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An anime, cards, clothes, figures, youtooz plushies and a ton more regular plushies are coming along with the establishment of the Palworld Entertainment Corporation. Kind of like TPC. They are taking suggestions for merch on twitter and the like. They do not seem to be interested in producing sus or nsfw type shit like dakis.

I've been having a blast with the update and Im saving up for the plushies. The more we build up Palworld the bigger the fire under Pokemon's ass is to deliver quality games and product too.

Too little, too late. Flavor of the month game that’s already dead.
>The more we build up Palworld
Uh, I don't think I've seen it played, pictured, or mentioned at all on my feeds in the last several months, and when it first came out, I couldn't avoid it! Is it even still of interest aside to a couple streamers?
Are you a pokecultist or what because this is still getting big content updates, bug fixes, qol and all the stuff i mentioned. Also with the update the player count got large again.

Yes theres a solid fandom and we get new content and fans too. Fans making mods as well.
Palworld used AI to create pokemon knockoffs.

Compared to digimon, palworld designs are literslly pokemon designs color swapped.
Jfc this was debunked months ago dude. They may actually sue the guys who started these rumors. Palworld has an artbook coming out with all sorts of sketches and material too.
You realize that’s even worse then, right? They deliberately designed them to look like Pokémon.
Not all of them look like pokemon copies and i never cared about this issue nor should anyone else so much. Pokemon is a shitty megacorp whos stolen/"got inspired by" designs from fakemon artists and other games, no one cared. Hazbin, helluva and smg4 stole oc designs from small artists, no one cares. This is a pokemon brand white knight thing, i wish people would stop pretending its an artistic integrity and originality thing.
Just like Minecraft, Among Us, Undertale, and FNAF, right?
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nobody cares about this flavor of the month dogshit. the retarded pajeets here seriously thought this steam shovelware could come close to the stupidly large juggernaut that is pokémon. lmao

I'm worried that they partnered with Sony of all people to establish this Palworld Company venture, this could turn out badly down the road but we'll see I guess. This brand seems like a pariah or a black sheep in Japan, distributing the Palworld merch there might be difficult so this is shaping up to be predominantly focusing on the western market instead despite the founders being Japanese, this will be interesting.
Where the fuck do people keep all their plushies?
They seem like the go-to merch now but they are awful for display and add up to take up a lot of room fast. Pops are ugly as shit but at least they are little.
People are enjoying it and pokecultists care enough to go red in the face and shit their diapers.

Im a bit worried about sony too. Nintendo thinks that theyre the mafia and tried to put out a gag order on Palworld. Cute. But theyre a juggernaut that can never be threatened right???
You realize a lot of Pokemon were deliberately designed to look like Dragon Quest monsters, right? If you ever saw some of the leaked beta artwork and sprites for the first two generations, they were far more blatant about ripping off other IPs - there was a literal Xenomorph Pokemon, Gligar was a literal facehugger, there was a Mechagodzilla knockoff, etc. Pokemon also stole gimmicks and ideas from other competing franchises (Megas, anyone?), and designed many of their later 'mons starting around XY to mimic Yo-kai Watch's artstyle to compete with them. If it's fine for Pokemon to do it, then it's fine for other IPs to do it in turn to Pokemon.
I sleep with Munch and 2 meters long Chillet. The small ones are at the head of my bed.
Irrespective of whether the game is a ripoff or not it looks like bootleggy shit. None of the assets match each other stylistically.
>No Katress

I'm more upset than there's no Lunaris. She'd be an insta-buy for me.
Who the fuck cares holy shit plushies is that all there is? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
They're just getting started, bro - and they're getting their feet wet by making the same merch that Pokemon gets the most sales from thee days, stuffed dolls.
This is most of the shit in the pokemon switch games but i know you would defend that and called those titles good instead of criticizing it despite it being the worse offender by a lot.

Both of these have bootlegs that are okish.

Dont you have a diapered scorbunny or fuckable eevee to snuggle instead of coming here and getting angry that your franchise may have to actually start trying again?

