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File: gen 7 lps.jpg (466 KB, 1000x1000)
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littlest pet shop thread
Did this reboot do well? I noticed a lot of the stuff got clearanced out at my target
How is G7 going?
Same. Stuff at the stores around me sold horribly. I don't think it connected with kids these days as it has years past. Kids seem way more into the chibi dolls now days more so than animals
Maybe it wouldve sold if basicfuck put more than 2 to 3 different items in most chains. Or done more repro g1 mlps or care bear cousins. Now theyre bankrupt fuckheads.
The quality of new stuff is awful.
Who is even buying these? They're meant for little girls, are fully grown men actually buying and playing with these?
Just the blind bags and i bought most of wave 1

Grown women, both gender kids. Very very very few grown males.
If you're able or willing, this fandom needs new conventions/meets/events as the main one we had that was run by a grifter, criminal, nigglet family reached worse than dashcon levels this year. They broke many laws blatantly plus legit almost and could've killed multiple adults, teenagers and one baby because they wanted to scalp heat stroke victims in vegas for water bottles after stealing all of theirs. Among a ton of other crazy shit including selling stolen/lost items off guests at the fucking cons table. Look up lps con on any social site for the milk.
Hate that they had regional exclusives for some of the 2-packs. I have a feeling wave 2 will probably be the last, it’s already being released in some places with zero fanfare/advertising for it. Why even bother doing extremely spotty releases with no promotion, isn’t the point of releasing toys to make the company money?
I hate it too, some jewlord tried to charge me 40 for 2 petfluencers. More of those have hit the usa, check out owl and goose gifts and gamestop.com. oag not retail but barely over. Still no sign of island vibes tube. Theres been no problems with sales and demand but the company is bankrupt rn so idfk. I hope not. It would be worse than 9/11 for the fandom to get the old molds back but gone after 2 waves. It would just suck for me as an all gen collector even tho og is my fav.

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