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>The World of Bionicle...
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle...
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/%2Fbiog%2F - Bionicle General/

Previous thread:
Real glad the original designer of this build is a pedophile rotting in a jail cell
Where did this pedophilia thing come from and where did you hear he's in prison?
reminder that roodaka is fat
It’s pretty disgusting to celebrate a child getting hurt just because someone you hate got deplatformed and arrested for it

I hate the MoC too but wouldn’t go that far
I found my old tote full of Bionicle figures. I was obsessed as a kid. I'm keeping the comics, but I have nowhere to put the figures and I'd prefer a collector safeguard them. How much do you think I could get for
>Toa Mata Gali and Onua (my introduction to Bionicle)
>All 6 Rahkshi
>Toa Metru except Whenua and Vakama
>All 6 Toa Hordika (my gut tells me these are probably the least collectible because they sucked)
>Keetongu and Roodaka as part of the Shadowed One set
>2003 Makuta
>Turaga Dume and Nivawk

I also have a bunch of assorted smaller figures like the Vahki, a couple each of the Toa Inika, Toa Mahri, Piraka, Barraki, Phantoka sets etc

I have all the manuals for the above as well. Should I just sell as a lot or part them out?
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So G3 will be at SDCC riiight?
You'll regret selling them you know.
I got my OG Mata Nui Toa collection secondhand on Ebay as a kid for my tenth birthday.
They all had the original owner’s initials written on their feet like in Toy Story. I’ve always felt like shit for owning them, even after replacing Gali’s chew marked hooks
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Hey forum.
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bonus points for outside
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I need to dig up my camera, the last outdoor pic I took was on my phone and it was just to show off a custom mask I got, it's so big that you can barely see the lil man behind it
you're thinking of zemata, dawnofssd only fantasizes about raping children but he's not the one who actually did it
>were there ever instructions for ancient? I only know that people had managed to recreate him a while back
Never saw any instructions.
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Small update to Jessika.

Better CCBS joints
Slightly reworked boobs
More turquoise

also checked n kekked my good sir
It's not out yet, but I check on this Bionicle Fangame Project sometimes so I will pass it along.

Where the fat bitches at?
>Face is almost entirely system

Weeb trash
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>Bionicle walks into a bar
>bartender asks: why the wide face?
Cool little fella tho, looks like he's from Voya Nui.
Noticed her in previous thread, she's cool! I dig the way you used and implemented the Mata torso.
I need to supplement with a bunch of System on occasion when I'm working with rarer colours. This orange one has been a pain for too long now.
>no build
>only complaint
Yup, he's using the same build as Velika/Garan, it's hard to tell because of his bigass head. Nice Toa btw, are those parts from Gobricks recent? I'm considering buying from their Wobricks site
Well, I guess I should admit that I didn't go into it with the express purpose of making a sexy /bionicle/ strictly, and more wanted to make a sexy robot MOC and Bionicle happens to be extremely fucking useful. My builds will never not be mixed-system. I have no desire to limit myself to one theme.

The other thing is, I don't know what fucking thread to post in, there's 3 Lego generals an MOC thread and a Bionicle thread. I feel like Lego based action figures can get shoehorned in as Bionicle.

I am really liking those legs, they remind me of Battletech mechs, and I imagine those joints are fairly strong. Neat idea not just doubling up the ball joints but the specific way you executed it here. I've been struggling with the limits of bonk joints myself. I am seeing some elements in that dark orange I didn't know existed in dark orange.
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Quick build from tonight.
We're this far gone, huh
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The parts are all over a year old, I gotta order new stuff myself.
Yeah idk why there are so many lego generals either lmao, but biog and moc general are most relevant to me. Maybe an occasional pbbg.
The sockets are lego, the balljoints are gobricks, so the fitment is great. I did want a double knee anyway, but using this amount of joints has the advantage of covering a larger area in burnt orange using fairly available parts.
I really wanna implement double knees where I can, but sadly didn't manage it yet in pic rel. Need to think of a way without altering the look too much.
I build male figs too :D Kakama girls are a forever wip of mine though.
Heccin boobarinos on my wholesome bonkle kino? Hunky Chunky transgirl boner time? Oooooooh no....
What is the obsession with putting shitty looking boobs on bonks? Never seen real boobs or something?
Yet all you faggots still listen lady gaga
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>retards still seething instead of posting their my own creations
That's a good hand design, I was wondering how to do articulated thumbs on those mixel hands
Just weird virgins with too much time on their hands
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Thanks. Been using that for a long while now and you can fit it to almost any figure from Matoran to smaller titan builds.
sex is the most important thing in life, you'd know this if you weren't an incel.
Can I build this from just one set?
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How long until G3 leaks?
>Giga whenua
Nice. I always loved his mask design. I like how you used the wrenches on his forearms.

