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Previous thread: >>11062055

>NECA movie Tatsu has been leaked
>NECA Mirage single packed Turtles up for pre-order, as well as Last Ronin Accessory Pack and Battle Damaged Ronin
>Playmates Remastered Turtles starting to hit stores
>Super7 SDCC exclusives revealed (Glow Scumbug, Reaction toon 4-pack, Pizza Chef Mikey, Mikey's Pizza Turtle Van repaint)
>Mezco Casey Jones went up, on waitlist currently
>NECA Last Ronin Mikey and Donnie on Wal-Mart shelves now
>JoyToy 1/18 TMNT up for pre-order
>NECA black and white TMNT Universal Monsters 2-pack exclusive to Wal-Mart, in stores now.
>Playmates Tales of TMNT swap wave showing up at Target with new motorcycle vehicles
>Furay/Fury/Rage Toys etc Not-Bebop & NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Playmates Toilet Taxi reissue, vintage Sports TMNT hitting Target
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello, Michelangelo, Rapahel & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko and Ray Filet are Mondo Store exclusive!
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2 and 3, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores
>Super7 2k3 figures finally revealed!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
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Super7 SDCC exclusives revealed, with some...questionable choices. Glow in the Dark Scumbug, Mikey's pizza Mikey and the Turtle Van repaint, and the toon Reaction 4-pack will of course be at the con, but then online on Super7's store on the 29th.
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Mondo vinyls are all up for preorder in various places. The Mondo Gecko and Ray Filet do cost more and are Mondo store exclusives.
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The Mirage Karai in Shredder armor figure leaked out, we'll probably see her hitting shelves soon.
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Mirage Lawson single packs
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Last Ronin "battle damaged/naked" Ronin and the accessory pack up for preorder.

The Synja Elite are already hitting Targets.
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Eastman's art for Mirage Old Man Raph and Hunter Leo.
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seems a bit lopsided on images early in the thread, sort of a finger on the scale of neco news
So Haulathon was totally fucked in my area. Are the Foot trio and Kirby due to go to a wide release.... ever? Somehow I found a Baxter.
sorry to hear that (again) anon, I didn't give you my commiseration before but you have it.
Does anyone have the UPC for the pickle turtles so i can ask walmart employees to pull that stand out?
Walmart put out that fucking shit peppa pig and toddler spider man stand up but not the new TMNT stand up. Seriously fuck walmart and target for not getting anything new in my area
Yeah it is a little strange that basically every NECA release got it’s own image posted, but super7 and mondo only got 1 image despite having multiple new things.
>flooded market
TMNT is deeply ingrained into my psyche but I just don't care anymore
and how, with this vast and diverse releases over the years, has no one yet made a perfect set of the brothers?
what's perfect to you?
NECA TMNT figures
well you're in luck then, those exist
That wasn’t me, it was necanon mimicking falseflaganon. Mezco comic style turtles are as close to perfect as you can get but heavens no I would never buy a NECA turtle when there are better options. The rest of the line if you’re choosy, sure, but NOT the turtles.
its difficult to make something perfect when theres so many versions of them and people like different ones
mezco ones are closest for me yet though for sure
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Found this, best of luck to ya. Haven't had any myself, keep checking a bunch of Walmarts near me and still squat.
When is this 6 inch Turtle fad going go end?
i wouldn't be surprised if they made them exclusive online to Target or Walmart for a collector thing the week of sdcc
I need that Dark Leo, anon
he's battle-ready!! it says so!
Thx nigga
That's cool man, you're showing what a dumb asshole you are.
Thx neca nigga
It's a little strange that you'll sit there and come up with conspiracy theories about images being posted when all the news is there. Doesn't matter what gets posted, ever, you'll find something to complain about.
They should, yes. Mirage stuff is always wide release.

