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Neo, it's time to come home
Start monitoring for online listings if you can't find shit in stores
can't believe they've basically done the whole heroes cast
all that's left is froggy, cheese, chocola and an egg pawn
>standard Classic Sonic
>laughing Classic Sonic
>bad smile Classic Sonic
>angry Classic Sonic
Don't get me wrong, this is by far the best line of Sonic figures produced in terms of variety, but why the fuck do they keep insist on making so many fugly Classic Sonics? They're always the last ones left at Target that aren't the standard Modern Sonic that they ALSO refuse to make any significant variants on.
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I got EXTREMELY lucky and happened to find one at my local Target, so of course I had to compare it to the custom one I made a couple years ago. I'm tempted to remove the hard plastic cape and replace it with a fabric one so it won't impede the legs, but given how hard it is to get I don't want to mess mine up, maybe if I can find a second one I'll experiment with that.
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> Neo Metal
Another figure which is more in scale with 3.5' Jazwares than 4' Jakks. Vector, Omega, Eggman, Chaos and now this. I bet Storm is also falls in that category.
Yes. Is this surprising to you? They are already making these large ones like Big, Neo, Heavy King etc as big as they can. Until they ever get another line at the stores going where they can do larger figures or mixed size multi packs, that's what we're gonna get
Nah. I'm actually ok with it. Glad I can update my Jazwares collection.
But on other hand what's even point in 4' inch if all big guys are out of scale?
I don't get why they all have open mouths, I'm still waiting for one with a normal closed mouth like Mighty's
>what's even point in 4' inch if all big guys are out of scale?
It's a kids line and it's Jakks. They don't care about scale. They figure that as long as some like Cream and smaller than the average height, and the bigger guys are slightly bigger, that'll do. It sucks but I don't think it'll change unless they do multi packs like the Mario line with a larger 5-6" figure and a smaller one like the Luigi&King Boo, Bowser&Mario packs
I'm pretty sure the larger 4in characters scale more accurately with the 2.5in line
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It's 50/50 actually.
Omega, Neo Metal and Chaos are not scaled with 2.5' at all. The fucking Omega is just too big even for 3.5 Jazwares line.
Big, Vector and Eggman are more fitting in 2.5' scale than 3.5' though.
Also this chart is kinda outdated for now. I compared Speed Battle models and current Omega is the same height as Vector but Big is smaller than them. Other models' height are pretty accurate so this is new standart. That's also explains why Jakks' made Omega bigger than he should be.
Why are Americans obsessed with scale, and chronology? Why can't you just be happy?
>Why do Americans have standards? Why can't they just resign themselves to live in squalor and poverty like me and my entire family line?
>Sonic fags have standards

this coming from the community that created Chris Chan
I used to be a scalefag, but I eventually realized that giga autism was keeping me from actually enjoying toys
If Americans had standards they wouldn't be so attached to non canon Penders shit
scalefags ruin toy discussion and I wish them all the worst
No. You want a Sonic line where Sonic, Charmy, Chao, and Vector are all the exact same height? Fuck off with that. People like you who don't care at all and do't push toy companies to do better are the reason they'll continue to pump out garbage.
>I have very high standards when it comes to children's toys

Kek, you sound like Chris chan
Except that's not the line we have, moron. Sonic is average height, Charmy is small, Chao are small, Vector is big. What's the problem? Just because they don't match their "canon" heights from a fanmade scale chart you've got your panties in a twist and want to make it everyone's problem. Thanks for proving that scalefags are insufferable
Blue arms make the most sense design-wise. I'm glad even the movie settled on it
Kill yourself.
Go back to fucking your mother you Chris Chan loser, kek
it's true about the scale, my new motto is "5 inches, 10 bucks", whether it's tmnt, simpsons, sonic, dragonball evolve, if it's not cheap it's not worth it to me.