Nah this is just random parts from my bins unfortunately.
Oh, I too love this thumb design. I use an amogus plate to attach the larger robot arm pieces, since the amogus plate lets the thumb rotate a bit but this is a nice way for I think a slightly smaller hand, and I have those pieces either on hand or coming so...
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Thanks! It's fairly sturdy too. I doubted it at first, but even during transport nothing falls off. I do form their hands to fists for transport tho.
Technically my own character, self-moc if you will, but really strongly based off Whenua :D he was always my fav Toa and the Ruru is my favourite mask, both great and noble. I also liked Whenua in the movies and especially in the comics.
And thanks!
First comment is >kill yourself
Surtur does look pretty fun though. It does show the weakness of mixel joints on a heavily armored body, the elbows have barely any range as a result.
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The official proto drake render radiates so much 2000s Taiwanese Deviantart furry energy in a way I can’t explain
>Taiwanese Deviantart furry energy
excuse me?
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It says MOC but it's someone elses moc I rebuilt in studio and am building IRL. I think it belongs to this guy actually >>11074121
he's just projecting
He's a muslim.
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The railgun is back again.
That is a really cool build. Awesome to see someone else appreciating the orange seige engine wheels from Mars Mission.
I feel that the feet could be a different color
Lot of great part usage. The wheels, the brick separators, the mata body, it's all clean.
i really hope it wont be system, i want technic back. ccbs and system on bionicle builds look like shit and im sick of people pretending they dont. g3 if it happens anyway will be grossly overpriced slop though considering the direction lego is going though so i kind of hope we don't get g3
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Made this guy the other day. Wanted to make a sort of "updated" Toa Mata/Nuva style guy.
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You're absolutely right. There is a reason I kind of fell out of love with Bionicle after roughly the Visorak generation. I want more like the original few years.

And before someone says I'm nostalgiafagging and was simply growing out of toys in general, no, I just started buying Lego Star Wars instead during that time. I grew up still loving Lego. Never stopped. My collection of Rahkshi watched me lose my virginity from their shelf in my room.

OG bonks were fucking kino beyond belief.

Here's another I built. I'm calling it a Rogue Bohrok or maybe Hunter Bohrok.
No it cannot ball unfortunately. That ability was mutated out of it long ago, but you can still see remnants of Bohrok as the joints attach in the same spot.
system bionicle will fail in a single season and the only people that buy it will be people who just want to buy a bionicle again
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I want a good mix of Technic and system, Bionicle needs to go back to feeling like robots with functions instead of just action figures.

I think the Ninjago Climber Mech is a proof of concept, at least on a Titan-sized set.
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I’m not sure if this is more of a /co/ question since it’s about the movie, but I can’t find another thread it would be relevant to.

