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You slacking again my niggas?

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/xxlTJKSc4eg
Anthony Cumstains
Wasn’t there already one? What happened to it?
Anthony Cumstains
Hunky and Chunky, big like a Mammoth, my Chungus has more mass than granite.
You kill cats pedophile.
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Light a stogy for all the seething about to be goin' on in another AC Gen, my chaps.
Haha, CHADtony Customs always shitting on hasbrap’s wonky proportions, BASED CHADtony Customs.
His rating system makes no sense.
Do we know where Diosloth is right now? He's so unhinged, it wouldn't surprise me if he was the guy in Butler today.
I've got a bottle of JD and I'm going to do a shot every time he does a community post where he shills for BBTS.
>every time he does a community post where he shills for BBTS
Based Anthony reppin' one of the best toy shops on the world wide web.
and he reps one of the best action figs in the industry, premiumDNA.
Is the deleted post you're replying to a conservative?
The way they made the bosses from BattleToads scale accurate alone, deserves nothing but praise. They showed big figs can be done, also in reasonable price. Fuck you Bandai and your shitty messed up DB character scale.
BTFO of Shittymus Prime's articulation video and Marvel Legends:

he hates binary joints, confirmed lgbtq+ supporter, based.
>do we know where he is
Unironically yes, but he’s 100% seething over yesterday
Its DioPedo.
Zat is back, and he's jacked
>pov of your asshole before Anthony starts his review
it’s up
I kek'd
What was his problem?
Just make decent ball joints in your fucking toys Hascuck. It’s not a big fucking deal!
Different lolcow.
How come he reviews pretty much everything, but has never done a single Star Wars review?
>Doesnt review Star Wars
Could Anthony get more unfathomably based?
He's got a playlist of over 50 Star Wars reviews, but they are nearly all from over 5 years ago. I think the Disney era killed his love of Star Wars like it did for many of us.
Unfortunately that's cancelled out by all the Marvel garbage he buys.
no shf exclusive reviews for antony, guess his tamashii connect is burned?
Depends on if BBTS gets it or not now
the past few years he got it around this time but only damazing and rockchala has gotten theirs.
I do not like the new direction for Anthony's channel. Way too positive.
He’s also constantly shilling new products on BBTS. It’s getting kind of annoying, it takes up most of my feed now.
The worst thing is he shills imports for BBTS and then complains about the price of AY in his reviews like he's a fucking retard that can't figure out how HLJ works.
That's why he uses BBTS, and don't forget he thinks it's the best place to buy collectibles.
"It's a weird looking figure but also it looks solid enough. "
*menu fart sound*
name one review where he did this

There's the quote. "It's a weird looking figure but also it looks solid enough. "

There's some really strange back and forth he is doing mentally with himself in that review.
Another fun one:
"We collect toys so you might as well buy another one if you like it, that's how that works."
What do you mean by this?
Not that anon but if you listen to Anthony's intro with the idea "menu fart sound" in your head, you should start to hear it. I never heard it that way until someone said that.
Ive always mistook his menu sfx for a fart/queef sound and Im not even the toilet humor kind of guy. It really really sounds like a wet fart. It doesnt help that the intro music has that growling bass.
What does Anthony actually like? I swear in like every review he’s just unaware of what he’s talking about. I used to think he liked street fighter, but even that he only seems to have a surface level knowledge about. A lot of properties he just seems to know because of smash, because he’s always talking about his smash display. It just seems like he doesn’t like much.
you didnt know? anthony doesnt actually consume any of these IPs, he just reads about them on wiki.
he's probably some autist who doesn't like anything that's why his own line of toys is so boring and uninspired
He likes dragon ball. In the Hit review he even said he needed a timeskip effect which means he knew of the Super stuff.
dragon ball and smash. nothing else. he's weirdly forgiving with those two every time.
He's into Halo and Mortal Kombat and that's about fucking it. So basically garbage taste, if that wasn't obvious.
Don't forget he likes big wide chests and high shoulders. If your figure doesn't have these it's an automatic -3 points.
yeah I mean I get it, superheroes are generally big dudes, but its like ... slim people DO exist anthony, not everyone is built like fucking Juggernaut
Halo when it was under Bungie was kino. The original trilogy are the greatest fps games ever made.

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