your $10 figure gets a $25 vehicle, a $40 bigger vehicle, and a just under $100 playset, the shf, mattel, hasbro, and neca are $30-$300 for a figure, $300+ for a kickstarter playset, and it's like to what end are we gathering all this junk? these things take way too much space, they make it a circus to get the fucking shit, and you essentially end up working for them while I buy these little "walmart toys" at my leisure and I don't have to give a business an interest free loan to display my ninja turtles or star wars figures
>fanmade scale chart
It's official chart from some supplementary SEGA DVD materials. Basically all modelers from Sonic Team or other companies must follow it when doing models for new games or products like toys and action figures.
But again it's outdated. Currently nobody give shits about characters metrics. Speed Battle for some reason fucked up scale proportions for certain characters and Jakks was shitting on this chart right from the start when they do Amy bulkier, bigger and taller than Sonic and SEGA just don't cares anymore.
You really do sound like Chris chan crying about blue arms kek. Why give this much of a fuck about a baby franchise?
You talked with different anon before. I don't give shits about arms. It's not even about Sonic. I'm just autistic scalefag. Can seethe about figmas, marvel legends, etc all the same. Can't help it.

>baby franchise
Of course it is. Have you forgotten where you are? It's fucking /toy/ borad. Half of threads made for/by literal brainless degenerates like star wars fags, robot autsts or legotrannies.
Don't forget the coomer pedophiles sharing cp
Is that you, Chungus?
>Why are Americans obsessed with scale, and chronology?
Those are two very different things to be bothered by...
I don't really care about canon and continuity but uh... I'd like my display of characters to look like they go together. I'd consider it as important of a detail and getting their colors right. If it's too out of wack I just won't care to buy. Just like when i skipped the weird neon repaints.
The Japanese have been making scale gundam models since the 80's that are calculated down to the millimeter, and this is somehow an American obsession?
And Americans have always made dog shit gummy plastic toys for babies, it's Americans making these toys not Japan you dumb fuck.

Kek, go fuck your mother you Chris Chan autist
Well that's a shame, guess they tried to find a middle ground for some of the characters or just tried to make them as big as they could fit in the packaging
However I wouldn't use the game models as reference especially a mobile game not made by Sonic Team, Omega's official profile still says 150cm
This. Why do people not care what size each figure is? If you don't care about the scale, do you also not care about articulation? Or accuracy to their game models? WTF is the point of consuming merch if you don't care about what it looks like or the quality?
>I can't enjoy toys unless it meets my acceptable criteria for that wholesome little kino display

Sold out already?
>Omega's official profile still says 150cm
It's just SEGA incompetence.
All other models from Speed Battle are exactly the same heights as they should be. Omega is only one noticeable exception. For some reason. Big is also a bit smaller than usual yes but not that much.
Damn, they have. Would be nice if they did Rouge in her Heroes outfit but hey.
>Would be nice if they did Rouge in her Heroes outfit
heroes outfit is my favorite rouge design
would be nice since it's also my favorite
i also liked the outfit they gave prime rouge
shame they only gave the pirate a 5inch
I haven't been into Sonic in a long time but I had a hankering for a Big toy. Am I just screwed if it's not in stores now? Ebay prices are crazy.
I want to get hyped for Metal Sonic but I have no memory of it because I never got that far in Sonic Heroes....
Nope, Ebay or Mercari until they ever rerelease it.
Jakks made one last year and Jazwares made one many years ago.
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so this just happened
I noticed my Target just stocked out the new set now, I see all except for Neo Metal, that's nice.
Wut? Target just put the Rouge listing back up on the site. Haven't people been finding cases with Rouge in store as well?
Don't know but I jumped on this line pretty late and wanted the Rouge and Silver
Hopefully some stores have her
For those who didnt care about TMNT arcade in toy form, here's Sonic Battle in toy form
Obviously they needed to make space for more Sonics.
the image of tails and sonic beating each other's ass with kung fu makes me laugh
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>Tails vs Shadow
This ain't gonna end well.
>Bad smile classic sonic
I call him "retard underbite sonic"
Also damn ig I'll have to pay a scalper for Neo just like I did for Mephiles huh
Yeah but jazwares Shadow and Amy are butt ugly
>Sage got a toy through Jada's dinky metal figurines
I mean these don't look great but I honestly didn't think she was on the table.
How does that make him dumb? His point stands. The implication is literally that Japan cares more about scale than Americans.
>Why are Americans obsessed with scale
is a weird statement to make.
They really should do a 2 pack for villains, but those will probably sell out and get scalped too
They released Cream and then immediately 2 packed her on amazon, but won't do that for other sought after 1 per case characters that take forever to reissue
she got a plush last year, surprised she doesn't have a jakks figure yet
Jesus 1 per case? What the fuck?
Here in my backwater country they released the mephiles set that had the heavy gunner, shadow and super sonic, and stores were filled with heavy gunners...
And you'd think that heavy gunner would be one of those rare figures but no, there were full shelves of the guy.
I have no clue when this wave will show up here in central latin america.
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hopefully one day sega will realise they can profit off the usa designs too
How do we have 4" Mighty and Ray but still no Classic Tails? What a weird choice.
Buy the Target 3 pack.
NTA but he should be sold individually, I already bought Sonic and Knuckles.
Is Fang's figure out yet? Been keeping an eye out but haven't seen him.
yes some reviews are out and $200 listings on ebay
Didn't see these posted.
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Yep, though of course the only reason I know this is because all the motherfucking Sonics from the wave are left over.
i bought a beat up 4 inch modern sonic from walmart for cheap, technically new but discounted from all the theft attempts
I've got the same issue with mine from the Mighty two-pack. Mighty and Knuckles stand perfectly fine, but Sonic's head is so fucking back heavy that it can't stay up. I feel like they could have improved things by making the quills a hollow piece that's glued on to back of the head instead of it all being one huge, solid mold.
yeah i looked up online and it seems too common. how old is the line? like five years old?
how do they keep fucking up?
These seem like a step down from this, both in function and aesthetic.
I don't ever see characters on the shelf that aren't Sonic. I've always had to buy retail cases online to even get a single figure.
theyre surprisingly small. i thought theyd be about "sonic 3 happy meal" scale.
best advice i can gice is to pop their shoes out and sand the socks from inside to give the legs more room to tilt further
My gripe against these is that I was thinking the character would be about the size of a Hot Wheels car. They're like 1" front to back instead, tiny.

