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From the TMNT line "Sea-Shell Shockers." Aquatic themed TMNT's where they use maritime weapons like nunchaku anchors and a plank bo staff. The Seashell Shuriken had a decorated "Scurvy Dog Supreme" pizza on it, because "Lord Darkwater Dregg" hates pizza and anything lacking in vitamin C
Fer reals?
haha no. but im confident someone will know anyway
Is there another half? Are there any copyrights printed on it - a company name, a year, etc.? What other toys (if any) were with it?
No. It was with some 80s stuff. Gijoe mask mlp
Could be related to the MLP stuff - the seashell seems kinda girly. Was anything else there nautical themed, or using the same colored plastic?
>all those ponuts in the toppings
Yeah, it's defo MLP.
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Pizza thread?
If it's mlp I can't find it looked through damn near every 80s mlp thing
It's not MLP anon was just being a freak
You veel eat zee crustaceans
Op here. No markings. Came in mostly mlps and off shoots and contemporaries (my pretty puppies, sea wees, she ra). Definitely not turtles. Most likely not MLP. May be an offshoot in over looking. Thanks for any insight.
One more go
I wanted to say Bubble Belles or Sea Wees, but I think it’s 1/6 scale. Unfortunately this might also be a dollar store mermaid barbie doll kinda accessory with no recorded provenance.
Can you contact the seller and see if they remember what it’s from? My guess would be something cheap or niche and maybe from another country because it’s not marked. Possibly some kind of weird 80s ‘mermaid pizza party sleepover’ kinda thing that’s not common knowledge. What else came in the box? Anything else unidentifiable that might go with it?
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I think I finally found what it’s from
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Pizza in a half-shell! Turtle Power!
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