>so i can ask walmart employees to pull that stand out
Hahaha, good luck with that. You'll have to even find someone first. And then assume they're vapable of working a pallet jack, and then thst they want to help you.
we need a free shipping promo code
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Just finished my Tony the Domino's delivery driver from TMNT 1990
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Uses ED1 Ash body and Brett from Alien head
>noodlearms not delivering pasta bowls
It's a troll, just report him.
Well done, that looks really good! Clever use of parts too.
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pretty damn great job. the only issue is Ash has a more heroic build (in a smaller scale, but still) so he doesn't quite look like the short italian guy in the movie, proportionally. But this is as good as anyone could ask, and you got his face down perfectly.. which.. how the fuck do you do customs at that scale? how'd you print out his badges?
also are you the same guy that did that amazing tatsu custom
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To me perfect would be the Super 7 turtles, but with better quality and articulation. From an aesthetic standpoint they are fantastic.
i'm not sure you can make their elbows and knees bend much further than they do, and the necks and feet and wrists are already pretty good.. I do think they could improve the shoulder articulation. but I really like how they do biceps and thigh swivels, I think that's the best possible way to do those parts.
but yeah they could definitely be more flexible, especially for like, Mondo Gecko doing skate tricks and junk like that. Metalhead is definitely not going to be pulling off his arcade game moves
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>try to ask a target employee where the toilet taxi is and after they look it up on their device thingy they say its a "high risk item"
The fuck does that even mean?
i believe it means high risk of theft
>when theres so many versions of them
it's not about the version you retard
or what people like
>mezco ones are closest for me
ah, you have shit taste and have no idea what you are talking about. checks out
im honestly ok with the articulation on them, I just cant get over how bad the qc is and how theyre so fucking inconsistent; joint tolerances all over the place, I've got that leo and hes got the metal parts painted on his belt, mikey has unpainted nails and I had to order several of him just to get one that didn't have fucked up paint on his face/plastron. and then the hips on all are either scary tight to the point moving them will probably snap them, or super loose to where they struggle to stand. they WOULD be my favorite tmnt if S7 had their shit together
Explain then you miserable shit? What exactly do you want?
if you're satisfied with the current releases there is no point in having a discussion with you. you're lower caste, untouchable, it would be like a king trying to explain the nuances of royal politics to a dumpster diver covered in feces and fungus
i mean let's say that observation is fair
you still expressed a desire and refused to elaborate on what that desire would be. and dismissed anon's refutation that we can't guess what that is because there are so many versions and any one of them might be closer or further from this nebulous "ideal" you have which you haven't told us about yet.
for the first 4 turtles, they were clearly throwing deco up on the wall to see what stuck, and not 100% sure how close to stick to the originals. so yeah we get weird belt detail stuff or when they stopped painting nails (because it looked stupid)
>tight hips
wait like whom? all the ones I know are either loose or perfect. and the issue seems to be zero-friction pins as well as the frequent use of an inner floating pelvis that plugs into the rest of the body but loosely and limply so. thankfully that's only the turtles and metalhead.
in any case they do have a bad tendency of having joints so seized and pegs so weak that they snap right out of the box. I really hope someone figures out what the shit is going on there and puts a stop to it.. or maybe we need to start inserting metal rods into pegs for reinforcement.
>and dismissed anon's refutation that we can't guess what that is because there are so many versions and any one of them
it was dismissed because that is pants on head retarded and if you even entertain talking with someone who is that braindead you're pretty stupid yourself
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16 years ago we got the ACTUAL Turtles from the first comics. Colored and Black/white. I've been having to play the long game because I can't spend $800 - $2000 for figures.
I read somewhere Neca lost these molds and that's one reason why we haven't ever seen them again but I have no idea if that's a myth or not.
So you think we can get these again especially updated articulation? I neeeeeeed this version for my shelf.
so... your assertion is that we CAN guess what your idea is...
If you have access to mind reading skills or technology, please share. I feel like that could solve a bunch of issues.
I have the color ones sitting in storage because I just haven't been able to take the time to set up a display since a move. I also have that Foot pack, the April, everything.