The figures are incredibly top-heavy. Jakks should have gone with rotocast or some other method of hollowing out the heads.
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Anybody have this guy? They sold out locally, thinking about buying it online.
Yours is better but it could've used more metallic paint
Went to two targets today. Both had nothing but Sonic figures, and they were even from multiple different waves. These things are not moving.
Arms are too floppy to hold themselves up, legs really only work in one pose and the pop apart-gimmick doesn't work great.
So yeah, mostly a display piece.
theres a guy that put rubber earbud pieces into the arms for friction. either way, it's the only good Death egg robo to date and still less a ripoff than the Death Egg star set
What character do you want to see next?
I've been playing Superstars and I really want to see a Trip figure. She is so cute.
Check your ROSS. I got mine there for $20.
If they had equal units instead of having a ratio of 10 sonic for 1 neo metal per box, they would move
Even worse they keep re-releasing the same modern sonic but different accessories
It was crazy to see all modern sonics from the last few waves all on the shelf together.
I want them to finish the heavies.
Did they release anything besides king and gunner?
>pop apart-gimmick doesn't work great
So just like Eggman's flying pod.
No and that upsets me. I want my magician, Shinobi, and Rider.
The Sonic Riders versions of the the cast.
Do you guys keep stuff in-mint, tear em out for display or both (get 2 of something you like)?
Open all
I rip them out (Although sometimes I keep the box in a closet). Jakks packaging is serviceable but boring for displaying.
I still have some Tomy and Jazwares stuff in box (not mint, I still open them because I want to touch the figure) because the packaging looks cool.
I might get a Mecha Sonic 30th in box just for the memories.
He definitely is a display piece, one that i really like. Ive heard about the earbud trick to give his arms some friction/articulation but have yet to do it. I got him for retail, about $30, and i dont regret it.
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step away for an hour and missed neo going up
also i'm pretty sure bigbadscamstore was lying about this >>11073458 since they are selling rouge for $20 instead lmao
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>nearly got all the minifigs I wanted
>got Chaos 0
>got Prime Shadow 6"
>pic rel still lives rent free in my head

