be fine. It's forty fucking dollars. I pissed that away a week or two ago playing poker with my buds. Stop it.
I took a blanket up to my room out of the dryer while my chainsmoking mom went through a whole box all night just outside the door, which had some cracks in the hinge.

The blanket doesn’t smell like thirdhand smoke but I’m still terrified it might’ve contaminated my bedroom. That box is going to stay in the closet for a while

I vacuum and clean this place every other day. It’s not fair I live with these disgusting pieces of shit and can’t move out
Maybe stop buying $40 Pokemon toys and save your money for a deposit on an apartment instead.
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Is this a bit?
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No, I’m genuinely panicking over a blanket that’s probably clean and the uncertainty is eating me alive
I'm begging you to stop overthinking it. Open your fucking toy. Actually, you should probably seek professional help and get on meds, asap.
>chainsmoking mom
everything you own already reeks of smoke anyways
Holy shit anon, stop. You’re fine, open the stupid Korean pokemon toy. Then look into moving out if you’re this neurotic. You seem mental enough to get on welfare pretty easily.
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She only smokes outside
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I blame Reddit and it’s oversimplifation of problems like these on shit like this
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How destructive is a max brightness flashlight on an iPhone 12 Pro Max?

I have UV filters on my bedroom windows to protect my collection from the sun but I’ve had times to light my room at night with my smartphone. Apple’s official sources don’t specify the lumen count and results online vary between 50 and 800 lumens.
What would be safest?

[spoiler]I shined the iPhone flashlight on my favorite figure for a few seconds and the uncertainty of whether or not it was ruined makes me want to throw up. I’m a boring aspie[/spoiler]
You may actually be too mental to own toys. You overthink to this point over your phone camera and get hysterical instead of just googling ‘does flash photography actually damage art’. Do you honestly think a phone flash has ever damaged a plastic toy? Most domestic camera flashes even filter UV out anyway. You can barely fade extremely delicate pigments with over a million flashes from the brightest UV flash.
Thank you. Honestly, I’m more reassured that you’re being real about it. Better to push me in the right direction than indecisively point to it and I’m genuinely happy for that stability
Seek professional help. I mean that seriously. You need it.

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