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Hey doesn’t Hot Wheels do more horror stuff like Funko Pop does?
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They do a Halloween set every year. Your photo was from one of them. Usually Kroger exclusives. Here's one of my personal favorites.
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I got most the horror ones they have. Talking no Feddy Krueger, no Michael Myers or Jason Hotwheels. Terrifier one would be tight
Greenlight does those.
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I would love more spooky halloween hot wheels. I've been collecting them anytime I see one that vaguely resembles anything spooky. They have a few unique molds lately which they've released in good deco like pic rel.
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I wish they made more pilot figures but I guess it fucks out the scale compared to other stuff
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Johnny Lightning used to make tons of horror themed vehicles. There's a gold coffin car on the pegs at Target right now.
I'm fond of the Kroger Evil Twin, myself.
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Forgot pic, retard that I am.
>AI trash
Fuck you, almost had me for a second.
It’s AI because Hot Wheels is stupid and missing out on a huge market. Nobody wanes to shit boring modern cars. Make horror themed cars. Horror market is massive. Guarantee most of Funk Pops market is horror fans
>It’s AI because Hot Wheels is stupid and missing out on a huge market.
It's rare you see two statements strung together that have less to do with each other than this. It's not like AI is solving the problem.
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Please stop posting ai slop, I want to see actual toys I can buy. No mattel employee cares.
He did stop. You're replying to posts from three days ago.
Because horror is popular with women, whereas Hot Wheels are popular with autistic men.
This, the figures add a new fun dimension to proceedings, they don't all have to be the same scale either.
You got my hopes for a second that the Robocop police cruiser was real, damn you!

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