Heh. Wow I actually have the cool stuff for once.
>here, let me prove your point by continuing to display how retarded I am
This being the 40th and all, would be neat if the rereleased them.
I would personally rather them remake them, they’re kind of outdated at this point.
honestly i just genuinely want to know at this point what your ideal turtle figs would be. are you worried it won't live up to all this buildup from not telling us?
>are you worried it won't live up to all this buildup from not telling us?
does this elementary school level reverse psychology tend to actually work in retarded people circles? kek, that's wild
oh my god, he doesn't know
dude you actually don't know what your ideal turtles would be. you're just peeing into your own mouth. That's extra sad.
... technically that's still not as bad as fucking a butt. though it's about as close as you can get.
>It’s /toylet/
guess that explains all the turds
>but with better quality and articulation
this. it hurts because they had so much potential and a shitty, LGBQT company completely screwed the pooch with these figures. terrible quality control, terrible joints, and articulation from 2001
>Mezco comic style turtles are as close to perfect as you can get
*breathes in
huh. is don the only one to have separately colored bridges? lemme go check mine...
okay on closer inspection, I think it's just that they're painted, whereas the body parts are plastic, so it's just kind of a different shade in different lighting. but at least the bridges are sculpted, which I'm pretty sure was not the case in the original toys, so.. good job. that's really what put me over the fence to getting these, the fact that they feel so weirdly okay as their own universe.
>One poster in the furry degenerate thread bragged that he wanted to fuck an animal’s stomach.
That was in this thread. TMNT general. The disgusting furry neco op got confused and thought he was posting in yiff toy general.
>I overpaid for mid figures
Thanks for talking me off the edge about Mirage. I just swear last years exclusives were on BBTS by now.
this is sick
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What's the consensus on the SHF TMNT's? I haven't bought any classics since ive had these
people love em, but they are small. it would have been neat if they'd done more of the characters.
should've bought them at barnes and nobles when they were on clearance
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Does anyone have the DPCI for those mini mutant tots blind bags that are showing up at target?
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failed line because they look like licensed trash you'd find at Party City, so almost every fan and nostalgiafag skipped them.
You poor baby, i bet you can't even handle how much Bebop and Rocksteady porn there is.
>dangerous looking Super7 Raph
You actually have mental issues.
I bought them when they were the only thing around for "cartoon" tmnt. The faces never quite looked right though. Now that we have actual cartoon Turtles these guys sit in their boxes stored away. I kinda hate that I paid full price for them, too. Oh well.
Aren't you the faggot that cries everytime CharaStudioanon posts April in a bikini?
They are excellent figures for their original price but would not pay what they go for now.
Diecast, sturdy legs that won’t take a shelf dive scare the necallective
Looks like S7 Wave 10 is in hand for some people already.
Didn’t they release a shredder?
Still the objectively best 80s Turtles you're going to find. Just facts bro
No, they made a prototype but it was never released.
That guy says "Heh. Only in New York!" 10 times a day.
They're honestly the best feeling TMNT figures I've had. Wish the engineering went into accurate cartoon sculpts.
I'd get this Karai on discount, but new Super7 releases now have limited stock.
They aren't the 80s turtles, so...
Not true when the NECA turtles exist, but okay
their faces basically only look like the serious moments of the initial 5-part pilot and the theme song.
whiiich is the best the toon turtles have ever looked. but it's not really what we got accustomed to.
TMNT clearance sale at Best Buy (Karai, Wanderer Mikey, Synja, blue Foot Enforcer, etc.)

Wanderer - https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6545297.p?skuId=6545297

Karai - https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6558952.p?skuId=6558952

Synja - https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6545296.p?skuId=6545296

Enforcer - https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6553018.p?skuId=6553018

I finally picked up Karai and Wanderer. Couldn't justify them at $35 but $20 is great!
Shredder Clones for $25 as well
good skateboard for a neca mikey?
They're good but unfortunately based off "the style guide" AKA evergreen stock art TMNT. Yeah "not show accurate", but the show's models and consistency are a bit all over the place. Wish the line went long enough to do Shredder or April.

The BST ones almost emulate the SHF but some how worse and are colored even closer to the style guide.
Hasn’t NECA release some skateboards? Just use those
i'd say they're roughly halfway between the show and the neon green style guide
more like... season 7 turtles.
You’re one to talk about something being off model and not accurate…
I see it.
They really censored the statue of David?
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now THOSE are the style guide turtles.
even if the faces are a little... odd..
I personally really like the lime green "style guide" color over the cartoon colored neca tmnt. Every shade they use for the toon turts has always been the darker shades, but the 1st episodes the turts are a lot lighter, and neca just doesnt seem to want to do that shade.
I only have the arcade tmnt, but i love em. I hope they release the style guide turts with the swappable expressions, maybe itll be another disguise set, but with the baseball caps and letterman jackets.
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NECA still hasn’t topped the concert turtles.
did you expect them to draw in the dingdong? even the Simpsons didn't do that. though the first time they just blocked the view, and the second time he got a sculpted leaf.
It does bring me a bit of giddy joy knowing these exist.
But they were OK with showing Bart's doodle in the movie.
It was a different time
they deliberately wanted to do something in the movie they couldnt do on tv
Wonder why they haven't tried de-dazzling these guys and repacking them as the Turtle Tunes suits yet. Or going for peak "shitty TMNT costumes" and giving us pic related.
The DPCI is 087-26-3766
i mean, those aren't the same suits, right?
these suits are basically 1:1 with the original toys, it'd be redundant to make them unless they were flocked or something to really drive home the shitty fabric aspect.
Pretty sure they're at least the same mold, just less detailed. Another weird thing is they made actual turtle feet- with sandals, for some reason- for a spanish fashion magazine photo shoot, but just having black socks for the two tapes.
no no, THESE are different suits. these are the Comin Out of their Shells heads on totally different suits which were deemed too awkward to use on stage. but you can see these suits, dolled up in their rock n' roll costumes, and with better heads, in the pre-recorded bits of that live tour, and promos for it...
... i think. The truth is definitely very close to what I said, if not identical.
is it weird I kinda like them wearing sandals? It doesn't seem very outta place.
I finally took out the accessories and stands for the remastered turtles and the floor elements have nowhere to peg on to the stand cept the round roof thing Don comes with it just pegs into the corner peg. Wish the stands for demastered and the concept ones clipped together better it's not a solid connection.

