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Connection rereleases and the new unis are out. Did you get yours?
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The Omori Connections are finally being put up for preorder later this month! This is extremely exciting news.
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leaked listings for tamagotchi angel rereleases from an Indonesian distributor
The Medusa Woopatchi looks kinda cute but I'm not super excited for either Angel or Monster.
I'll have to think on it.
I don't think I can go back to button battery pets, charging off my computer spoiled me.
They're still not available in my country :(
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My first Uni arrived today. I got the monster carnival shell, it looks great with the cyber black wrist strap which was part of what pushed me to get that edition. Pretty fun so far but I hate the sliding puzzle minigame for the monster DLC area, fuck sliding puzzles.
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im so used to grinding the ID L sliding puzzle minigame that the one in the dlc area does not phase me hahaha. I love seeing the devil characters with modern spritework. I still would prefer to have them be raisable but it's still nice to see them there.
releases when?
They arent on zenin they arent on amazon in europe
How much $ are we talking here?
I've been outta the loop on digipera for about two years, so this's the first I've heard of this; apparently they're a new programming that's sort of a mixture of the V3 and K-Plus? Very neat, definitely picking one up.
Do the Tamatown codes all work with it?
Is this an actual thing, because these just look like artwork keychains, and I couldn't find anything on the subject by searching.

On this note, what's the state of Digimon v-pets right now? I'm new ro Digimon but remember hearing some bellyaching about Bandai botching their rereleases a while ago or something.
Digipets*, fuckin christ i dunno how I misspelled it that hard lol.
What's the battery life on these new ones?
>state of Digimon v-pets right now
Second wave of Pendulum Colors is out this autumn. other than that, nothing.
40 USD - considering inflation, I don't think it's really much more expensive than the original connections when they first came out?
>Do the Tamatown codes all work with it?
Nope, there's no login/logout code system but there's still shop codes and a password menu
The V3 shop codes still work, but the passwords are all new. They've barely distributed any (unique passwords are included inside the box of each shell) so it's too early for them to be decoded, assuming they aren't just random and hardcoded.
It's likely they'll drip feed passwords for souvenirs (formerly obtained via tama town) on social media over time, like how they drip fed the pix QR codes (though those were almost instantly cracked)
Haven't bought a Connection rerelease yet because none of the shell designs really resonate with me
I'm hoping with the seasonal shell releases they eventually do an edgy black and/or purple one
At 30USD, they're about in line with what OG connections would have been if they tracked with CPI. Don't know where you're seeing 40.
Maybe a month like the originals. Mine has been running for a week and a half on OEM batteries.
I like the ice cream shell more in person than I thought I would, but agreed. if they release shells on par with the P series rereleases I'll be pumped since these devices are actually fun to me.
This is pretty exciting but only because I've never owned an Angel. Butt icon for the toilet FTW.
For anyone interested, this LoveMelo concert should have 1 use left:

>Don't know where you're seeing 40.
That's what amazon said when I looked, but every shell had a slightly different price so it must've been third party resellers instead of RRP
30's impressive given the current state of the world/economy
used, thanks!
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Since we're posting codes here's one for monster carnival. Should have 2 more uses to claim (if I didn’t make a typo)
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cute :)

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