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File: 71TfCW58MzL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (184 KB, 1468x1500)
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Just browsing Amazon's toy section and these 3D printed posable figures with weapons keep popping up in every page. Anyone buy these before?
no, they are overpriced 3dprint chink scam
These look like Dummy 13. If you have a 3d printer, I think you can get the file for free somewhere online with some searching.
Most of the time, any 3d print toy is going to be a rip off. Also these are filament printed, which is more brittle at times than other prints.
I got one off Temu for $6

it's alright. Like >>11073479 said, they're filament printed which means they have that ridged texture which may be a problem to some people and may affect their strength.

I'm pretty satisfied with the figure. it's really poseable. theres a lot of color options, but mine game on sprues like a model kit and it was murder on my fingers trying to assemble it.

if you can get one for less than $6 shipping included, it's not a bad figure to fiddle with
>Also these are filament printed, which is more brittle at times than other prints.

No. Filament is not brittle lol. Resin is the brittle one. Filament just gets loose. Good for mechanical stuff, terrible for action figures.

See >>11071835

Be careful where you order them from. There are websites that offer the injection molded version which is probably best. Avoid places which sell the 3D printed version because there's a chance they might have serious QC issues. If you 3D print it yourself it will cost you like 2$.

Also why the hell does the red one in that promo pic have his legs inverted? WTF
The standard resin these days is ABS-like, which can be somewhat flexible. The only real weakness of resin is that they're easier to shatter. Even flexible and rubbery resins gave lower impact resistance than standard ABS. So if you smash them they'll break more easily than ABS. As long as you're not throwing your action figures on the ground there are tons of good resins for action figures that will give you a better finish than filament. A lot of resione's tough resins are specifically made for moving parts and recommended for printed figures
They cost less then a train ticket what do you mean scam?

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