I'd be down for this. There's similar turtle costumes/art on the turtles in time cabinet.
sandals are definitely kinda ideal for their feet with that nearly central thong. i feel like that's the reason they have feet like that, that or because of Nightcrawler. because they look like tabi
for years i thought tabi put the split between digits 2 and 3, it LOOKS like that.. but that's just because digit 1 is so big.
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I was originally triggered by the TMNT 2012 for having 3 toes, but got used to it after while. The two toes were sorta iconic to their design.
i actually thought "well that makes sense, they have three fingers" and i liked the initial toys, how they looked kinda logical and very tortoiselike
of course they aren't tortoises, they're terrapins. but still. it kinda evoked the mirage look. then we got the actual show and.. broken pottery toes. awesome. great.
the thing is I think Nightcrawler's heel is meant to have a toe, like one HELL of a pulled-back hallux, and in the original TMNT art you can... kinda see that? I asked Laird about it once on his site, wrote in, and he said naw they weren't thinking of that as a toe at the time, but he can see how it looks like that.
I fucked up the decals on my toilet taxi. The flag sticker being the worst to install.
Post a pic
you can always steam them off and reapply with glue..
bst axn had a tmnt rockin 4 pack listed, I bet it's the just the street style figures, sleeveless to imitate this look with recycled KISS accessories, I wish they'd make a fred wolf splinter in 5 inch scale too, I'm about to just buy the 88 rerelease since I got the remastered set
I'm so mad I missed out on them. I got so many iterations of all four at this point but all I needed were these freaks.
i have a soft spot for them too, but I draw the line at things I find ugly. otherwise the wallet hurts too much
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oh you meant you fucked up the decals. yeah that is an unfortunate reality of stickers like this. but a touch of properly-mixed paint would hide it pretty well.
I thought you were talking about the sticker that makes a flag and you didn't line it up properly so the ends didn't match
that happened too. Very annoyed.
I’m sorry, but this turtles of grayskull stuff is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen
Saw the display and they were down to a single set. Almost grabbed Leonardo, because I kinda want to do some range of motion mods and I'm pretty sure I can do something about the ankle swivels, but decided against it.
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I got some for part swapping with other Origins figs. They're worth it for that. But I find most of it disappointing, you can't even fully strip the turtles down of their MotU gear to make regular Turtles.
they'd still be roided out turtles even if you could.
i'm a fan of removable armor, but it always comes with a price.
yeah, when I got Leonardo out of the box I was really disappointed at how his joints felt for the price.
i felt fine (I got them at 20-30 bucks each)
I would not have been happy if I paid 55.. well i guess at the time they were 45.
I'm still really surprised they didn't include the original straight swords if you're into that.
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Is the new ray fillet showing up at target under the regular mutant mayhem DPCIs or under a new DPCI? If its a new one then what is it?
oh playmates..
man I can't wait for super7 rat king.. and hopefully a third party ratbow and ratppling hook
Does Mutagen Man still hold water? Still kinda disappointed Super7 Mutie wasn't able to.
found the 88 remaster leo by himself today, ended up grabbing him. I hate to admit it but despite the ankles, texture, and the wrong head, I still like it and will probably grab the other 3 if I can find them at retail. There's just something about the size and proportions that is hitting it for me in a way S7 didn't.
i wonder if anyone has ever used like, clear gel that sets, i know that's a thing.. to fill him with and get the guts floating around in the gel.
i'm just disappoint that they didn't choose better colors for glowymute.
for one thing, it shouldn't have been his skin that glows, and then his wounds don't. it should have been either both, in different colors (come on, use glow in the dark paint) or just the exposed muscle (and of course the organs)
and beyond that, the bright magenta muscles and the green and baby-shit-yellow-gold metal parts are definitely not the optimal choices... I would have gone with a warm gold in place of the purple torso parts, and dark green for the blue limb parts..
if you peer into it and you don't see any breaks in the plastic torso, no exposed joint pegs or anything (pretty sure the original houses the joint pegs completely outside of the inner cavity)
then it can hold water, unless it has a crack
sketch turtle 4 pack is up on amazon for anyone who still wants them
Naked Mikey.
tiny head mario movie ass guy
Obviously NECA will never deny or confirm, but what I heard isn't so much that they lost the molds, but that the molds were stolen by disgruntled Chinese factory workers who then proceeded to mass produce the fuck out of these. And that's the reason why there's so many bootlegs of these figures that don't look or feel half bad.
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Lucky stiff. Drove an hour from home and not a single Walmart on the way had the displays out. Oh well, didn't come back empty-handed. Target nearest me had one Toilet Taxi out and one set of sketch turtles, meaning I could finally find Leo and Mike, and one Walmart out in the sticks had ShreKrang.
imagine showing this image to any tmnt fans from a few years ago or longer...
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Amazon has the entire set + comic book up.

