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File: 20240712_001746.jpg (2.95 MB, 4080x3060)
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Despite the rough start with cog and the mandatory partsforming ones the current junkions and rock guys are really good transformers figures, and excel in not their intended features but rather their ability to combine with others in unique ways, creating a lego-like third dimension to these figures that just make them the best imo.

Hasbro needs to think up of more of these and to orient them towards their ability to combine rather than their ability to act as armor pieces, as they seem to lack in that advertised feature.

Picrel is a combiner I made of magmatron, crashbar and scraphook
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I think sometimes they sacrifice posability and general figure quality a bit more than they should, but fuck me if I don't still love them. Especially with how wild they get with the aesthetics. I still love the rocks and the fossilizers, there's not a lot else like them in TF.
Why is this not in one of the twenty other Transformers Generals on the board? Did this really warrant making it's own thread? (The answer is no. Stop spamming the board, you fucking faggot.)

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