Pokemon "fans" (read coomers and brand worshippers worse than disney adults) are pants shitting angry that none of their slander or dead game claiming against palworld worked, individuals may be sued, there are no glaring complaints about quality that exist, that Palworlds becoming a corporation, that palworld is beginning to get its hooks into the fans and porn artists and that now they are going to be selling everything that Pokemon is. They cannot stand more than the lazy jap boomers that we are getting it good somewhere else.
Pokémon has generational gain, what does pal world have? There's no mystery or exclusivity behind it, oh three plushies is going to be game changing?
Three plushies TO START WITH. They stated that they'll make more depending on how well these ones sell. Now that they're officially partnered with Sony, they'll start branching out into other merch as well at some point; they're just testing the waters right now.
And it wont last with tons less kids being born and quality going through the floor. Prices rising, repetitive selection and worse creature designs dont help toy sales either. Despite being shilled on the internet, more toys, more media, more porn, more adults and teens staying in fandom spaces or joining and Pokemon GO, there wasnt another Pokemania, nor could any of the switch titles outsell the old ass games with all of this on their side. Pokemon GO is no longer even relevant, that was what brought in the new bandwagoners who most have left. There will not even be another GO sized phenomenon, unless someone bioengineers real pokemon. Theres no more stay at home pandemic or switch play novelty to move troves of garbage either.

Palworld is already better to play than any of the sorry 3d pokemon games by a large margin and content is still coming, for free. I cannot think of anything palworld needs besides more pals and lands, theres a ton of shit the fandom wishes you would be able to do in the 3d games.

Pokemon has plateaued and relies on nostalgia. It has not been good in a very long time, very good even longer. Sales been dropping since swsh, will continue to drop when a new nintendo system is required and quality is lessened or more of the same, again. Its biggest rival has yet to make a mistake and has lots of plans for growth.
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Wake me when figures
I hope they do well, Pokemon as a whole has become stale and even though I don't really have a desire for many pokemon toys the fact I can't easily go out and buy my favourites is retarded. Palworld doing well hopefully gets the pokemon company to think a lil harder at least
Palworld does have some decent designs like Chillet, looking forward to seeing what else they do.
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i can't imagine how disconnected from reality one has to be to think a fotm garbage open world early access survival crafting with fakemons has a chance to come even remotely close to the absolutely fucking monolithic multimedia franchise started before most of you were even born. lmao

kys, retard pajeet.
Pokémon will continue being retarded, if the kick from Yo-Kai watch didn't wake them up nothing will. YW did turn enough heads to make Pokémon copy its ideas so maybe in the next gen they'll add guns or something.
Stop shilling your FOTM slop as "The Next Big Thing", Bucky. It's getting embarrassing.
>mongoloid espurr
>jigglypuff with down syndrome
>tranny furret
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Post your wants
Lego gets pokemon

Mega gets Palworld
Explain this
the designs are way better than the real palworld designs desu
>Explain this
Those are AI generated (and I've half a mind to accuse you of being the one who generated them). None of those exist - see for yourself:
Pretty funny how unironic palfag shills came to /toy/ from /v/ and brought their retarded drama with them
No, everyone that says palworld is mid is not a pokemon fan, they just have eyes.
>Pretty funny how unironic palfag shills came to /toy/ from /v/
I've avoided/v/ for years, bro - the place is worse than /b/ at this point. YOU came to ME and brought YOUR drama with you.
>No, everyone that says palworld is mid is not a pokemon fan, they just have eyes.
Thing is, you're treating Palworld as if it were a Pokemon knockoff - it isn't (it's an ARK knockoff). Of course, the game itself is utterly irrelevant here - we're on /toy/, and this board is for merchandise. The source material isn't important, and not up for discussion - all we care about are the plushies. So kindly fuck back off to whatever hole you crawled out of, since it's clear you're not interested in discussing the toys - y'know, the thread topic?
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>50k current players on Steam
>Double the current players of the game it rips off.
>20k more than another "fotm" Helldivers 2
>Still early access and not close to content complete.
>Dead game.