thanks, just picked them up
kinda funny how the stumpy legs sorta came back in 2012
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>So one of those fat spergs came up to me today going "please please I need the toilet taxi do you have a toilet taxi"
>And I told him "bro we don't have taxis anymore let me call you an uber so you can shit in it"
>he ran off crying ha ha ha what a fucking loser
Has anyone found out if the damn thing is in the same case as the Mutant Mayhem/Tales of the TMNT motorcycles?
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I can't do the iconic cover pose to save my life
Stop avatarfagging
when I went yesterday it was mixed in with the MM cycles, 2 TT and 2 of the others, idk if it's the same case
The Toilet Taxi reissue is another new sculpt. It's actually bigger than the vintage one.
weird. it seems like that would be harder than doing it exactly the same.
I can't believe those insensitive Target employees laughed at CC like that
Hey remember when you didn't believe us when we told you the Technodrome was smaller and even showed you that the listing from Amazon had the height on there
who's "we"? I just didn't want unwarranted shitposting without proof.
You were given proof and instead of accepting it you threw a fit
I remember when CC tried to explain that he was still right because the approximate measurement someone gave for the old one was off by like .2 inches, which somehow meant that the new one wasn't smaller
There wasn't any proof. I said we couldn't confirm it until it was in hand. You wished to brand wars over it. Take your meds.
>There wasn't any proof
Literally on the Amazon page and you chose to ignore it because you didn't want to accept that it was a different size and threw a tantrum
It was completely sensible to disbelieve that the technodrome replica, which was made near identical to the old one, was smaller. that could have been made up. it just so happens it was true. but there was no proof til recently.
that's not proof, tard. that's an indicator.
er, no, -i- said we couldn't confirm it til it was in hand. that was me, not you.
I wanted actual in hand photos, not you shit posting. Not you being a fag, and brand wars-ing, shitting up the place instead of talking and enjoying things. You were being a miserable baby to everyone and crave attention like a woman.
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They're the best animated tmnt figures put out ever. Quality, articulation, look. I got mine on clearance. Everything else is cope and delusion.
Have you tried giving the socket of April's head a bit of a Dremel? Your display would look perfect if you could shorten her long neck.
lol, CC posting without his trip again
I don't get why people stick to a single identity around here, especially when the entire community has turned on it.

Like, just change your name and trip CC lmao and maybe we won't shit on you so much.
I think I saw a youtube video of someone trying it and it just leaks out. The Super7 one is NOT meant to hold water.
Thanks for proving you don’t know how toys work
Or how anything works
Neca did not make a mistake
They do not make mistakes
It was a factory screw up
Trevor Damnit could not oversee production
And could not go to Chi-na
To crack the whip on the slave labor
have you ever heard of covid, jerkoff?
Covid is to blame not Neca
It's plenty deep enough. Don't know why you're still trying to push this weird narrative.
She looks like a 6 year old driving an Aerostar van, lol. And where the heck is the second round of Preorders for the van they said they were planning on?
You were given proof and throw a tantrum because it contradicted what you believed about it. We all saw it, you posted with your trip so you can't even blame anyone else. You were wrong, it's okay to admit it.
I remember when CC got laughed out of the Star Wars thread for defending Hasbro's bullshit pricing, then he tried to come back like a year and a half later hoping nobody remember and nope everyone remembered and he got laughed out again
>crave attention like a woman.
I only see one person with a trip replying in this thread.
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If the socket was deep enough, she wouldn't look like an alpaca. I don't need to push a weird narrative when a picture says a thousand words. I don't expect you to know what proper human proportions are due to your propensity for farm animals.
April's neck IS long on the neca figure, but it is accurate to the cartoon and i for one think it's very cute and I see no problem with it. This faggot who keeps acting like it isnt long, and acts as if other humans in the toon all have necks that long, is such a fucking idiot. Such an annoying piece of shit.
I don't care, Necafag. I said my peace.
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This, I don’t get why he argues that’s it’s proportionally correct because it’s really not. But like you said it’s accurate to the cartoon so that’s alright, he should just say that instead.
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Quit using edited images, this is the real shot
Funny how your "peace" means shitting up the thread with ignorant distruptions, trolling multiple people, and sticking your fingers in your ears when you were proven wrong from the getgo. It must really, really bother you.
He's hated in the Joe threads too. Cancer of the board, I swear to Christ.
Could the Necanon contain himself for 5 minutes and stop derailing the thread every time?
He cannot. Even when the neco op threads get nuked because of his wanton trolling like today out of a petty personal vendetta, he rears his lumpy, misshapen head moments later with a new one and the cycle begins anew for him to post about sexual abuse on animals and violent acts on those who don’t only praise Neca.
Sup CC. Samefagging more to try and deflect the attention from your stupidity huh? Not working very well. Little too obvious.
i thought they were a LOT smaller than this. so they're actually roughly neca size? because april looks tiny compared to them
They're larger than Neca figures. Not a ton more, but they aren't the same size.
you weren't kidding about that flag, I was looking in the box for the flag accessory to stick it on, but i guess I've been spoiled by modern toys, i stuck the pole in the middle and tried to match the ends, but it's still not perfect
huh, had no idea.
oh wow
i knew bbts was slowpokes, but they have JUST NOW gotten the quarter-scale neca movie tmnt
you mean neca made more?
seems like an odd thing to do. i wish they'd make more of the smaller-scale movie 1 accessory pack.
Should have bought it when they announced it. Now you need to buy it off ebay from Neca employees.
they didnt announce it to ME!
arr. well that's why i stick around here.. i don't wanna miss out. and i really like some of those heads. i seem to recall the mike one being a huge improvement.
All the targets around me are saying shit like "durr we have in the back but its in a pallet hurr". Fucking lazy bastards. You didnt stock anything new for months and when you fags finally do get something you fucks are too lazy to even get them out of the back. Fucking ridiculous
Opinions on NECA last ronin armoured figure?
Thanks, will 100% get the armored release but now Im thinking about getting the unarmored release with it, do u have that one too? It seems it comes with extra heads and different weapons. I guess there much different between the releases other than the appearance
Found this same display at Walmart today. I went ahead and got all 4 turtles, but I'm debating if I want to take them all out for display or just keep them in boxes for now. In-person they don't look too bad, skin-wise.
Are there any other neca TMNT 3 movie figures besides the convention pack and Walmart 2 packs of turtles? I have an itch to buy them and some 3rd party 1/12 horses
1/12 horses will be much, much too small. you'll be looking at oversized 1/10 horses or undersized 1/9 horses.

