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File: unnamed (9).jpg (30 KB, 384x512)
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Fat guy toy thread. The less clothes the better, although clothed fat guy toys are also welcome.
Bonus question: How many fat guy wrestling action figures can you think of? I know there's been quite a few.
Also, goddamn five minutes is too fucking long to have to wait for a post. I found my picture, added a subject, my writeup, and I still have 150 seconds left to go. Like goddamn, whose idea was this? What purpose does this serve? It obviously doesn't dissuade shitposters, so it just inconveniences people trying to make actual threads. One minute would make sense, but five is fucking insanity. Supposed to just sit here and waste power waiting for this shit, what the fuck. I'm finally under a minute, holy shit. 45 seconds. 35. Jesus fucking christ fuck, it's like watching fucking paint dry, I hate this shit goddamn what the fuck.
You only have to wait the 5 minutes the first post you make, you’re not a newfag are you?
I swear it does it to me at least once a day.
You have to wait because your thread sucks so much fatso
OP is fat as fuck
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