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I miss toysrus, i miss being happy...
Wait, that is a thing? I have only been inside of flea markets and grocery stores since 2015.
Try being inside a woman
I almost did, she is/was (I don't even fucking know anymore) mine for 11 months. Things fell apart after I tried to kill one of her roosters for attacking me. I was unable to drop what I was doing (removing mud dauber nest remains) from the side of my parent's house to see her yesterday and she got very upset. Her mother thinks I am a bum (I probably am).

My parents are not allowing me to leave their house for the next two weeks, because I tried to go out to play slots at a local gas station that has the machines. (They think 19 is too young, yet they still buy me lottery tickets when I ask them to do so).

Sorry, anon.
Also, I am sorry for saying this, the world is not about me, it is about society and those other than myself.
>Things fell apart after I tried to kill one of her roosters for attacking
I know this isn’t really toy related, but it’s a fucking chicken. It was probably your fault for provoking it.
once it went down all the fraud returning, hyper autistic manbabies descended upon my walmarts and targets, you can easily pick them out as obese guys that don't shut up or wipe their ass and toy hustlers that have the same mannerisms of a drug addict (HE NEEDS TO FLIP TOYS)
Probably was, but frankly, my girlfriend told me to teach it a lesson, so that is what I tried doing. I did not want to hurt it initially, but after that I felt like I had to kill it.
>but frankly, my girlfriend told me to teach it a lesson
wtf your ex sounds kinda crazy to encourage you to hurt it, generally women don’t wanna hurt animals
It is a mean rooster and I kicked sand in its eyes after a previous occasion hoping that it would not attack me again (I have had sand kicked in my eyes as a kid, it was not debilitating, but it stung like Hell). I did not want to hurt it either. She is not crazy, in fact, I am probably crazier for some of the things that I have done (I was in the mental ward when I was 12 for some bad shit, it is the past, but it still haunts me).

She does not want the animals to be hurt, she has a pet cat and two rats. She loves them dearly.
I see you have never interacted with a rooster.
You should have just used google. We used to have chickens did and can confirm this shit too:
>Grab rooster and get control of his feet and wings. Place him on the ground on his back and hold his legs so he can't get away. This helps the rooster relax while enforcing your physical dominance over him. You know the rooster is completely relaxed when you are able to step away and he continues lying on the ground

They’re really insane and bastards though. Sometimes there’s no controlling them because they’re crazy. Honestly though, you’re only 19, of course you’ll make goofy mistakes.
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You might like this toy
I guess, but the shit I did when I was 12 could have sent my ass to jail.
I would be tempted to stick this guy in front of the rooster for kicks and giggles. (I also kind of like it, not much of a figure guy, but sauce?)
Her advice was punch or kick it, but avoid the head. I asked if I could grab the feet hold him by them (was not necessarily thinking on the ground), but the answer was no.
Kek, punch or kick it? I guess she’s also young and retarded. You gotta hold it still on its back until it just lays there and accepts you’re the boss. You have to be okay getting pecked though
modern American males are all homosexuals. only 1% of American males are not homosexuals.
Yeah, I don't mind being pecked.

Also excuse how retarded I am. I had a bad fall onto concrete a couple of years ago. Trust me, I am absolute vegetable these days.
I appreciate how big it is but it's so trashy, they don't give a fuck and there are multiple lego sets ripped open and spilled across the floor, food wrappers, and the clearance section is overflowing with junk.
There is a display for Marvel. Presumably they would have the 6-inch Marvel Legends line there.
Reported for extremely low quality posting, here's your (you)
Me too bro.

I also miss real "action figures". All the Anime based toy lines ( Mushoku Tensei comes to mind first ) only have those coomer figurines, and no "action figures".

The show is full of great action, and the characters would be great for figures. I know i'm too old to play with toys, but damn, its like ... even if I had kids there is nothing to buy them except Marvel shit and coomer statues.

I miss the old school McFarline Toys.
What macys is this, what city?
Every sentence is gold here.
Tfw you can't just go outside and buy shit anymore. Why the fuck did ordering shit on Amazon become everyone's go-to method of obtaining fun or interesting things?
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I don't miss it. I never liked the out-of-way locations and bad online shopping. Sure, I miss the only reason I ever left the house and the fact that companies had a dumping ground for everything, but those days felt just as dark as not having them now. What I really want is a proper replacement instead and Macy's don't do it justice. If they fixed the online availability, free shipping incentives AND were located in shopping centers/mall areas instead, I'd actually have something to be really sad about
I think /toy/ probably has the highest percentage of anons who have already been there and done that considering you have to hold down a job to afford toys. The rest of us are mentally unwell for reasons unrelated to inceldom
My toysrus location always had a sterile but cutesy look to it. It smelled like bleach to.
I was at the Toys r us in union square in SF and another one at some underground location in NYC and both were completely empty, I was the only customer there. I got creeped out and left without buying anything. They had legos and those Jazwares pokemon toys
Macy's are pretty creepy. Their departments are on separate floors with no security or view of a mall or even the outside
just a wild guess are you finnish
American, proof is that I am 5' 6" and weigh 175 lbs (even gave the measurements in lard units). I am fucking obese.
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I miss toysrus, too, but I don't think I'd be able to tolerate the crowds and noise on a regular basis nowadays. It's definitely a shame that kids growing up today won't have that experience. Millennials really lucked out coming right on the tailend before everything truly went to shit.

