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I never knew Last Action Hero had toys. what other toy lines were you surprised by?
There was even supposed to be a playset
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As a kid I loved the Robin Hood toyline, but as an adult it makes no sense. It would be like we had those cheap titan hero figures for The Last Duel or something. It was a wild choice.
reminds me of the old spiderman happy meal that had a flipping head
A whole toyline based on a low-budget Stallone movie about arm wrestling
I had this figure as a kid, also one where he had a bulletproof vest. The square slot in the hands for guns was a weird choice.

There used to be an autist around here who collected the bad guy, dunno if he's still around.
I was reading about this movie. Arnold actually vetoed the action figures using guns even though he runs around with a hand canon through the whole movie.
Basically just PoTF and Super Powers figures with new heads. Even the play set and vehicle was Star War reuse.
Cannon Films was such a wild company. Each film a kino. They blindly hyped the movie, Over the Top on the basis that Stallone made Cobra. They had several 80's action stars in contracts:

>Sylvester Stallone
>Chuck Norris
>Jean-Claude Van Damme
>Charles Bronson
>Dolph Lundgren
>Sho Kosugi
What’s funny is the Sherwood Forest playset is a better version of the Ewok village since it actually has green leaves, unlike the Ewok village which was just bare trunks.
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Look at how ahead Cops and Crooks were. 80's Joes were just the same bucks, but the former had various sculpts to go along with that time's peak of super articulation. I certainly wouldnt mind an update of these, but it's almost like they don't need them
Full House Uncle Jesse figures
>original non legacy IP
>unique sculpts and articulation
>full kit of accessories
sad that a line like this is basically no longer viable, you'd have to sell them for $15 minimum and they'd tank.
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I had a Robin Hood that isn't in that image and Sheriff of Nottingham, I don't think he looks much like Alan Rickman. Well that's because his head is from a Robocop figure named Chainsaw. I thought he was wearing some hat. He had this neat cloth cape that looked like it was suppose to be chain link, and also a actual chained medallion around his neck.
that film is peak SOVL. I wish the toys werent so expensive these days. same deal with the vintage schwarzenegger commando figures.
FMF just showed off pics of their Bulletproof prototype. You're not alone in your appreciation of the series. It's kind of a cult favorite these days, like MASK or Inhumanoids.
or they would be produced in such small quantities that every figure would be absurdly overpriced just for the companies behind them to break even. there's no winning in this situation. feels bad man
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My mom bought me that when I was a kid and she kept it when I moved out. She had him at her front door to keep her safe. She recently passed now I have him back to guard my front door.

Since he didn’t come with guns, when I was a kid I used my little brothers Bucky O’Hare guns with him.
>>Cannon Films
Wish they would make a Mathilda May Lifeforce Spacegirl.
Mego acquired a bunch of sitcom licenses before going out of business in the early '80s:
The Love Boat
The Waltons
Happy Days
Laverne and Shirley
What's the wall for?
Over the top is just an odd choice but stallone was trying out his acting skills and various behind the scene roles iirc. Chuck norris in hitman is quite fun, better writing than say delta force. I really enjoy jvd all coked out doing crummy SEA films with rob schneider. Dude mustve been untouchable at that time and in that area.
This is just alabama action man in real life
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Virus is one for me. In a lot of ways I consider 98-2000 to be the twilight years of the "old" way of doing movie toylines. By 2000 you see a marked shift away from this both in the emerging collector toy market and the retail kid's toy market as well.
Firstly, it's clear that the reason this movie got toys wasn't due to it being planned to be merchandized, some toy execs got a hold of the movie production pics early on and saw potential. That's a risk you saw less of in the 2000's, and just about unheard of in the 2010s onward.
Second, toy sculpts are on that edge between kid's line and collector, from that era where collector toylines just meant a kid's toyline with slightly more detail. They're still unrealistic, with muscular comic book bodies. Around this time McFarlane sculpts shifted to more realistic proportions and anatomy for their movie based stuff.
There's still that consideration for playability and packaging them like other retail toys at the time.
Overall just interesting to look back on.
>the Last Duel
Totally different feel. I remember loving Robin Hood when I was wee, but I'm sure I would have hated any of the Ridley Scott epics.
Never getting the Star Wars license was such a fumble. It definitely haunted them.
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>There used to be an autist around here who collected the bad guy, dunno if he's still around.
kek i'm still here.

