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Did anyone else here collect Gogo's/Crazy Bones/regional equivalent plastic figures in the 90s-2000s? Scored this big bulk collection of +1000 from a local on FB marketplace yesterday and i've been sorting through it since.
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Also does anyone have advice on cleaning small flocked figures like these ones? I've finished sorting through most of these but these s5 figures have a soft felt coating on most of the body and they've gathered a lot of dust and bits of dirt from sitting in a large container bin.
I picked up a soft bristled toothbrush to get some of the dust off but i'm wonder if there's a way to clean some of the dirtier ones that won't ruin the fuzz.
I miss these little fuckers like you wouldn't believe.
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I had about 400 of these things growing up but sadly they got donated/tossed when I moved out - even though I had set aside ~50 or so of my favourite/rarest ones that I wanted to keep, which is why i'm now impulsively buying a few bulk sets online and potentially going to see if I can complete all the main series collections.
I remember I had two of the "Most Wanted" variants from the first series (although I lost one), a couple of the special gold tin sets, several of the giant + mini ones from the magazine and a handful that I just had sentimental attachment to for whatever reason. Still holding out hope that the show up some day in a hidden box in their attic but i'm not confident.
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Those hipster vinyl redesigns don't hold a torch to the soul of the original series
lint roller or simple tape?
too many of them are penis shaped
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Brushing them with a soft toothbrush has done alright for dealing with the dust so far, but I think some of these ones are just a lost cause with how grimy or worn down the fur is (namely this middle one).
I had a look at ebay listings for other figures from this set and most of them look to be in the same condition - either with grimy dark spots or areas where the felt has worn down on the edges from too much rough contact - so I guess this was a universal problem with this series.
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There was a small handful of classic series Gogos in here too (mostly Sport but a couple from Mutants and Things). I do like the materials and colours on some of these variants, like the deep ruby crystal, the "toothpaste" marbled green and the clear ice, but at the same time being all a solid/clear colour does make it hard to tell the details on some of these, especially the darker or glitter ones.
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I collected them back in the 90's as a kid and then again when they reintroduced them in the late 2000's. The originals have a great sound when they clack together and you can feel a sort of kinetic energy when you rattle them in your hands. The new ones have better designs and you gotta love the printing they did on them. I really liked Eggy, so I managed to get my hands on a number of them. I'm kind of bummed that I never collected the original 60. I'm only two away, but online sellers aren't selling those two without buying all 60 of them and searching online for just the two I'm missing has gone nowhere.
In Mexico these were sold by Coca Cola, you could trade bottle caps and a few pesos for a bag with 2 and some stickers. They came out in '98 I think, and were called "Hielocos" (Crazy Ice Cubes). I got a few back then.

I had no idea these were a thing elsewhere until this thread. Neat.
Jaws and Scared niggas report in

They were the coolest looking and the best for the game, you could fire them like a fucking seeker missile.
I had a lot of the original series as a kid in primary school. I'm ashamed to admit I ran a seriously low IQ grift spray painting them chrome and trading them for pokemon cards. I even considered trying to find the kids I basically robbed.
I started collecting these 9 yrs ago when I spotted them in a grocery aisle at Walmart. Later, they were marked down so I scooped the remainder. I also tracked them at Walgreens stores and my Kmart unusually had one bag. I still have a few unopened bags along with my opened figures.
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I used to have a bunch of these. I donated them a few years ago unfortunately. But I atleast decided to keep my favorite one as a way of remembering it. I was obsessed with these. My personal favorite game was battle. I was never really a fan of the 90s designs as I thought they were pretty ugly and I liked the urban aesthetic and the fact they actually had arms and legs. They also had a really amazing website that I used to go all the time, with a bunch or flash games and even user submitted videos. One thing I didn't like about them is that it's probably not a smart idea for them to use paint on a toyline meant to be thrown around a lot. as the paint scratches pretty easily.
Agreed, I prefer the modern ones over the classic in terms of appearence, but classic gogos seem like they were definitely better geared towards being roughly played with and bounced off of concrete.
Scotch tape, gently. Or a super soft kiddy toothbrush. You can wash them with dish soap if they’re stained but you need to be SUPER gentle. Re-flocking a bare figure is pretty simple though, just need ultra fine flocking powder and glue.
I've been using a baby toothbrush and that's done a good job of removing dust, but for the dirtier ones I might just write them off as a lost cause at this point. Maybe i'll try soap on the worst ones cause i've got nothing to lose.
I didnt know flocking was done with powder though, I thought it was like fabric/felt that they put on somehow - that's good to know.
These really take me back. I used to collect them back in the day and got a bunch of them from Zany Brainy

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