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>cartoon about a toy collector who also has autism
These new kids shows are hitting a bit too close to home
>no underage animu waifu figs
>no pile of transformers that are just remakes of the G1 toys
>no shelf filled with marvel legends in the most static uninspired poses imaginable
>no stack of unopened boxes that you definitely don't regret buying you just dont have time to open a box
>no built lego sets sitting on shelf collecting dust
>no broken neca figs that you refuse to throw out
its gonna be shit
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literally me
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Can't wait to have Carl the Collector in my collection playing with his collection.
>These new kids shows are hitting a bit too close to home
Craig of the Creek makes me sad. It's KND but with feelings
the pitch is just plush to make it an easier sell. But there are also pick up sticks, marbles, glasses frames, yarn and those jars on the left likely have lego in them
Craig of the creek is so tepid and boring to me. I dont understand how that inoffensive shit has a following
It has lore like KND did, and of course it has "heart " for featuring diverse characters and girls kissing and holding hands. Also every time the nerd cave guys are in anything, I get hurt because theyre used for deep cuts
You talk like a faggot
>>no pile of transformers that are just remakes of the G1 toys
sh-shut up
Ah, so it's that kind of autism.
You talk like a double faggot
It’s just a kinda comfy show about kids playing outside and had show lore. I think Clarence was better in that regard though.
Clarence was actually funny unlike cuck of the creek
Why are you all watching shows for modern children? Have you not moved on from stories aimed at preschoolimed level? Have you consoomed all the children's shows from your childhood so the nostalgia fuel has run dry?
I know this is /toy/ and most modern television is shit. But go watch some Colombo & Bonanza reruns for Christ sakes.
I dont watch preschool cartoons i just saw this on twitter and thought it was a weird but funny premise for a PBSkids cartoon. The cartoons i watched were normal cartoons but even lately theyve sucked or all the good ones have gotten unceremoniously cancelled
Is it really that good?
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>>no stack of unopened boxes that you definitely don't regret buying you just dont have time to open a box
I didn't need this today anon
For me, it's Diagnosis: Murder and JAG.
i always knew you was gay.
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>no pile of transformers that are just remakes of the G1 toys
>no built lego sets sitting on shelf collecting dust
>no shelf filled with statue marvel legends

ghfjfdm shut up
>no broken neca figs that you refuse to throw out
Oh you’re just a troll, got it.
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Is Carl that raccoon or is the raccoon a part of the collection. I love raccoons they’re so cute.
Take a joke
You talk like no one loves you.
>go watch some Colombo & Bonanza
Kek, shows that the superior nipon anime is WAAAY ahead of PBS, as anime has had an autistic lead in Goblin Slayer!
Jokes aside, I'm sure there are plenty of characters that can qualify as "autistic", so making a cartoon with a characature of autism will TOTALLY be handled properly.../s.
Buh buh buh based!

But seriously, he's right though. It blows my mind that some grown fucking men are watching modern children's television. It's one thing to watch some show from your own childhood but to watch Bluey in your mid 20s? Reevaluate your lives.
How has nobody posted the theme song yet? It's hilariously shit.
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For kids cartoons I watch typically TV-Y7 and TV-PG cartoons, i cant stand shit like bluey which are legitimate preschool fodder
>copyright blocked
Fuck youtube
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I know, I’ve been here for a long while. thats why I didn’t fully do the reply because the stupid bot would have likely banned me, I remember the time the retard tried to hijack a KF thread and got embarrassed. Wish it’s happen more.
Oh and this cartoon looks sorta ok
I don't watch kids shows, but I kind of get it in a way. Adult shows that are actually pleasant to watch seem so rare. I don't think it's a coincidence that the rise of adults watching kid's cartoons coincided with a rise in movies going from being optimistic and hopeful to starting to shift around '04 towards being more dark and cynical.
>No Lego baseplate filled with 50 copies of the same Clone Trooper
>No random toys stashed away "as an investment"
>No random Gfuel or Gamersupps sponsorship forced into the shot
It's made by a left winged company.
By episode 3 the mc will reveal hes not allowed 20feet within an area of a school.
I recommend A-team and Highway to Heaven too, they're really relaxing to watch
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>Fling foam with us, Carl.
>Use us to harass your neighbors, Carl.
>Don't listen to those OTHER TOYS, Carl.
>Take us outside.
>Don't leave us hanging.
>Carl, paint us black.
>Play dangerous, Carl.
i dont collect gay stuffys or dress like mr.rogers wtf is this
I prefer Have Gun, Will Travel and original Galactica but okay. Tokusatsu shows are cool too, especially Sentai.
Why are you 50-ish years old and still hanging out on an image board for edgelord teens who don't fit in at school? Don't you have a family or some real friends you'd rather spend time with?
Enjoy your brain eating parasites.
NTA, but we had a thread on it a while back and the average /toy/ poster's a late twenties to late thirties millennial.
Sorry faggot, but we were here first.
I read this in Master Shake's voice.
>Play with me, Carl.
>Paint me black.
>Take me outside.
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Cant compete with autistic chads
Is this an adaptation of the Chris Chan documentary series?
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wow, this is the perfect post to represent toy in nutshell
>everything else is fine but if you mention neca you're a troll
Dont argue with the neca autist
So THAT'S what Tom Nook was using all my loan payment for!
Well you don’t have to worry about that because you’re a brainless nigger!

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