anyway, no, that's it. None of the other characters appear to be important enough.. and I can't exactly fight that. if we got a movie 3 splinter before movie 2 splinter, I would shit. i would shit in a box and mail it to neca.
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Gibs me dat
I was looking at the new layout to see if we got the new Simpsons and saw this under "tmnt or games ast", reminds me of the extreme sports 2003 figs, I guess every incarnation has a run of sports figures
thanks, I really want to get some movie figures, but one and two have so many to keep up with, I feel more secure owning the ones nobody likes
Does this mean the wrestling turtles are coming soon? Maybe tomorrow?
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Saw these yesterday they're remolds of the 2012 ones
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This is apparently for Walmart Collector Con next week.
>those remastered 88 toys are at my Walmart now

Anyone have those? Do they suck?


Not surprised they did this guy, but WalMart was odd. They never have the Archie characters.
Why would they be coming tomorrow? They're going to have them packaged at SDCC though apparently.

Looks awesome, I love that we're getting all these weird aliens/dimensional beings and shit in this line.
He must think WalMart will announce more stuff tomorrow.
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Hellooooo sexy boy!
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Gross, a furfag tourist.
Gross, a zoomer tourist. It's scalefag you normie.
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I thought scalefags were the ones that haunt the Transformers threads
Oh you.
Wishful thinking since Target's Summer event has one more drop tomorrow.
this guy reminds me of a food mascot that I can only faintly remember.
if there was any worry that playmates had stopped being total cheapskates..
i think once again the head is too small
oh nevermind, it looks right here.
>in a tmnt thread
>he doesn't know he's surrounded by furries
How big of a boner do you get when you think about turtle sex?
Try searching e621
>this guy reminds me of a food mascot that I can only faintly remember.
The coooookie crisps burglar dog.
No it’s not that
no he was like...
a mixture of chicken and cow and pig maybe? and he went with a mixed-up cereal of corn and wheat and rice or something like that.
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god bless dinodrac.

