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Is this 6 inch fad ever going to end?
Every decade, toys had a different dominant scale. In the 70s, it was the 12 inch GI Joe dolls. In the 80s, the iconic 3.75 inch figures reigned supreme. In the 90s, 7 inch figures found their footing. But now in the 2000s, almost everyone is just doing 6 inch. Why is this fad not ending? Companies just keep using the same tired playbook of releasing a 6 inch action figure line with little to no creativity. No playsets, no vehicles, these are not for kids. I think most people can agree that 3.75 was the best scale for both vehicles and playsets, not too big, but not too small either. You want a vehicle for your 6 inch figures? You have to buy a $500 Haslab. When are these companies going to learn?
>No playsets, no vehicles
Because 6 inch is more focused on the characters themselves and articulation. If you like vehicles and playsets, that’s fine, but as you said that’s for 3.75 figures. Or there’s a lot of custom creators and 3d printers that make dioramas and such for 6 inch figures.
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go fuck yourself
i mean i still like 6 in but he isnt wrong
No. The 6-7" is what sells now because it's mostly adult buying figures instead of kids. Playsets and vehicles are great but adults don't have time or space to play with them unless you got no family to take care of. So theres not really any point of making smaller figures since the price for making them is similar to just making the largers ones that sell more. If somehow, social media gets banned and celphones are age restricted to teens and up, we will never see smaller figres and playsets ever get popular again.
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You rape kids ChungusFurry. hang thyself Singopoor demon.
6 inch is better for a small collection with a few of your favorites
3.75 inch is better for large collections
simple as
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I’m pretty sure theres a pic of Chungus’s real face out there, though if there is its been a while since I’ve seen his brown ugly mug.
slt, you're just as much of a problem for feeding the fucking trolls and taking what they say to heart. First Zat and now Athena. Holy shit, stop.
>No playsets, no vehicles,
they have plenty of these in fact, this is most of what's in the toy sections. do you ever go to a toy store?
What is he supposed to do? Athena can’t go more than 2 seconds without calling him names. It’s ridiculous. He’s not gonna stop whether he acknowledges him or not.
Not 1/12 scale playsets and vehicles.
Ignore it. He should fucking ignore it because doing what he does now just continues to escalate things. He's done this twice now with two different, well known, trolls. He's retarded. Who cares what some random sperg on 4chan says about your made up name you only use to post the coomer fucking general.
Thinking about slt gives you a boner?
Not sure i would have admitted that.
I think characters are more important than ever. It may be social media culture.
Think classic Star Wars, and you'll think of characters and a variety of ships. Think modern Star Wars and you'll only think of named characters.
6-7 inch is the most convenient size for humanoid characters, so toymakers just make the main characters in toyline in that size and they treat vehicles and playset as an extra.
Brown Pedophile.
seems pretty easy to say from the literally who who no one cares enough about to insult. not sure if i had kids i would be thrilled with some one insinuating over and over again i did inappropriate things to them and then goes the next step further and starts posting a song about it. i might be inclined to tell them to go fuck themselves too. I mean i understand you are a pillar of stone who never feels things but some people get mad about stuff.
Oh hi Catkiller! Hows being mindbroken doin ya Dio?
The cost is too high and most aren't interested in having vehicles/playsets. People have space for characters, but not for a whole 1/12 Batcave. very small number of collectors have space for that, especially if you're going to have multiple.
You literally kill cats, side with the ones who want legalised CP, and are mentally Ill Dio, you getting perma banned off this site would be a great improvement you freak, maybe even call the police to check on your dead cats
Also lol lmao have fun being gone’d for a long while with you posting attempted doxes diosuck ya mindbroken whorse
>casually doxes someone because they disagree with what he posted on a toy board
but yet we’re supposed to believe it’s Jin that has the issues? seriously, get some help
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This thread needs to be nuked
I just wanted to talk about toys…
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He kills cats and creeps after little girls (and def boys), did you expect this fine piece of modernism to be mentally stable? Lol
I agree but not before we see a rangeban on DioSneed
Delete this shit. Now. Or at the very least the file.
Also this is why you got this very same treatment ya loon. Ya deserve it, you’re mentally ill and need to be in an asylum
https://www.reddit.com/r/diosoth_sucks/comments/1cceemu/my_history_with_diosoth/ Here’s a link going down on how deranged this creature who spams us is
why is there a whole subreddit devoted to diosoth
SLT, no one, I repeat no one, knows who SLT is outside of this board. No one is going to somehow think you're a pedo IRL because some random schizo accused a tripfag of being a pedo. Stop taking this place so fucking seriously, holy shit.
He’s mentally deranged enough to get analysed but people on normal places like Kiwi or lolcow are too lazy to give him a thread. So instead people have to go to reddit of all places to have a consistent place to discuss the catkiller
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>he got banned
Lol, all that waiting for 3 messages and likely a 30 day long ban. Hope it was worth it you mental patient felinefilleter
NOW can we discuss 3.75/6 inch toys?
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Would prefer 3.75, smaller and more compatible with other stuff. Better to store too
>likely a 30 day long ban
Do we actually have those here? Could've swore it was 3 day max on /toy/.
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not every one you talk to in this threads is slt, my guy. me making a counter point doesn't make me any more slt than you making a point about slt makes you slt.
i get what you are saying but as some one else said the shit posting happens regardless of his reaction and we are allowed to say our peace regardless of who likes it or not.
Just because you think a certain way doesn't mean every one think the way you do. The argument could be made for you to not get yourself involved yet here you are stating your opinion on the matter several times while telling the man he's not allowed to voice his opinion. seems kinda bullshitty to me