Figma done goofed starting with Eris over Rudy or Roxy. Gave the entire line erectile dysfunction.
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I never saw Times Square TRU
I never got to see Pokemon Center before it became a Nintendo general Store
I never got to build a robot at Robot Galaxy

I always thought travel was too expensive, my jobs weren't generous with off days yet, and that buying online helped anyway. Now I have 3 voids that will never fill. Laugh.
I was hoping the stupid TRU exclusives would stop with them closing but they only got worse. It used to be one or two things were exclusives to TRU but now you have entire LINES in all but name as exclusives.
Maybe I shouldn't have cheered just because I had to go through like three levels of scalper to get an exclusive because only the US and the Philippines for some reason have that store.
chickens can survive in the Finnish climate?
For some reason I was thinking TRU closed down around when Disney bought Star Wars but no it was still around for a few years after that. Still it feels like the Star Wars purchase is when the decline of toys began.
11 months is a long ass time to delay sex (unless she's a virgin and is holding off because of that). If she's not one, then she clearly isn't very attracted to you and doesn't really wanna have sex with you anyway, otherwise she wouldn't be able to resist for so long
Yes, she is a virgin.
I wish I did too. I lived close to it up until early 2013. My local TRU was the one in Union, NJ, NYC was about 45-60 minutes by train (not too bad by American rail standards).
TRU sucked in the 2010s when it looked really run down and ghetto
Take your deviantart fetish somewhere else furfag.
Wasn't it supposed to be coming back, or maybe that was a dream I had?
Yeah, 24 independent stores and others in airports and cruise ships allegedly opening this year, probably closer to Christmas.
I hope that means they'll be small stores located in malls or main shopping centers. I don't recognize the power of big box TRU in random areas anymore
this is one of the more normal guys on this board
Thanks anon, but bad news. It ended today, my parents forced things to stop, but we promised to date again as soon as I become independent. She really misses me.

Also the rooster has gone mad since my last message, so it might need to be shot soon. In my call that I had, the rooster attacked my girlfriend yesterday and tried to rape their only guinea fowl.

I might as well make mention that my /toy/ interests are diecast cars, planes, plastic model kits and RC. I have also dabbled in model trains but I do not have the space or money. TRU was my source for RC as they always had the best selection, aside from actual hobby shops. When I lived in NJ, the big store was HobbyMasters in Red Bank, I used to take the train there with my father once a year. I usually bought these balsa wood gliders from there. I still have one somewhere. I shared this story before last October when he had a stroke, but enough of that. I guess toy and hobby stores make me happy and sad.

I kind of sound like a weenie, but my parents control certain things and, for one, they do not want me to get into model trains, because they know I only like British and German/Austrian locomotives, which would need to have their models imported. I do not dare ask about slot cars either.

It might sound childish, but I have a dream that when I am able to purchase a house, I will make a room for model trains and slot cars, as well as one for storing RC and displaying models. I do not want anything too fancy or lavish, just a place to enjoy life in peace. That is all.
sorry i couldn't read all that. also get away from me and never try to talk to me again
Sounds like all you really need is a job. Or rather just stop gambling. Gambling and lottery tickets are just a "legal scam" where the house always wins. Oh you won $50? Sure, after you spent $80 anyway.
Yeah, I stopped. I do not play the lottery seriously in the first place. I have been clean for a week. I quit the day after my last post. I do not plan on playing again, really. I turned to working on radio controlled aircraft.
Sorry, anon, but check 'em.
Get a job too. You'll screw up and embarrass yourself during, but at least you're earning hourly while you're there
I have drafted a resume, I am considering an internship at a major defense contractor, as I know people working for such firms. My applications will need to be turned in around September-October.
The sooner the better
Regarding import models, I know the NJ/NY area has lots of train shows where things tend to be sold fairly cheaply, and often times the British OO gauge stuff sells for extremely cheap because it's not as popular in the USA as HO and N are. Don't let your dreams be dreams anon. Hope you can find something really nice for a good price when the time comes.
Until then, best of luck.
Yeah, unfortunately I live in FL now, where British stuff is really hard to find (same goes for German, most do American or Japanese). I sometimes go back to NJ and I have a contact in NYC area (who frequents CT). He might help me.

Thank you.

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