how good are Etsy people? I really just want Classic-Adventure memorabilia.
There is one on Macari in box for 450ish. I had one before I sold my Sonic collection, which I am now rebuilding. I bought a complete one out of box for... like 220 I think, waiting on another complete one to show up again.
Fucking ay, lost mine making the mistake of giving it to my nephew right when he turned 12 and had an Xbox, mama gave that shit to Goodwill and I'm in the same boat. Except little by little, some boxes have some shit that's Jazwares stuff that's aged like hot milk.
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explain this price , im kinda new to Sonic figures . I know theres a rare af Rouge fig that fetches like 100+ .
OG Adventure and 2 are very up there, time, rarity, and the demand for the character is high. To my knowledge, aside from plushies that's the only official Gamma figure out there. Rouge recently got some new lines, Sonic X merch in general are high because of the scarcity and many go high because they're usually still in box.
just wait for jakks to make gamma
the adventure sonic statue by f4f is also nice
Realistically, how likely will they ever do gamma? Fang, Mighty, and Ray at least are a thing in Mania/Superstars. I still want a Bean and Bark and I don't even think they'll care about Gamma, but'd that'd kickass and I want it.
>the adventure sonic statue by f4f is also nice
Whats wrong with it?
it's a statue from the waste of a statue company
go shit in the street
Okay but what's wrong with the actual statue itself?
>in 2022 gamma and mephiles got plushies and were added to speed battle
>mephiles and metal sonic 3.0 are both in speed battle and got figures
it's likely but I think they're prioritizing characters who have never had figures
No joints and a-spensive. Any further questions?
After seeing Neo Metal and Mephiles, I hope you're right.
No joints are usually a con, I've never meet someone who outright dislikes statues and prefers action figures.
sorry am rarted.
>No, joints are usually a con, I've never meet someone who outright dislikes statues and prefers action figures.
If you say so. Statues are stereotypically expensive and fragile. Action figures vary in quality, sure, but at least it has the purpose of being versatile for display
Fragility is a moot point when we both put our stuff on shelves to look good. Granted the fun of messing around with poses and not having to worry about the state of the thing as much is a big pro.
I just never saw a 'pro-joint' person on 4chan before, for years for me it seemed pro-figma for the reason of displaying.

I'm an idort with this stuff, I just want my imaginary product friends around in plastic form and for it to look accurate enough.
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>I just never saw a 'pro-joint' person on 4chan before, for years for me it seemed pro-figma for the reason of displaying.
Sounds like you're new then. Welcome, for we are pro-joint. Sure, you'll find statue lovers here too, but those discussions never go anywhere (to the point of being deleted/banned because Rule 2) since statues just do nothing but "be plastic form". If you look at all the "about toys" or photography generals, you'll see that we care more about how many poses we can pull off, than clean, un-segmented sculpts that eventually break anyway
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There are a lot of Jazware items that are hot shit, I would argue the whole 3 inch line is trash just because of the joints, but people will hang me for that statement. However, there are a lot that are straight fire. Of my collection I kept pic related and Sonic. This was my grail, not only because mine is with its box and unbroken, all the joints work even the thumbs, each I had to fix by hand. The 99% figures naturally due to Jazwares shit quality control joints are all locked in and countless people broke theirs, especially the thumbs trying to move it.
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Only a few people with a fully functional Metal like me will have one limber enough for this pose. I love my Metal Son.
That is really nice, the small PVC figures either look 'ok' or straight up like Chinese lead painted knockoffs. But after getting the Jakks, I'm contemplating doing a repaint to make my boy shiny. Jazwares does seem to have nice finishes on well kept figures.

Note I love action figures, I made sure I got my Chaos 0 once I knew they even made them and I got my autistic itch back to collect.
Checked six targets in the last two days, I hope for a restock or an online stocking for Neo Metal. This is ridiculous.
Heavy Rider, but mostly because they'll surely have to come with Jimmy included...
That thing is sick as fuck anon. I'm officially jelly. Metal Sonic has been in my list of "stupid edgy evil-mirror characters I can't help loving from when I was a kid" characters for as long as I can remember, along with Meta Knight.
>the whole 3 inch line is trash just because of the joints, but people will hang me for that statement.