I actually moved to another place and left my benedict collection at home.
BUT after 2020 the price of most of figures became insane because of "investors".

So the benedict car became much more rare and expensive.
I have to re-buy them all from the scratch....kinda bothers me because my Benedict's car is in such a perfect condition.
Didn't Hasbro absorb these guys into G.I. Joe like they did with M.A.S.K.?
Maybe he throws it.
This one shocked the shit out of me when I found out they actually made toys for it. Were this supposed to be for kids?
I remember finding Benedict at Big Lots. I got it because of the guns lol
What was the white thing for?
>What was the white thing for?
Prosthetic eyeballs.
wait, how did they work?
I *think* they just sit in his attaché case.
I'm curious about the eyeballs as well. Surely those things posed a choking hazard that the CPSC frowns upon.
Darn. Would've been awesome if he threw his eyeballs or something.
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>What was the white thing for?
>Prosthetic eyeballs.
>wait, how did they work?
>I *think* they just sit in his attaché case.
>Darn. Would've been awesome if he threw his eyeballs or something.
Yeah that white thing is absolutely useless.
So as those stickers with eye-patterns.

I had to buy the new sealed one because I wanted to solve the mystery and opened the package.

Benedict's accessories is weird as fuck - it's like nobody even had quality control/checked on them.

Technically you should separate those eyes from that white thing and (they have pins) insert them into those holes. So it will be like a "display for eyes".

But they are still useless - you can't put them into Benedict's eyehole lol.
Also why the hell does he has those stickers? They are too big for Benedict's eye and for those small white eyes.

My theory that they had a dog as an accessory for Benedict. You can see the dog on the package. And he holds the dog by that huge rectangular bar you insert in his hand...

Maybe they changed it later but didn't have the time to make something better...
There was always a strange relation with the GI Joe mythos, as names were used in both series for Bulletproof and someone else, maybe Barricade. The GI Joe DEF was sort of tied into COPS but not really.
Holy shit that is awesome.
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>Last Action Hero had toys
>My theory that they had a dog as an accessory for Benedict.
watch the commercial >>11072485. There WAS a Benedict figure that came with a dog, although like the playset in that commercial, I don't know if it was a different version that went unreleased
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Man, that takes me back. I actually enjoyed that movie, saw it as a vhs bootleg.

The recent Count Duckula 3rd party figure was surprising as well. It's a semi obscure cartoon from 30 years ago, I didn't think there was a market for it. It's surprisingly good though.
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This thread reminds me of happier, simpler times on /toy/...
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I watched count duckula and bananaman on sundays before church. Ive got a magazine with a fairly decent interview with the animators i think. Count duckula had a comic book too, yet bucky ohare comes up more often. Hell even zen the intergalatic ninja gets more attention.
That the Speed Racer movie had Lego sets.

Armageddon had toys, one of the only Bruce Willis figures made to promote a movie and not after the fact.
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and these guys too
>That the Speed Racer movie had Lego sets.
Its even referenced in the Lego Movie as a failed theme, as well.
>one of the only Bruce Willis figures made to promote a movie and not after the fact.
What other ones are there? I know GI Joe Retaliation had one but it was weird (more Die Hard than his appearance in the movie) and came out at a weird time since that whole line got messed up with delays.
That fucking cartoon cat
Oh yeah, that cat broke my brain as a kid. LAH has deep lore to kid me, friggin multiverse stuff man.

> “It had shot way off to the left of what was originally intended. If there’d been more time, there’s a chance someone might have stood up and said, ‘What the fuck are you doing with an animated cat?’ Something which, from the outside looking in, looks like a decision of somebody using drugs.”
Sin City had a Bruce Willis figure too.
Nice you brought that up.
I worked at KB Toys when we got the figure line in. The timing fit with the weird Spawn figures that were coming out at the time.
It wouldn't look that off next to a figure called "Poacher" (a huge bipedal elephant that felt like it took a shitload of plastic to make)

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