So Mamoru Miyano voices Mario in the Japanese version of the Mario movie and was apparently the voice of Takua in the Japanese dub of Mask of Light, but I can’t find any trace of a Japanese dub of the movie online at all. Does anyone have a rip of it?
Buy the dvd, retard
finding Japanese dubs of western media online is difficult, worst part is shit like Netflix might have it but region locks you from watching it because lol fuck you (see: Spiderverse JP dub). Might have to just find a Japanese copy on Yahoo or Mercari.
>there's only 35 Gen 2 sets
Relatively easy to collect, gotta dig my Gen 1 from storage and see how much I have before I pick up more of those sets
they are not really worth collecting since they are kind of shitty and ugly. i would save your money for rare and expensive gen 1 sets
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Easy but simultaneously difficult. 2016 wave is notoriously expensive for how limited they were.
Don't let others detract from if you want to get them, they're all great sets in their own right. The Technic integration that the 2016 sets began to get was a nice touch, and something I wish they had more time to develop further. I think 2017 could have really seen a peak in Technic/CCBS combination.
Has anything happened since the Tahu/Takua gwp?
just some easter eggs
>blue eyed
I really like this dude, simple but effective.
Looks like ass imo. Though the way the thighs are attached makes me nostalgic for those Chinese/Russian(?) bootlegs.
I want him
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Oh I remember
Most certainly not
I love the seperators being used, I like the colours too.
Looks like it lives in the sewers of Metru Nui, very authentic.
Like the other anon mentioned, good luck getting the 2016 ones, they cost a pretty penny.
>My collection of Rahkshi watched me lose my virginity from their shelf in my room.
Gen 1 is childhood nostalgia, Gen 2 is senior year of hs nostalgia.
yeah I've looked in to some of them already, unfortunately the cheapest listings on bricklink are in Russia, but unlike in 2015/2016 I'm not broke and jobless fresh out of school
>i would save your money for rare and expensive gen 1 sets
I think most of the rare ones I don't have are the system playsets, Karzhani and some titans I can't remember.
it's always Karzahni, but just get Umarak, most of the 2016 sets are kind of ass
Woah mama
Karzhani was when I was able to beg my dad for a Bionicle every now and then but was never on shelves when that time came. Definitely wasn't because I wasn't interested, I think he's just legit always been rare.
i got lucky, got karzahni for christmas that year. only 07 titan I have to this day.
I think I got most of the 2007 sets besides Karzahni and the playsets. Glatorian era is the other era besides Gen 2 I have nearly nothing for, save Mata Nui and a couple other sets. I think I may actually just say fuck it and got for a completionist collection for Bionicle.
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You know, I like sexy MOCs if they are done well, but it's pretty rare for them to not look like complete shit.
neck needs more substance and wings could move down a little
here's what your 2025 Bionicles will end up looking like
that's actually pretty rad though
that's fine. I have never played fortnite but the character design is great.
honestly there's no reason for them to not have Bionicle in Fortnite other than Lego trying to memoryhole Bionicle.
>toa mata skin
>choose a mask
>different weapons as pickaxes
I know it's a shitpost but there's nothing constraction about this; almost everything is fixed in place. The bone leg has a tiny bit of bonkle energy emanating from it though
Someone did a fan concept of it. I've seen a lot of people wanting it, but Lego is really weird with the Fortnite collab stuff.
The idea of Tahu carrying a gun feels off but it's completely in the realm off possibility
The Mistika, Phantoka, and others did use guns though. Well launchers, but they still had scopes, bayonets, etc on their 'guns'. Kongu had 2! Also not as off as Batman with guns, for example.
Exactly my point - totally acceptable and happened plenty, but for one reason or another it's goofy to see
Ot's like the Japanese dub of Smilling friends that "existed" during Season 1 yet I've never found any proof of, even the Japs watch the English version with subs.
well that looks perfect
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Rahkshi tiddy
>ynr linkin park amvs
>POV: you shinsulted the wrong guy
>he doesn't listen to Cryoshell daily on his drive to work
>can do Tahu Mata, Nuva, Mistika and then Golden Armor as a BP
>fire sword pickaxe and lava board glider
>Takua back bling
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So...... G3 at SDCC?
Damn this is beautiful
we're just gonna have to wait, so hope for the best and prepare for the worst
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>Takua back bling
Let me huff some copium for a minute.

It's possible the release window got pushed back? All I'm saying is that the guy who leaked G3 has been a credible source for things, but I really think we would have seen something by now if it was happening in 2025. Maybe 2026 is more realistic?

You want a hit? This is some good shit.
Sure, why not. 2025 is still feasible too. Could be 2027. Could never happen. There's really just the one crumb, and if I recall the leaker wasn't reliable per se, but a reliable one reposted what they leaked? I can't recall exactly how it went down, but I do remember a thread basically saying the leaker was a fraud. Whether that's true or not, I never looked deeper into it.
BIONICLE 2077 ??
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You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum they raised me
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rr slugger leaked sexts
Wasn't the reboot announced at NYCC though? Not that I won't still hopium(copium), even if it is syst*m sets I'll still buy whatever form they give the Toa Mata.
You should post some that you think are good. I may learn some stuff to improve from them if you don't like mine. Learning what other people are looking at helps me understand what I should be looking at as well.
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I want him inside me.
is that the fag that wears the cardboard lewa mask?
holy copium
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His nasally Spongebob the Hedgehog whine is the last thing I’d want to hear in bed

You need a guy with more devotion
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When do you think Nick is gonna troon out?
What is possible is that all the enthusiasm, dumb memes etc. and the skyrocketing prices on bricklink as a result have led Lego to consider it for real. ofc that too is just copium, but probably the most realistic scenario down the line.
When is the lego presentation??
Seems inevitable.

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