Why would I hang you for speaking the honest truth? I went through three fucking Shadows from that line and all of them broke a wrist peg they were so shit.
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IDW metal virus sonic. Hope for tangle and whisper then
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goddammit. walls of this shit again
damn i was wondering if neo metal was a sign of them going into IDW instead just being for Heroes because he was the boss of the first arc
guess we will see a super neo metal repaint in the future
What Sonic toys have good posability? I'm interested in trying stop motion and think Sonic characters could be fun.
Basically none of the current ones have "good" posability. Your options are:
>4" jakks line
no elbow joints on most figures, but do have knee joints
>2.5" jakks line
no elbows or knees
>5" jakks Sonic Prime line
Do have elbows and knees, but their articulation is just okay
Other than that, if you have money you can find the 3" jazwares figures used online but they're expensive and rare, however they do have better articulation. Downside is the joints are super breakable and practically fall apart in your hands.

My advice is just get a 4" jakks sonic for $10 and play around with that, or get the Prime sonic if you want something bigger.
Okay, thank you!
I don't think it'll be a shelf warmer for months on end like those ugly neon anniversary figures were. They'll probably just have less of them and include them in a case with regular Sonic. Walmart already special orders boxes of JUST Sonic and no other figures, so it could end up getting mixed in like, two IDW Sonics for every four standard Sonics.
The Jakks Collector figures are pretty good for that even if a little expensive.
But so far there's only 4 of them.
Welp that's it guys. IDW shit is here. And I'm embrace it with open arms.
>Another shitty Sonic relocor.
>Zombot Froggy before real deal.
>Walmart exclusive kek.
Still waiting for Wave and Storm though.
>Zombot Froggy
And it sold out at that price, too...
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>that one custom made Scourge on Mercari for 130+ usd
oh boy, can't wait to get...R63 Scourge (Surge).

Fuck, I'd rather just get an official Sally that's not weird and broken Vintage-Euro-shit. [Never Ever]
Metal cum sonic.

True fans want Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Underground figures.
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You jest (haha tamers) but I do genuinely want a cool figure of mohawk Sonic.
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No one wants the crying lesbians.
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Silver lining: he's in IDW.
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That's cool that this really does mean IDW content, but holy shit what a lame thing to make a toy of.
>Here kids, a toy of Sonic getting bullied by a bunch of zombies we didn't make toys of!
This is like Kryptonite poisoned Krypto but even more specific.
easiest skips of my life
oh shit even vanilla has a higher chance now
Fucking why not make cyber corrupted Sonic from Frontiers? Make a Sage figure while you're at it.
Whatever. I don't live in burgerland so we're probably not getting this in stores anyways.
We probably still get Emerl, Gemerl, Marine and Vanilla eventually because those are game characters. But now with the great IDW gate is open their chances are pretty slim. Even lowen than before. Knowing Jakks they definitly try to shill crying lesbians first and foremost.
Are any of them likely to even sell besides Tangle, Whisper, Kit and Surge?
I feel like even Starline wouldn't get much interest. Belle, Jewel, Clutch etc. would probably kill the line.
>Tangle, Whisper and Surge
Crying lesbians are currently way more popular than half of the real Sonic cast. Sadly. At least in burgerlands.
>Kit and other shitters
Yeah nobody gives shit about them. But Jakks prioritize them anyway. And let's be honest, even lowest IDW ocs are on the same level of popularity as Gemerl/Marine/Vanilla.
>btw my boy Gamma never ever.
don't give up hope bro...
Damn are they really? I wasn't really paying attention to how fans reacted when I was keeping up with the comics and I dropped it when I saw the dumb puppet, so I never saw Surge, but I know remember some anons wanting her
I'm honestly down for this kind of variant over them just making "Sonic with slightly different smile" type of shit over and over again.
Looking forward to normal Froggy eventually, and would really be down for a normal Sonic with this angry head.
>Walmart exclusive
Guess Walmart hasn't had enough of nothing but Sonics clogging the shelves lol
Most of the SDCC showcase was shit btw, I cannot believe we're getting "Classic Sonic with Chili Dog" again, holy fuck.
Should I pay scalper prices for king heavy?
I never saw him in stores.
Yes tamers. I just want taosth robotnik, scratch, grounder, coconuts and maybe some of the ytp staple characters.