Back on topic more Flambelle.
Pokemon is already marketed to trannies with the new anime series. It’s all about “muh gurl power” shit
pokechuds still absolutely seething
imagine if they make a line like the Pokemon Select line but give the Pals way better articulation
80% of steam buyers played it this weekend
They did just blatantly copy Pokemon. It's a legitimate thing to be annoyed about.
Imagine if anyone gave a fuck
seething that daddy nintento can't do shit to them after all your crying about suing them
Lol Pokémon has way more toys than pal world ever will.
You can see prototypes on their twitter.

>>still calling palworld flavor of the month
>>STILL deepthroating these companies after all of their sins. Price gouging, game quality and cuts, zionism, babyfying all medias.
Lmao do you like getting kicked in the nuts too? You seem to have a thing for being blatantly disrespected. Go back to your dirty little cult corner on vp that praises dog shit coated cardboard and faps to marnies feet and ass.

Pokemon "fans" hate the idea of quality. They dont truly like anything of substance from pokemon or about the gameplay, pokemon themselves, locations, vibes. Just filling their empty personality and life with little purpose with a brand from their younger years.

Theres some trans npcs in the switch games too.

But im the delusional one right

Almost all of the people who dont like palworld bitch and whine constantly and pop up in palworld threads. They are all pokemon boot deepthroaters. If you simply didnt gaf you wouldnt have posted here.

>>more fabricated crap from poketoddlers
Eat shit and die, please. Eat more than you are now I mean.

Its proven to not be fotm. Your fandoms underage waifus are the definition of flavor of the month and disposable.

Since they humiliate pokemon in almost everything i can see that happening if the basic figures do well.

Annoyed, sure if you feel the need. The ones still shitting about it are pokebabies.

How many more years has pokemon been around? What does it feed you cattle for profit? And how many of the toys are actually good or appropriately sized? Not that many.
Anon, take a breath.
Bucky pays him per word
Angry Palworld marketers have made it to /toy/ I see.
It's a bad game that's not fun and has no memorable designs except for the pal that was designed specifically for prevents to jack off to. No one wants toys.
Dont know who tf that is. Theres no excuse for whats happened to pokemon and it doesnt deserve praise and defending so shit gets worse and these retards come ruin other fandoms eventually.

Sorry OP, you can't post about Palworld toys here because /toy/ has been dominated by NintendoGAF ever since the Link and Samus figmas came out.
Can you people go back to /v/ and take your console warring with you?
Its the pokefaggots who came here angry because we're not clamoring for gamefreak cock and balls. Im not gonna take shit from people who spend time in a diarrhea splashed playpen and think anyone who sees an issue with living in that is in the wrong.
This isn't /v/, you can't convince people that pokemon fans are mad about Palworld here especially when most of the aggression is coming from the side of Palworld fans.
A bit like shit lmao
Who's buying these?
Not bad but why not use its neutral expression?
And $27 for a <30cm plush? That's more expensive than Pokemon Center plushies, damn.
missed opportunity to make chillet posable/flexible
>Who's buying these?
Depresso is meme'd hard by redditors, especially his mining animation, I get why they picked him. Lamball would probably be a better choice than Cattiva but Pocket Pair seems to want to boost its popularity lately. No hope for Chikipi though.
>Not bad but why not use its neutral expression?
Yeah, I'd rather have a neutral one too, or at least something other than the petting face. PP is milking this expression everywhere now, it's even in the 6-month anniversary video they posted a few days ago:
They had to leave room for the onahole pocket.
Not more expensive than all. Also a lot better quality looking from pics than modern pokemon center. Quality went down a lot on plushies and design quality after swsh merch era.
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Grizzbolt and Tombat
based. though i'm biased since gliscor is one of my favorite pokes
People actually still care about this chink shit?
The Pokemon building toy license will always belong to Mega Bloks
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I want my Daedream plush

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