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File: TAKARA_TOMY_logo.svg.png (48 KB, 1200x658)
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So do they even own Transformers anymore or what
They co-own it with Hasbro, always have.
Yes, but it's not a massive profit for them. Hasbro funding them and taking over packaging their mainline releases is a good deal for them because the mainlines are unimportant compared to the MPs for them.
The TF direction of focusing the retail lines on nostalgia or pandering to American focus group tastes(Earthspark). If you see at what kids lines in Japan are like, the current iterations of Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman are generally very different from the original. They don't want the same thing audiences had decades ago. But That's not what Hasbro wants.
When was the last time it was successful in Japan? Beast Wars? Even the Japanese-produced shows cut their toylines early compared to America.
>When was the last time it was successful in Japan?
Who cares? It's better than anything Americans make
Probably Animated. The franchise took a huge nosedive once Prime came around and has never really recovered since.
This, Japan LOVED Animated whilst Prime bombed hard.
It was slightly before Prime. Arms Micron's alterations were made specifically in reaction their slipping marketshare, trying to add elements that their market research told them Japanese boys of the time liked.
Hasbro essentially stole all takara's designers. It's either that or look elsewhere for work.
Hasbro also decide takara's budget on what little figures they do make now and their extremely tight fisted.

BW rhinox is beautiful and a miracle of a design.
MF super ginrai looks great but is really tiny. Especially when compared to FH/KFC Ginrai which are the correct scale.
Raiden is rushed and clearly unfinished due to budget restrictions.

All unifying the brand did was screw customers over because Takara are a shadow of their former self, hasbro are raising prices constantly and scamming more money out of people via specialist lines ....its just a shit hobby now unless you collect 3rd party mps
You faggots do realise shinkalion is another takara property doing extremely well?
What's to explain to a bootleg loving faggot obsessed with 3p crap for that MP display of retarded 80s shit
Oh I see your retarded.
>MF super ginrai looks great but is really tiny. Especially when compared to FH/KFC Ginrai which are the correct scale.
The old MP scale was too big to be feasible for shit like combiners. It was made for leaders and important characters, the MP cars being feasible for a decent price was a happy coincidence, but as the G1 size creep became apparent it became clear it was going to be too much for Takara to handle.
MPG scale is basically meant so you can use Generations as filler.
is BW megatron gonna get a reissue, do you reckon? pls god I passed on it and regretted it ever since.
>Hasbro essentially stole all takara's designers.
Wrong. Most of the heavy lifting when designing the transformations is still done in Japan.

>Raiden is rushed and clearly unfinished due to budget restrictions.
Also wrong, Hasbro has absolutely nothing to do with the MP side of the franchise including budget, that's all Takara.

He knows jack shit about things everybody knows, why do you think he's going to know that? Also you're getting annoying, save money and pay scalper prices if you want it that much and let this be a lesson for next time.
Based grumpy toy poster
they own transformers but they're cucked by hasbro's shitty paint jobs most of the time
Shinkalion's first series was extended past it's original intended run without a break due to high sales and it's received a sequel and is currently airing a third series.
Saying Takara is a shadow of itself is wrong

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