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Previous Thread: >>11038726

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 27th)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 27th)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-IB-C03: HAL 826/Handler Walter (Nov. 2024)
-Strike Noir ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Nov. 2024)
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA
-Metal魂 Gundam TR-1 [Haze’n-thley] (Nov. 2024)
-Gundam Lfrith Thorn ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Gundam Lfrith Ur ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Ka Signature Xi Gundam Hathway Ver. (Dec. 2024)
-Metal魂 Zi-Apollo (Jan. 2025)
Bandai's official RD page with images and release dates:

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Guel's Dilanza review:

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S-Gundam with Booster Unit review:


Passed on this as I didn't care for how the boosters look on S-Gundam, but I kinda dig it on the Zeta Plus.
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Love the Ground Gundam and its variants; are there any other notable suits they could make based on the Ground Gundam?

Oh man, real sorry to see that. Any luck with repairs?
>Cripplegundam with bazooka
Always makes me laugh
What a hideous fucking design.
Shh, people like their flying bricks around here apparently.
Probably appeals to those who like those ugly messes of Chinese mech designs.
it's a design from 1988
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I can see the appeal of it, in a way it's ""realism"" obviously not taken to the logical extreme because otherwise it wouldn't even be a mecha, but more as an aesthetic.
The EX-S and other Sentinel designs were created in the 80s. Compared to most of what else was happening at the time they display a pretty forward thinking level of mechanical complexity and texture that didn't become common until the 00s.
Katoki's works have always had that quality. The fuel tanks, support sub arms, cooling vents and verniers are all details used to sell the image of a bunch of systems that support its functions.
It's different from modern Chinese stuff that just has excess of edges without any purpose.
Doesnt count.
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I like the Sentinel stuff, and I have a lot of the Ka Signature releases. I was also alive in the 80s, so I remember not liking the Sentinel designs when they were released because they were so different than Zeta Gundam or 0079 designs. But the sentinel designs really grew on me, the reasons you gave being part of that.
anything exciting coming up soon?
lol @ these butthurt seed toddlers.
No one even mentioned SEED you mouthbreathing retard. UC boomers really will just evangelise any design that comes out of their dogshit timeline.
Would be cool to see slave wraith. You planning on getting the other blue destiny units?
>It's different from modern Chinese stuff that just has excess of edges without any purpose.
Still comes across as the same level of busyness as Chinese designs.
Might not be as bad as the Chinese ones but a lot closer to it.
It's always seedfags and sometimes wing and g fags that cry about UC chad designs. You're mad that nobody takes your spiky edgelord gundams piloted by emo boys seriously.
Genuinely, sincerely, unironically filtered. I bet you think the cybertruck is a good vehicle design.
>I bet you think the cybertruck is a good vehicle design.
I lold. Bitch got TOLD.
you know it’s a slow release month when the thread is just seedfags cs ucfags arguing about who has better flying bricks
I'm not even remotely mad anon because SEED Freedom just made 4 billion yen and guaranteed another 20+ years of superior designs :^)
I'll enjoy my MRD Mighty Strike Freedom, Destiny Spec-II and Figuarts Kira, Athrun and Shinn while you cry for another decade about that Char prototype no one wants. Don't be too sad though anon you're a great projectionist, bet you could get a nice comfy job at your local kinoplex.
>Any Gundam
Lmao even.
Seed is shit, but flying bricks are also shit. You are also shit.
A literal brick with razor blades taped to it is the most spiky edgelord gundam possible. Also christ, half of UC's protagonists are emo.
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20 whole dollars, only 4 left. Nelly is 80 with only 13 left, not nearly close to it's previous low of 29.99.
Zegapain is an exclusive? Bets on it shelf warming so I can scoop it up discounted?
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>announce preorder date
>people immediately notice the lack of white on the antenna
>postpone preorder date
Hopefully they add the white but with the yen being in such a bad shape and regular gashapon being hard locked at 500 yen, this might be a challenge for them.
Ez, make the wings a secondary item, 1000 yen for the entire figure split over two 500 yen releases.
Pretty sure they already did that.
The 6 variants are:
Strike Freedom type 2 with regular wings
Proud Defender backpack
Char Gelgoog
Dilanza Guel
Weapon pack

They already did it for Rising Freedom and immortal Justice.
SoC Gaifighgar has Prime Day deal for $211:


Worth it? Not familiar with the series, but it's a cool looking super robot.
This is Mecha right? This finally came to Canada Amazon. What am I in for? Anyone in this thread have one that can give me some insight?
I saw some complaints early on about the hips breaking but I don’t know if it’s widespread.
>CCS toys anima 01 shipped
Soon... In the meantime I'll open my MB Strike Freedom, when I'm done with the MGEX so I can make my dream of having both of them next to each other come true. On saturday, if I'm not too impatient after the final gloss coat that I'll be doing tomorrow.
Let me know how the backpack is to take off/on, haven’t had the chance to mess with mine yet.
Gonna need some red circles so I understand whats happening bro
came without thigh skirts
Shit like this makes the whole P-Bandai sales model pointless. No use in pre-ordering stuff when you can't even be sure that you'll receive a complete item.
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Wasn't the Spec II supposed to be closer to the Legend Gundam's colors?
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Just got the full armor 78 gundam, so many parts, cool as hell.
>Wasn't the Spec II supposed to be closer to the Legend Gundam's colors?
Just tge stripe chest and sword i think.
Great figure BUT the robot collar/T-rex neck flipping gimmick has shitty tolerances. Be extra careful or you'll chip some paint.
oh shit it is already out? I managed to preorder one for the first batch so I should get the shipping notice soon I hope
I tend never to remove the backpacks off my figures, specifically because I'm awfully bad at it and also because the connections tend to be tight.
Will the RD Kampfer ever be reissued? It’s the only RD I really need left and the yen is still low.
Looks like Amazon screwed me, still have not been charged. And usually when that happens they ran out of stock before they got to my order. Bastards thanks for the tip though it's good to know if the order actually comes through.
I think it was actually already reissued recently? I swear I saw it up for preorder a few months ago again.
Amazon is notorious for this with high end toys. I don't feel like they are even worth preordering with because they do it so frequently. They always cancel last minute saying there is no stock, only for it to be in stock a week later.
Dumbass question, what the FUCK is the difference between Illustruous and Superior Class Moshow Toys? Is it just a dumbass translation thing?
these new ones are like MRD size, their previous figures are huge, bigger than MBs.
it is an upcoming downscaled figure to be similar to a 1/100 mech
this video shows a comparison with the origial release:
Nah. I’d know about since I see what RDs do get reissued. It was reissued once before but I didn’t get it then eother
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>try different settings on phone camera
>all pics turn out to be a blurry mess
I'm not doing it over again. Maybe one day I'll invest in a proper camera
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Cultural exchange
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And lastly, their tip are touching
you painted those funnels of the MGEX?
Satanic get check. It's fully painted, but my shitty phone camera and bad lighting don't do it justice in pictures
imo looks way better than the MB, nice job
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Thanks anon
Gracias, this scale is much more my speed.
Look at all this delicious cope.
Look at this non-argument
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Uh-oh, I think you got the wrong board! You're looking for /r/debate!
>P-Bandai sales model

The Sales model was never perfect QC. What the fuck are you talking about
I think you should kill yourself.
After much delay and thinking I missed out, this randomly came today. Didn't get a shipping notice or a drop off notice...Thanks Amazon...ya jerks
The lack of neck on the Tyrannozord doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would
Nah, I was born with superior genes that prevent me from being a seedfag.
Sounds like you were still born defective anon if you're a Gundam fan in any way.
Don't let your inner grognard get in the way of enjoying a toy.
I swear to fucking God with Macross figures some people just act like Yamato/Arcadia can do no wrong and Bandai is the goddamn devil.
>showing off succubus girl in background
I feel bad missing her.
Are the WONDWART-RAH II parts unpainted like the HRUDUDU sets?
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Gee Kira, how come Lacus lets you have 2 beam sabers AND a katana
how are Freedom and Justice supposed to be rivals Freedom has three times as many guns plus funnels

Justice has a skateboard and a boomerang
>Freedom and Justice supposed to be rivals
they are complementary units, among the ZGMF series the Freedom is the artillery long/mid range while the Justice is the commander unit (evidenced by the longass head antenna) and the CQC specialist due to its focus on melee weapons
that idea persisted with the subsequent iterations of those suits
Theyre supposed to complement each other. Hell, even at that point of the story asuran and kira realized they went too far kiling each other.
Freedom and Justice are intended to be complimentary units regardless of their pilot’s relationship to one another, and in the case of the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice their focuses are made more extreme, with the SF all in on ranged weaponry and the IJ loaded with a beam saber on practically every limb plus the composite shield. The only SEED suits that are very clearly intended as rival suits are the Cal-re.A and Shi-ve.A, which parallel the SF and IJ respectively.
>CQC specialist due to its focus on melee weapons
It's general purpose. The Justice is based on the Aile Strike's performance. The Justice is more general purpose. They're not really different roles as much as the Freedom is simply better but harder to use, considering both the Freedom and Strike Freedom are called the most powerful MS of their times
>point gun, pull trigger, MAP attack wipe everything