captcha: NOT OP
Shut up faggot
Oh okay, you were just trolling the whole time. Got it.
You're being just a whiney as SLT is now. Cut it out.
>I’m pretty sure theres a pic of Chungus’s real face out there
Yeah, on a criminal rap sheet.
He posted a pic of a guy’s house and threatened to kill him, I reported him for illegal content so yes I am pretty sure thats a 30 day ban
I don’t think he threatened to kill him, but yeah the house part is true.
No no no I know this guy he directly wanted to kill that guy, it was a direct call on his home and everything. Legit somebody needs to have the police look into that psychopath
Checks out.
>toys at retail died
Cartoons switching over to spongebob like formats also help kill toys at retail. There's barely any action oriented kids cartoons anymore that can promote toys and playsets, just woke ass stevy universe and rick and morty slop that only promote memes instead of wanting buy figures..
No fucking way, why does the toy board have such bitter insane schizos?
Don't think it's going anywhere. There's still a decent amount of 1/18 and 1/10 figures coming out so it's not like they're dead either, but at this point a lot of people are so heavily invested in their 1/12 collections both on the domestic and import front that I think an industry wide shift to another scale would just make a lot of people stop collecting, especially with the rising prices.
Ok retard
These annoying pieces of mentally ill shit have been banned from literally every other site and community imaginable. For some reason they choose to shit this place up when they have nowhere else to ruin.
Who’s the chick with the orange and blonde hair in the OP pic? She cute
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I think she is this valaverse character. This line is similar to Gi Joe Classified.
>This line is similar to Gi Joe Classified
Nah, it’s pretty much a complete knockoff. And way worse at that.
Im autistic enough that even within "1/12" lines I find most 6 and half inch tall domestic figures incompatible with true 1/12 scale 15 cm tall figures that imports do. Especially since the 15cm figures often represent canonically tall characters whilst most 6 half inch domestic figures are supposed to represent an average height male.
They can ban evade here easier until somebody gets sick of them
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Yeah I dont really like them. Should of cancelled my order. Honestly want to sell off my Joes too.
Fair. I mostly keep my imports and domestics separate so it doesn't bother me much. Problem is if they make an effort to scale down domestics to true 1/12, it wouldn't go over well. I remember DCC initially trying it with their Icons line and people who were collecting the previous 6.75" figures were pissed as were the ones hoping to fudge them with their DCUC or Legends. They ended up scaling them more in line with the industry's "6 inch" before the line got cancelled.
The 6-inch scale is literally perfect for action figures. 1/6 figures are too expensive with limited articulation and 3.75-inch figures are too small, have limited detail, and have terrible articulation. What are the drawbacks to 6-inch figures? Nothing.