now that I see this though, I think I'm thinking more of Boogerman.
oh also I ate this stuff back in the day and it was pretty damn good for something so plain.
What the actual fuck IS this thing
will neca ever release the normal colour Shredder again?
the footclan box is like 500 USD on ebay
Bigg Mixx, duh
It's thematic. See the cereal is made of a mixture of grains, so the mascot is a mixture of animals.
Neca baby…?
hell ya
what the fuck is 'an at'
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Attempted to create April O’Neil from Last Ronin
wow. I actually have memories of this. I think we only ever bought one box and it came with raisins, which i would put aside. iirc it tasted like Honey Bunches
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Is reissue mutagen man supposed to have only one painted eye?
I got reissue rat king, casey jones, and mutagen man
I know she’s older in the last ronin, but this looks a little too old
Does your mutagen man have both pupils painted?
oh playmates...
isnt one of her arms a robot arm
I have to check but last i checked i thought it was both on their
Do I dare fill reissue mutagen man with water?
I can confirm mutagen man reissue also has omitted the tiny baby turtle, but it's so small you're either gonna lose it or randomly rattle inside mutagen man.
Take one for the team and check the seal for us please, just don't put the food pieces in right away and if it's leaking or you don't like it then you can just dump it out and let it dry and it will be absolutely fine.
this. without any exposed metal, a single dose of water won't ruin this kind of toy. not unless you have really hard water or it's not chlorinated so it's full of microbes or something. oh and don't leave your water-filled mutagen man in sunlight or there'll be algae..
ideally i guess use distilled water? maybe laced with alcohol just in case.. hmm.. but that might make the plastic cloudy..
i imagine it's bureaucracy
each individual human knows it's a bad idea, but no individual has enough authority to stop the bad idea from going through. plus on top of that, it's not like america where we blindly follow orders because we're lazy, over there it's because otherwise you dishonor famiry.
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I filled reissue mutagen man with water. The seal seems to retain the water pretty well
excellent. i never did that kinda shit when I was a kid, it's kind of nice to see it being done now.. i never even touched them with ooze. hell i largely wasn't allowed ooze.
has anybody tried filling him with slime?
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for a second i thought this was something quite horrid but you can see the entire plastic has changed color, not just a film on the inside. this thing was in the sun for months.
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it's wild seeing a ben 10 toy concept applied to the turtles. technically the modular mutations started with the tmnt 2012 line and then got ported to the ben 10 reboot series, but the alien creation chamber is a ben 10 original. I wonder kf the figures are compatible.

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They did that concept with Power Rangers before Ben 10
I wonder how mineral oil would do?
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Steven irwin better watch out
>Masonjar Man
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I had no clue. Thanks for the heads up. Makes me wish there were some collector autistic enough to combine bits from all three series.
>voiced by post malone
th-thanks nick...
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>ISIS music plays in the distance
I saw him at Target but passed. My wallet is on life support.
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>saw him at Target but passed. My wallet is on life support.

Hes really cool. Probably my favorite mutant mayhem figure alongside scumbug. I got him and the mix and match mechazoid figure this morning at target
they should have put a voice box in him
ray~ fillet~~~
i love how the cg animated figures actually have the hollow parts on the feet and stuff.
also this appears to use a different system, with just upper and lower bodies.. so that's just weird that they now have two DIFFERENT sets of mix and match ones..
it's so weird since all of us came up with this on our own with the old movie figs
what the fuck that makes no sense haha
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I dont like how all the tales of the tmnt figures have that shitty interchangeable parts system gimmick. They shouldve had regular figures as the main line without the nerfed articulation the swappable parts figures had, and have made the swappable parts figures a subline sorta like what they did during the 2012 toyline
they did have regular figures as the main line without the nerfed articulation, anon. the swappable parts figures ARE the subline.
Not for the tv spin off, the normal figures are just for the mutant mayhem movie toyline not the sequel spin off series tales of the tmnt
aren't they identical
No the mix n match figures are for the upcoming TV show thats going to paramount+
so you thought i meant "aren't the new toys identical to the old ones"
you must think I'm retarded. Let me clarify:
aren't the movie and tv show identical
>Let me clarify:
aren't the movie and tv show identical
No, the figures for the TV show all have this swapping parts gimmick while the movie figures are all normal figures with full articulation
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the only real difference between the show and movie designs I can pick out are the belts. even then it may just be a matter of the leap from 3D to 2D. Did you dislike the articulated Mayhem Turtles that already released? The mix and match turtles dont even seem to be based off their show appearances, just tactical looking variants to the previously released turtles.
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maybe anon just wanted articulated versions of the M&MM designs?
son you're not old enough and/or intelligent enough to be on the internet.
yeah those belts do look slightly different, so that's a difference.. the crossbelts are all different too.
in that case i guess it would make sense to do new articulated figures with the new belts.
>Did you dislike the articulated Mayhem Turtles that already released?
I liked them well enough. I just dont like the parts swapping feature and dont think it should be the main line for the tv series toyline because mutants like pigeon pete will only be available in the inferior parts swapping line and wont have a fully articulated figure like ray fillet or say wignut had
I was perfectly fucking clear befofe
autism speaks indeed
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People actually defending playmates for their shit. Looks so bad compared to the vintage figure.