And don't get me started on dragoons, spatial awareness isn't some kind of difficult skill.
Am sad I'll never get to own this for a reasonable price.
Selling my old RD collection over in the BST thread that some of you anons might be interested in. Master Gundam, God Gundam, Strike Freedom Gundam, Talgeese 3, Death Scythe Hell, Arche Gundam, Strike Noir, Perfect Strike, 00 SevenSword, 00 QanT, Dunbine, Sinanju, Testament Gundam, Eva Unit 1, Epyon, Banshee Gundam, Lancelot, Gurren MK2, and Barbatos.
>>point gun, pull trigger, MAP attack wipe everything
Kira specifically avoids killing grunts though, he has to make sure he isn't hitting any vitals.
The targeting is basically just as manual as it is on any other gundam. If MS were simple to pilot then everyone would have a 100% hit rate, but it's a fact that most pilots suck, naturals suck more than Coordinators, and Kira himself is a walking aimbot
There's still the 2024 festival version that can be found for cheaper than the soul blue, but it's not really a reasonable price either
I'm so glad I got the destiny soul red for around 50k yen with shipping. Nowadays it's around 80k yen
If you’re a burger then they’re still planning in having the SF and the Destiny available in the NYC Tamashii Store. Price’ll be the same as it was online ($360), but that’s about as good as it will ever get.
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What I feared has come true and oops worst case scenario it doesn’t come with the bazooka or knife effect piece so enjoy having to buy two Duels to get everything!
ffs Bandai. Thankfully, I like base Duel enough, but this still feels rather scummy of them.
did you really expect otherwise?
Not really, didn’t buy the original Duel since I expected them to pull a CHOBAM with this AS (which they have), just wish they’d actually have included all the accessories of the original release since I’m gonna end up having to grab the first release anyways for the accessories.
I wonder if we'll get a second weapon pack with the Ginn's Bazooka, I was surprised that wasn't with the original release.
Also hoping for a Skygrasper soon.
oh wow that was such a low blow
I didn't expect them to release the Duel Gundam with the AS parts. But I definitely expected it to be webshop exclusive. Bandai never fails to disappoint.
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pew pew
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Some big news for the RD line.
Code Geass really disappoints me because aside from the grunts there's maybe like 5 good ace pilot designs, and the rest are just messes like this.
That's some delightful greebling.
>and the rest are just messes like this.
They really aren't there's maybe 3 other KMFs that look even remotely similar to that thing.
A lot of the post TV show designs have been pretty messy imo.
They've been going crazy with superfluous details ever since the switch to CG.



I kinda feel like I was way too hasty with my BBTS pre-order now that I'm seeing this on Amazon.
I'm surprised they weren't P-Bandai. What's the rationale behind that?
What the actual fuck is this?
PBandai or regular release?
>PBandai or regular release?
Oh my god. I've been asking for RD super robots for years. Shame they're starting with those particular incarnations, hopefully the line won't bomb because of that.
>just got notice of my MRS Destiny Spec II and MB Sword Strike pack getting shipped
yes, please arrive quickly
I'm almost fine with this. Only AS really stuck with me not regular Duel. However, it is a shame the GL effect isn't there.
Seen some reports that the chest is a little wobbly and the hips joints can be loose out of box, let me know how the qc is on your copy.
The mono-eye illusion does have its charm
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This dude is getting reissued
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Finally opened mine, that backpack is definitely not coming off easily once it’s on so I propped it up with the stand arm. Pretty great figure, but for whatever reason I cannot bend the lower elbow joint very far (total range comes out to 90 degrees). The back of the elbow joints look a little scuffed but the joint sections themselves look fine, were the elbows on your copy hard to get moving or am I incredibly unlucky?
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Also opened up this lad, great figure, very excited for the SAGA later this year.
I'm also getting some trouble moving the elbows but they do bend more. One of them when unbent is a little loose. The chest also has a hard time staying bent but that was to be expected with the weight of the backpack, the clear stand arm kinda bypasses that issue. I wish destiny had the same thing.