>muh playsets

Wow nobody cares lol
Its just absolutely insane that you have anons complaining about le 6 inch chungus but 6 inch isnt even a singlular standard but are actually two completely different scales.
Vehicles and playsets are a big deal when it comes to toys, newfag
NTA but DCC Icons died because they were fragile and just not really all that good. I think if they'd been good figures people might have been more into the scale.
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The only scales that matter are 1:18, 1:12, and 1:6.
1/12 being the perfect scale for characters extends to their accessories too. Having perfect scale 1/18 accessories can result in very tiny parts and it will suffer in detail compared to 1/12 just like the figures holding them. I dont think Ive ever seen this point raised before.
Vehicles are really cool but having larger more detailed accessories is a trade off thats generally worth it. You can also still get 1/12 vehicles on a budget with RC stuff or when a domestic company actually makes a badass cheap 1/12 vehicle once in a blue moon like the Mcfarlane Warthog or the His Majestys Armed Services Tank.

With 1/12 Playsets, just make your own diorama. Itll be cheaper and look nicer than anything a company can practically offer.
Space is definitely a bitch though 1/18 will always win there.
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I generally prefer 6 inch since they usually look better and have better articulation, but 3.75 inch is more convenient for things with a lot of vehicles. Then whatever scale the star wars micro galaxy stuff is at is even better for larger vehicles, but at that point the figures are almost an afterthought.
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1/12 or 5-6 inch has been popular for centuries. This dollhouse room is from the 1600s, it’s just the scale that allows for detail + space management.
How is it not a fad? Every so often the primary scale changes, right now we’re under the 6 inch fad.
Mythic Legions and McFarlane stuff is more the 7 inch what scale is that 1/11, 1/10?
McFarlane and NECA are 1/10 (6 feet = 72 inches, divided by 10 is about 7 inches), but Four Horsemen products are at the same scale they used back when they sculpted DC Universe for Mattel: 6 foot characters are about 6.75", or 1/10.66.
Having drivers is an issue that interferes with the Vehicle.
>Should of
Do it retard boomer
>subby thread
You guys are waisting your time, he doesn't want a discussion because in his mind he is always right.
Stop spamming other threads, retard
kys Zat
>Having drivers is an issue that interferes with the Vehicle
What? I’m confused what you’re trying to say.
make your own playsets out of cardboard and 3D print material
Really? That’s your solution?
>just play with trash
It's never going to end because it's not a fad.
Most 3.75 vehicles are terrible anyway because they're cheap, janky retail toys for kids. Proportions are crap and there's a lack of paint in detailing. You have to be a real manchild to lack the dignity to honestly display some crappy Hasbro or random Chinese company's disproportional vehicle taking up so much room in your display.
You want vehicles learn how to paint and design and built a model kit
Explain to me how it’s not. Why did other scales see phases of dominance, but now 6 inch just gets to stay? It’s bullshit really. It’s not a good scale for play.
>it's a fad!
>w-why isn't it going away?!
Jesus Christ, you're an idiot, we get it you prefer quarter inch figures, good for you, stop spamming other threads about it.
I’m the OP and it’s not me posting shit in the other threads, that’s some annoying spammer.
Michael puts way too much emphasis on playsets. Most people care about character toys and just imagine the scenario around them.

He just doesn't get that most people collect action figures in a different way than he does.
The industry has fossilized because no new blood is buying figures, so things will not change. The audience is already set: gen Xers and Millennials will be the last action figure collectors, and their preference has ossified at 6 inch figures, so shall it be until the industry stops producing figures because there is no longer money in it.
I may be stupid but are these six inch barbies? Is that a thing? Unironically curious because I'd buy and customize the shit out of 6in female barbies
>Claims 3.75 best scale for vehicles and playsets
>Haslabs are $500 for them...

It's not the scale, it's what you retards are willing to pay, dickhead.
Zoomers also want 6'' figures because that's around what the cool JP figures are. If anything it's boomers/gen xers who want 12''(old fucks who have money to spend on Hot toys) or 3.75(have 30 years of dusty GI Joe and Star Wars vehicles).
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Seconding this as a millenial who got into action figures through Figma
Hey now friend, my figures and playsets aren’t dusty.
Who’s Michael?
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Boomers don't buy toys, anon. You mean Millennials. We're the ones they call boomers, not actual boomers. And we're firmly in the 6 inch camp since we're mostly late 80s, 90s kids
Boomers do but toys though
Who said boomers don’t buy toys?
boomers invented buying toys as adults
only other toy collectors besides myself ive seen at retail stores are 40+. i dont know the real demographics but thats my anecdote.

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