I'd take orbit and cubot and boco and deco and bokkun over fucking idw ocs.
I love Boco, Decoe and Bokkun. Bokkun is like is Impmon was more adorable, that said I'm surprised nothing in the west has happened in terms of Americanized figures of Sonic stuff aside from old Happy Meals.
No, fuck those faggots unless it was a limited line and like 2+ years ago, otherwise hold out for people who couldn't be fucked TO scalp and hold out others don't either and that prices go down. Honestly I'll shill an exta $10 USD + shipping to ensure I get something before rarity gets really gay, but I saw a Fang (just came out) being listed for $140. Fuck these people, unless it's a dire get (weird shit like 4inch Jakks, Chaotix related stuff, Jazwares, Sonic X or Adventure line), ignore it they'll cave before you.
Loose ends of Sonic Forces can go and stay go. They were cute at first but got pretty bland fast. Last I checked their plot threads were dragging, too. Everyone else is okay. I'd take Starline & co and Rough & Tumble for some Modern era mooks. Oh and that big-titted sheep bitch. Lanolin. I don't care if she came from the depths of Ken Penders's asshole. I'm taking 20.

Going back to the mooks, though: I hope IDW gates being creaked open means we have higher chances for Bean and Bark. The comics are the only ones ever really supporting them. Though on the other hand that notion sucks because that would imply that, like the other IDW characters, game characters on life support through the comics have their chances reliant on how well Whisper and Tangle sell. Those two will definitely be made first.

I think Emerl has a high chance of coming solely because of being in the SxS Generations prologue animation (and maybe playing some role in the game itself). Then his Gemerl self will be an easy retool for easy money.
does anyone else feel bothered that the classic sonic toys use the american sonic 1 logo instead of the jp one
holy shit is this official?
the promo images for all jakks metal sonics show metallic painting but they just have a matte finish
I'm livid that the only new toys Jakks announced for their Sega line were just more fucking Streets of Rage and Altered Beast figures.
Fucking make stuff from other games.
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the american logo was used for western sonic merch in the 90s so I get why they brought it back
the japanese one just kind of sucks and it evolved into the modern one anyway
they should make variant figures using the american designs so it makes sense though
Why are you getting mad about Altered Beast and SoR when a Sonic figure got into that very Sega line when there's a fucking ongoing Sonic line? That Sonic could have been anything else, whereas it isn't like the other two have ever gotten figures before, so I hardly think it's fair to complain about 1 more figure from each series.
wtf is it at least a better figure?
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It isn't, no, the exact same body with some weird/ugly paint.
oh i didn't even realize it was for THAT line and not our sonic line
wtf would the 2nd figure be then if they are doing IDW for it
Wait, the metal virus Sonic is part of the SEGA line of figures? What the fuck? Wow yeah that's ridiculous.
I just wanted some more Sega franchises to get a chance before they started focusing on specific ones, didn't realize the Sonic was bleeding into that line too.
That is a jakks 10 inch Metal. He's metalic but its a light blue.
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i was thinking of getting this. anyone know what it's like?
see >>11078889
i do
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>Jakks 10 inch
but that's Jazwares, even the hands give it away. Jakks makes everyone have a hand hole mold for whatever the fucking reason is (I guess to hole the emeralds?).
Jakks only makes 2.5 and 4 inch ones and only the main three get larger figures, unless I missed a metal sonic
yeah i mt the brand

that the 12 incher? Love that guy but his nose broke off in a move
I'd love a "Dr. Robotnik" one day. SatAM/Underground and/or Adventures, from any company
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I'm just waiting for them to release this guy.
Could either be really kino or as shit as the super-posable stuff we got a decade ago, those legs are a big red flag to me.
That's just how it's drawn in the IDW comics, they could give him thicker legs and it would look fine, just like the other Jakks figures.
We need another Chaotix run, all these $50+ damaged Charmys are pissing me off.

Fuck off retard
based idw line incoming
seethe cope dialate
im gonna be dyke maxxing
Yeah, I dont see the problem neither. Except that they get anything before SatAM/Archie ever will
What the fuck are you on about, Mecha Sonic is from S&K, the one in the image is just the IDW depiction of him


dumb nigger alert

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