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File: 300px-BW_Iguanus_toy.jpg (15 KB, 300x236)
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So. When I was a kid, somewhere between micro machines era and early Lego bionacle (I think) I remember buying a series of "three colored aliens" that were sold in sets of a 4 or 5 I think? Might have been randomly assorted but for some reason I don't think so. The figures were all representing either a red, blue, or green faction. They were slightly smaller than a micro machines vehicle, I think. My hands were smaller then so I can't accurately say though. And you played a game with the figures, kind of like "war" with playing cards. I think the colors all trumped or died to a specific other color, and they had numbers on the bottom of their feet so that you could know their power level if a matching color came up.

Anyone remember what these are called?

Also, bonus question...what was your FIRST beast wars figure? Mine was Iguanis? 7$ in like 1996 or somewhere near there. I'm not going to look it up, going off memory. I saved up my weekly 1$ allowance.
Also, these are NOT War Planets. They only came with the little alien guys, no tanks or accessories. Also, softer plastic?
Fistful of Aliens my nigga, and they were kino
I got the Optimus/Megatron comic pack, razorbeast, rat trap, iguanis, and the Happy meal figures, my friend has all the fucking sweet ones like dinobot and the deluxe Optimus and Megatron
My first was Airrazor. My first summer job's paycheck.
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He was just so good.
Either Iguanus or Bat Primal and Alligator Megatron. The basic flip figures were all so much fun.
1st beast wars were the Happy meal figures, I got all 4 when I was a kid.

My first "real" BW figure was the ultra optimus primal, many many years later when I was already working. Childhood wish fulfilled, lol.
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Based choice, I love Beast Wars insects like you wouldn't believe. I'd have to pick Ramage purely from the intensity of my desire for him as a kid. Buying him at a Mandarake decades later kicked off my entire toy collecting obsession
the bat gator two-pack was my first one as well. I wish they did more like that. It was so great to get a good guy and bad guy and a little comic. I feel like this must have sold well, but they never did anything like it again.
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I'm not 100% sure but I think it was Snarl
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Cheetor with the blue eyes. Apparently it was somewhat rare and there's a red and blue eyes re-release that marks later variants. Still have him in perfect condition
$7 sounds right for a Basic, OP. Apparently in some places they were as cheap as $5. I still have the size-classes and prices locked in my head. It's how I learned about money
Brown Pedo.

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