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so those this mean there will be more guilty gear merchandise in the future?
not a toy
ugly design
shitty game
I gotta agree.
>post-Strive GG
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>When you've never played a game in a series but instantly recognize a female character from her rule34 catalogue
We are getting that Bridget model kit, and we have a ton of plushies so maybe
its okay bro. i bought overwatch widowmaker figma a few years ago because of all the SFM i'v seen of her. I also bought GG: XRD rev2 years ago so i can play characters like Baiken, Mila Rage, I-No and Ramlethal. Guilty gear has very attractive female characters with excellent designs my favorite being I-No. i dropped the game after a few weeks because learning fighting games is like learning a new language. i was invested into street fighter 5 at the time so all my attention was on that.

yes i saw BBTS had quite a few plushies so i ordered I-No and Mila Rage. I wish we could get figures or statues instead. I see Bridget is the most popular character but i am not a homosexual.
I fucken hate that tranny
Not even, they are just catering to the only fanbase left in that shit series
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i remember when she was just rurouni kenshin with boobs.
>they are just catering to the only fanbase left in that shit series
Well I am sure as shit not going to support them anymore so good for them.
>Guilty Queer strive caters to the homos
no surprise there. the redesigns covered up a bunch of their female characters while making the males (aside from bridget and testament) extra bara. The FGC is now filled with either fags or pedos.
Git gud
Well Bridget's a girl now.

Take your meds.
>Bridget's a girl now.
You will never be a real woman
>bridget has been groomed now
Guilty Queer definitely know what the FGC likes
I was happy when Bridget was announced, until the twitter troons had say.
I wish Bridget had a vagina.

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