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is there any type of lubricant that can be used on action figures when it comes to swapping parts like hands and heads. They get really stiff when removing and hard to put back in and i worry i might end up breaking them. some of my stuff i cant even buy new anymore
Instead of lube, try a little hot water or a hair dryer.
sand them a little
Try what >>11072996 first, but wary of using hair dryer as using it too long can melt plastic

Don't use WD-40 or anything petroleum based, it will ruin plastic in the long run

Personally I use this

One bottle will last you a lifetime as you only need a toothpick drop to make joints smooth to move, used it for years now on SHF joints and no problems up to now, they are especially made to lune up RC parts which consists of plastic so its safe
Oh wait, so its not really joint lubrication that you need but for swapping parts!? Then just do the hot water trick

I don't care for the hot water trick, I use my pure man strength only. Sometimes it works, sometimes it breaks. Either way I win.
>My masculinity is so fragile I would rather break a toy than use my brain instead of force
Seek help
Silicon shock oil that is used for R/C cars I've used it on multiple figures and it's a life saver. Just a drop or so into the joint in question should be all you need.

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