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Is it cheaper to scratch build your own model locomotives and rolling stock? I'm specifically into British rail and the RTR locos and rolling stock is too expensive for me. I don't really find buying RTR items fulfilling either. It's like buying a Lego kit, boring to build because everything is laid out for you.
Out of brass? No way. But if you make yourself a vacuum forming machine and maybe a resin casting set, it should be relatively cheap to make locomotives, you just need patience.

Consider practicing by building a vacuum formed model kit first. Usually, you need to improvise with these in order to get a good result.
What about nickel? I hear it's easier to work with and isn't messy.

Maybe styrene + x-acto knife + resin + wheels + dc motors will do the trick.
In the end I don’t think you’ll save a lot of money unless you already have the kind of precision tools needed to machine a mechanism, or access to them. That’s the hard part, getting a working chassis, while everything else is cosmetic and just along for the ride. I’ve built locomotives but used an existing mechanism. The satisfaction you’ll get from building a unique model is priceless.
Sometimes but only if you have all the tools not just to build but also paint it to a good finish. Wagons and other rolling stock are a lot simpler and easy to make than locomotives and a good place to start if you're new. Usually people go with kit builds because they want some obscure model of locomotive that has no RTR for sale.

Getting a working mechanism isn't too difficult or expensive really, the kit should have all the gearing you just need a motor and those are cheap.

Maybe start with buying broken or non-running second hand trains and try refurbishing them as well as weathering projects. It's an easier start and all the skills and tools will still be used for full kit builds.

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