Thank god I'm not into most 00 designs, the MBs would ruin me even more than they already do. I'll admit I've been mirin that finsternis for a couple of years though.
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Told myself i was out of the metal build game after kampfer but just pulled the trigger on the bellvine... It just looks so much better with this redesign than the RD we got previously.
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This is sentinel?
I've been really hoping they would do RyuKoOh and KoRyuOh next, they're some of the most unique SRW designs and will greatly benefit from their obari designed proportions.
Have the Fisternis and it’s wonderful, funnily enough seeing that figure online by chance is what got me to watch Gundam in the first place. I suppose it is to blame for the gaping hole in my wallet, damn you Ribbons.
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It's all part of the plan.
Chogoukin Damashii
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If there’s one critique I have it’s that they really should have stuck with the silver in the promo images over the dull gold. It’s fine as is but that silver looked so nice.
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What in the god damn
cool samurai
man I'd kill for sentinel release of the ryukooh/koryuoh
I'll wait for CCS Toys'
He's awesome! One of my favorite figs in the collection, the Repair III version is also pretty sick. Alas I passed on the SAGA version, MB price tags are just too high to buy 3 versions of the same mobile suit.

>Thank god I'm not into most 00 designs, the MBs would ruin me even more than they already do.
The GN Arms...
I wish Pacific Rim or Majestic Prince would get some love.
Any pics of Armored Core Robot Spirits?
>not into 00 designs
>but buys seedshit
Fuck, i really want this one...
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Utter trash. Why Bandai thought this would be something cool to own, I'll never understand.

honestly, classic vanilla Freedom is the best design to date, its successors simply look too busy
I just want gundam gusion of any form for metal robot spirits what is all this super robot and SEED shit
Who's ordering?
>what western pandering does to mecha design
That's pretty good color separation for the Universe line. Would probably look better if they dropped the silly tank treads and put on reactive armor panels.

I get most of this but why the stupid antennas? They could’ve at least made ones that looked nicer
The director behind this apparently just makes MGS and 40k shit in Unreal, the trailer just smells of “my only exposure to gundam is that one scene from 08th MS Team.” Rancid vibes, can’t wait to see it flop.
what i dont get is the red shoulder pad that looks like it's made out of the stuff they make football jerseys with
if it was just brown and overly greebled it'd be one thing but both shoulders are throwing me off
I think the weird red shoulder is meant to be netting over the shoulder but a utter shit job at showing that.

>Outcome is greebled mess
Sounds about right and definitely got the same vibe with the 08th MS team, least he managed to get his weird nose ring pink hair OC in the show at least.
Hell no.
It's supposed to be netting, this is one of those situations where the correct move would've been to omit the surface detail because without paint, the netting texture just makes the pauldron look real fucking weird.
It's so bad that I want one as a base to practice painting and weathering techniques on, it would clearly benefit from a proper paint job.
I continue to say the decision to give it a physical sword, when nothing since the OG Ginn used physical swords, is one of the most retarded descisions they made in it's design.
Katana is from ORB (I believe it’s actually supposed to go with the Akatsuki), so blame Astray shenanigans for it.
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They held a popularity poll a while back and it mogged everyone including the designs from the new movie.
It doesn't fucking matter who the in universe thing is for, actual mechanical designers designed it explicitly for that scene, and I hate them for it. Just like I hate the space lightning. Just like I hate the impossible laser. Just like I hate the physical shadow clones. Just like how I hate the retarded ass Xwing and forehead horn.

The entire movie is full of awful designs and I fucking hate it.
Maybe I am just insanely autistic but I can never buy figures like this. I think they look nice and are great shelf pieces but I also feel like it’s a hassle to pose and play with.
Honestly if they were gonna give it a physical sword, why not something like the Grand Slam? It would be kinda cool to see it finally on screen.
Metal builds aren't so much of a hassle to pose, save for weight problems that you will get with big accessories and/or backpacks which can be "fixed" with clear bases, either from other figures that you're not using or just gunpla bases. The problem with metal joints is that if they wear out there's no easy fix. But out of 10 of them, I never had that issue after loads and loads of posing. I did get some loose joints on the metal build evas out of the box, not full on loose but the forearm not staying in place in a specific pose kind of loose. It's an inevitable risk to think about when buying this kind of figure. I also have 3 MRD, I find them easier to pose than the metal builds and never had joint issues with them
This image fascinates me because you can tell the artist was trying to pull of Shigeta's exaggeration, but they don't understand his style well enough to know where to push and where not too.
It ends up looking awkward.
Why are the torsos so long?

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