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Anyone still collect these? It feels like the news for them has been kinda slow recently but I’m assuming we’ll hear something at SDCC.

I was excited to see the long awaited ghost will come with a stand that lets you dock the Y-Wings onto it. Although it looks a bit silly.
did they ever make a Slave I from Empire?

I got the one from Mando S2 and the Razor Crest and then pretty much gave up on the line.
I don’t believe so, but what’s the difference between it and the already released one?
the Mando one came with minifigs of Boba in his new black look and Fennec Shand, I'd just prefer green Boba and maybe a carbonite Han instead.

There might also be minor cosmetic differences to the wear and tear on the ship itself, not certain.
Barely, shit distribution, all the chase ships and quality of some of the more expensive items, soured me on the line.
I got the AT AT because it was on clearance for $30 I have a few of them because it’s the only way to get nice ships now, they’re like shrunken down versions of the 3.75 scale vehicles with the compartments inside, the Ghost looks cool even though I never watched Rebels
I don't like that they're frail compared to the Action Fleet of the 90s-00s.
They have more detail but I dislike the 'washed' look.
The price is meh but good when Amazon has a sale.
It's definitely something we needed but I don't like how it's panned out with the 'chase' variants and the blind boxes.
Great on sale but the retail price for everything is a solid 30% more than I'm willing to pay.
what is The Vault?
I don't collect them, but picked up a chase at ROSS the other day. An orange tie fighter with sabine. Saw it was going for $120 on ebay and had to part with it sadly. Hope I find another one.
I just want a Wedge.
I got lucky and found it at a Walmart in Puerto Rico. A shame the Luke X-Wing doesn't use the very nice Grey they used on Wedge's X-Wing.
Just picked up an AT-TE, it's pretty fucking fantastic. Probably my favorite vehicle in the line so far.
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This years SDCC exclusive based on the Atari Star Wars game
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That's neat, too bad it's going to be stupidly expensive
>Action Fleet of the 90s-00s.
Those were awesome, weren’t they? I had a bunch of the late 90s ones. Very cool details on a lot of those.
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AT-AT is pretty neat too!
same here, I wanted action fleet back, but not the circus Jazwares conducts to fuck with their consumers
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I fucked that up.
I’m glad to see they’re including more figures lately
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When the hell jazwaes is gonna make the Alpha-class Star Wing or Assault Gunboat??
I've considered getting a couple of these. Are they plastic, or are they diecast like the old action fleet vehicles? Still have my old diecast Republic Gunship and ARC-170 Fighter.
I would have collected all of them but the distribution is awful and never saw them in person.
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wish they had larger interiors

All plastic, smaller ones don't even use screws or pins.
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They are not. I have a lot of them because I have 3 AT-ATs and a bunch of other sets.
I don't get why there aren't any troop builders for this line.
A hard and rather high-quality kind of plastic.
I got all of mine online.
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AT-AT interior is pretty big.
wait when did they do krennic’s shuttle?
Is there a checklist of the whole line? There're so many ship variants I can't keep up. Also, so stupid the Landspeeder is a chase.
It's the inquisitors shuttle from Kenobi
I don't really follow this line but are they gonna reveal anything for SDCC or have they already? I saw the exclusive retro X-Wing and TIE set and a couple other A-wings and whatnot, wasn't sure if there's more
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This guy

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