I caved and got remastered Leo and Don. They're honestly not as bad as I thought they'd be.
the approximate idea was sound
haha i didnt even notice they fucked up the belt emblems.

imagine being one of those old mattel sculptors and seeing two different companies adapting your work, one pretty well (with some QC issues) and one embarrassingly, laughably wrong.
I actually like them a lot despite the many issues. Its just unfortunate because these could easily be as good as motu origins if they cared.
so the massive color errors don't bother you
What errors?
both raph and don, possibly all four, have their green turned down and their red turned up. this has been consistent for the last couple years, playmates obviously has a bum color guide
>This entire general is sucking playmates' cock nonstop.
Most of our anons are very poor and can afford only cheapest and shittiest toys. Please understand.
I think we should ban all playmates discussions. It's belongs to /trash/ anyway.
Oh, lighten up. Did Playmates kill your dog or something?
anon you have to realize these are far from the only turtles the tales toyline will be seeing. already they've put out mayhem turtles that transform into vehicles and mayhem turtles that transform into normal turtles. give it another few months to a year, im sure they'll sell toon accurate tales turtles. Leaks have already proven the next few mutants in the line will have standard articulation.

personally I like the modular gimmick, im just irked that they didnt give use a more varied line up for it. The 2012 line handled the idea best. More variety means more bang for your buck with each part swap. When half the wave is turtles and the other half is generic robots, you're pretty limited in the weird combos you can cook up.

“4 left”
I dont really like modular gimmicks for the most part in action figure lines. I feel like it makes figures less solid. But Thats just me tho
>noooooooo, you can't post opinions I don't agree with in this thread
Could you be anymore of a corporate boot licking furfag?
I would shit if you managed to get on the spotlight. Do it man.
That's some incredible projection, moldanon
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I see some Slash and Mutagen Man reissues up for preorder. Always wanted both and they look accurate to my untrained eye - is there anything I should be aware of, though?
Also, with the listing I’ve seen for Rhazar, do any of you gents know if there’s a Tokka on the way?
Thanks! So Slash is all good?
I mean, the bases are shit, but the remastered toys really aren't that bad. Great articulation, weapons that aren't a solid one color...even the skin isn't too bad when you remember the movie toys had it too.


Ah, the mold that wouldn't die.
i remember someone saying he's the only one that is complete. I forget though.
Oh yes, make yourself even easier to find.
Imagine being a delusional, paranoid retard like yourself.
I can still hear and smell the motor in my brain
I prefer to call him Blacklung.
>Ah, the mold that wouldn't die.
Blacklung also has that problem.
Do you really think we don't see you samefagging every time?
He's a diaper saving hoarder, anon. You'll still see lots of boxes. People like him don't change. They just die.
My working theory is that hoard anon was the NECA gentleman counter troll from years back because they have the same writing style. I’ve compared many of their posts from the archive and am convinced it’s him.
nice! cant place which ones og, its either the 3rd or 4th one, a couple of months ago i was in my local ALDI and saw reproductions of the og figures they looked very similar to the og ones even down to the weapons in the pack, i could see the figures wernt the same as i remember, as the belts didnt look removable. anyone seen these? were they produced this year? also i used to have an og donny with a hinged shell that would open and you could store stuff inside anyone got a pic of one?
also i was just thinking about vehicles i had, turtlevan, skateboard with the fan on the back, a sewer sled and a motorbike/glider (picrel), always wanted the blimp lol, also remember i had a backflipping leo which my cousin absolutely smashed to fuck in my nans back garden :(
fucking cousins
i remember a transforming bike but I forgot it was like THIS.
cheapskate thats the one, also the sewer seld is actually picrel,

yeah at 7yo he was a master at smashing things to bits, i couldnt understand how he managed to break thick plastic into so many individual pieces
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Sure this wasn't what you meant when you said sewer sled? Found one of these a while back in box for cheap. Rubber band for the launcher deteriorated, but at least they included a spare.
interesting, that looks largely based on his old toy, in terms of facial structure.. i wonder why they chose that. this is definitely the best iteration of that specific face, originally caused by a mispainted nose.
fucking thing was so loud and my brother kept stealing batteries from my radio
curious how different it is from the original, since that seems to be how they're doin this now. kind of an irony after what they did to s7 lol.
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Starting to pop up along with Tatsu in WM. Ohio.
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Hey, question. Are there any pool cues that fit in scale with the turtles? I have a mini pool table and getting the Pool Shark Ripster from Comic Con. I wanna get a turtle and a Biker Mice playing pool with him.
Apparently not, since you just blame random people.
no way!
anon buy me one, i'll pay for shipping
that is a fantastic idea, I wish I could help
there must be some kind of small skewers that would work
$70 shipped
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TF is wrong with IDW? If you're gonna make april a moca hotty, you don't use bright orange hair.
those are expensive skewers.
.. or did you mean to reply to >>11080097 because that's a kinda spicy meatball. i'm pretty close to you, so shipping shouldn't be that bad..
ehhh dark skin and fiery hair can totally work, if you're a competent artist. sadly, idw has no style.
Take it or leave it take it or leave it
I'm gonna have to wait and get him somewhere else.. i'm not seeing him on walmartwebsite at all
delusional retard
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Did anyone add this to the cursed April figures image yet?
cursed? she looks pretty cool.
if we got an al-falqa figure i'd wanna put them together.
New for SDCC week:

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