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none of yall niggas can fuck with the 'Jiro
Is this the knockoff?
Could you post a pic from the front?
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Is the chest soft or hard?
i dont know how hard is hard for you, but its it feels like plastic and not rubber like some of these body-kun figures. Now i am going to walk my dogs and later i check the thread.
doesn’t look too bad, colors seem off on the legs and the eyes seem wonky but not too bad overall
Just asking cause I have the original and he has a squishy chest like 1000toys Hellboy. I was gonna pick up some Kos for a custom though.
>1000toys Hellboy
oh, that hellboy has a rubber-like chest, right? And no, that chinese Yujiro isnt like this.
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Yes, Storm Yujiro has a squishy chest you can honk, I think for the sake of an little extra articulation. I’m glad the KO is a harder plastic though, it’ll be way easier to paint/decal than rubbery plastic.
Looks pretty good other than the legs, though I think thats how the original release looked. Also his neck looks odd, don't know about that either.
Is his head a slightly different colour? Looks like an original head on a bootleg body.
I'm just gonna say it. This looks fucking terrible. I'm sorry.
It's funny how hard this anatomy would be shat on if it was from a western thing
He will leave no toy unraped and ungaped by his sheer throbbing masculinity.
Honestly it would be shat on if it were from anything but Baki.
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Thats life, homie. I cant pay 1200 for a original storm.
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Its a shame this articulation is kinda stuck inside his chest on his left side.
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fitness goal
I am glad the KO looks pretty good. I want the original but Storm scalpers are fucking insane.
It is Baki. Even for fans almost everyone starts off a bit disgusted by it and then comes to appreciate how gleefully ugly and retarded it is.
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I don’t know, if hasbro produced a Liefield Cap and it looked this accurate to the goofy artwork I’d love it to pieces. Baki’s grotesque ugly art is part of why it’s beloved.
"hail hitler" spoken jiro.
That's the difference Japan can laugh at it Americans take it as an identity much like LGBT and make it retarded.
this thing you supposed to twist. It's probably like with the original and out of place just twist it around until it looks right and it should be like the otehr side
>immediate leap to lgbts
Unclench, you melodramatic weeb
Let's talk about the homosexual fandom of Baki and the male attraction the author represses
soft goods are dogshit. they make the figure look so much worse and cheaper. i will never understand how a grown man is okay with soft goods. pathetic plebs
>It's probably like with the original and out of place just twist it around until it looks right and it should be like the otehr side
i cant, its literally deep inside his chest
The difference is guys like Araki and Itagaki actually understand human anatomy and simply choose to draw it exaggerated and fucked up. Westerner's that draw shit like >>11067957 do so because they're simply inept.
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Sorry Bitch, but real life's come knocking. Now you're a loser irl and online. Don't (you) me, you haven't earned it.
the two are not the same and you know it
This (You) gets it
Weird design

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