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Prime day is upon us once again…
What are the best toy deals this year? I’ve seen a few Hasbro offerings in both Marvel Legends and Black Series and some okay LEGO deals. Anybody find anything else amazing? I know sometimes you’ll find a hidden gem.
Nothing. Amazon is a ripoff.
Not really, like I said there’s some good marvel legends deals.
Didn't really find anything too good, mostly 20% off, so decent. Got the Cybertron Starscream, and that's probably all I'll get.
>marvel legends deals
>Marvel legends
There is literally nothing for sale that I cannot find elsewhere (EvilBay, Etsy, Mercari, AliExpress, Banggood, etc.) for cheaper.
Best I've seen was the JP transformer jeep/Dino set
I had like 20-30 various figures from many lines and different companies in my wish list. Checked today, and only one is on sale cheaper than before, but just by $2. This Prime Day/Week group of sales looks to be the worst it's ever been.

Many electronics I had on my list too claim they're on sale and sho a percentage off, but then the regular price now says it's higher than they all were yesterday so the 'sale' price is identical to what they were at yesterday. Pathetic.

I'm sure if I needed something I don't like a cheap off brand TV or lap top, maybe I would have bought something, but I've had the tab open and I even have some gift cards I want to use, but I ended up just padding my wish lists for the future.
This motherfucker. After 3 days in limbo not knowing whether I ordered it in time i finally got charged for it and it shipped today.
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I'll never understand why they get the most ugly people to do ads now. Like you don't need some uber hunk or model, just get a normal fucking person.
That’s Jane Amazon, you pleb. She’s 200 ft tall and eats thousands of regular sized humans annually.
Don't you mean Jemima?
I didn't see it on prime day, how much was it?
Ebay is telling me its around 460 or so in bongbucks so I imagine it would be in the 500s in usd?
It was 450 CAD. It was on Canada's Amazon for like a total of 15 mins before it sold out.

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