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So with the DC General flooded with Fisher Price toys I've gotta ask, do some of you actually, unironically, collect and play with toys made for actual toddlers? I mean, it's one thing buying an old toy from your own childhood that gets you nostalgic, I get that. But buying modern day toddlers toys to unironically fwoosh around while you're in your 20s or 30s? Come on now.

I know collecting action figures of 80s cartoons and comic book characters is pretty infantile, I have zero reservations about that. But it's not quite on the same level as buying Playskool toys and playing with them while you're in your 30s. Are you guys doing it to be ironic? Are you trying to own the people that don't collect baby toys buy saying they don't have fun? Or is it actually just a massive case of arrested development? I bet you're the same people that also unironically watch modern day children's cartoons too.

You don't have to twist yourself into knots being elitist about toys. Adults can enjoy books for kids. They can enjoy films for kids. Why can't they enjoy toys for kids? Now, if you're talking about people who ONLY enjoy media for kids (e.g. Disney Adults), maybe your concern about arrested development is valid. However, if someone enjoys some kids media in the larger adult context of that medium, I don't see a problem.

As an aside, it's my experience that adults who are MEGA SERIOUS about being adults and go out of their way to police other adults about being immature are usually the biggest, whiniest manbabies you will ever meet. Hope that's not you, OP.
Yeah imaginext is based
If you wanted an Imaginext thread, you could have just made a thread instead of trolling for one.
I'm not being elitist. I'm genuinely curious as to what a man in his 30s gets out of buying himself an imaginext playset. What are you even doing with it? Are you displaying it because that's laughable. Are you playing with it, because that's even fucking worse, or are you doing in attempt to troll everyone? I legit don't get it. Your comment at the end about me being a whiney man baby because I don't understand why men in their 30s are buying actual baby toys makes me think you're buying these things unironically. Seriously, why are you buying these?
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Why did this series never show up in america? I really wanted that rubber clayface figure
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>I'm not being elitist
>Are you displaying it because that's laughable
>Are you playing with it, because that's even fucking worse, or are you doing in attempt to troll everyone
>Your comment at the end about me being a whiney man baby
>>>I'm not being elitist
Same. Mattel does region releases or weird distributions sometimes.
it's either trolls or retards who cares?
Seriously, what are you even doing with these toys as a full man grown? Answer the fucking question.
Well they are toys, so I do what everyone does with their toys obviously: eat them
>Baby who plays with baby toys acts like a baby
I guess you're unironically playing with toys meant for 3 year olds while being 10x that age. I'd I were you and had any self awareness whatsoever I'd probably just kill myself.
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there's a difference between being a gatekeeping elitist and laughing at retards.
what is wrong with being elitist? i saw a guy at a used book store buying $50 worth of Skylanders statues. I am better than him. its just an objective fact, it's not elitism. i have never purchased something so degrading as that.
are you just gonna call OP elitist as if that's a bad thing, and not answer the question? what do you do with baby toys? they're ugly as fuck and have no display value.
Someone mentioned it in the DC thread now there's an uptick of admitting to eating shit as a way to "own" whoever they're arguing with. Think of it like , "you don't like me eating shit, well look how much I love eating shit, I love it soooo much, doesn't that make you mad XD". When I'm reality the person is just still eating shit. Truly bizarre to me and the shittiest possible way of trying to "own" someone. Makes me think these people are legitimately mentally retarded.
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You both lack self-awareness. I advise you to read your posts out loud.
And I have no idea what is going on the DC thread, I've only been in there once and people were getting mad at me bringing up Imaginext, so I must have opened up some sore wound accidentally. I just went in there and it seems like some other anons are talking about imaginext and getting people riled up (intentionally or not).
Personally I think Imaginext DC stuff is the more fun DC toys out there. The Spinmaster toys were really cool at first, but now they just keep remaking the same characters. I dunked out sometime around when they were making Flash tv show toys. I think the McFarlane toys have nice sculpts, but the articulations and price steer me away. I had a few DC Universe toys in the past which were pretty neat (albeit still lacked some oompf), but now they seem expensive to collect. Therefore, Imaginext is my go-to if I want to play or collect anything DC related.
Does that satisfy OP? It probably doesn't. You'll just namecall me and call me a liar and that I'm some anon that's been hounding you in the DC thread because that's all I'm getting from your posts so far.
You still didn't actually answer the question. You answered why you like them but not what you actually do with them.
ok i read my post aloud and i still think you're the retard. and no you didnt answer anything at all, you just said "i buy baby toys", i already knew that. what do you do with them? they are too ugly to display, too shitty to resell, too minimalistic to do a custom mod, and too cheap to have vanity value like vintage star wars does.
so does that mean you run around the house in your pajamas making motor noises with your baby toy Superman in your hand? thats the only option left since everything else is exhausted.
I play with them. There, happy?
Do you two not play with your toys? Or even articulate them? What do YOU do with your toys?
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>Comes to a board about toys
>Whines that people are interested in other toys than just $5000 adult collectibles
Is OP, at last, our very own version of those people on other hobby boards that really hate their respective hobby? Like people on /ck/ who hate food and only care about calories, or people on /a/ who inherently hate Japan and anime?
I'm 34 years old. No, I don't play with my toys. I mostly display them but I do occasionally do toy photography, but I'm not outright playing with them like you seemingly do. Clearly is pointing out how incredibly infantile that is bothers you. Clearly arrested development.
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>interested in other toys than just $5000 adult collectibles
your being disingenuous
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I don't think you even have toys if I were to guess. But you said your age and were specific about how you don't play with your toys and instead display and photograph them. So maybe there is some truth to what you said.
But I find it appalling that a person would come on a /toy/ forum, think that someone that plays with toys, any toys not just playschool aged toys- because clearly that bothers you- is posting on here acting as if they are better than everyone else for not using toys for their mostly intended purpose. I display and photograph my toys, but its a bit odd to me not to play with them and pose them. Might as well print off a picture of them and stick them on my shelf at that point.
But here's to you. I hope you enjoy your toys and don't get all bent out of shape for people playing with toys, regardless of age. Go outside, go for a walk, do something that relaxes you. Take a chill pill man and enjoy your toys.
>If you don't make fwoosjimg noises and play with your toys like a 5 year old at age 34 you must not collect toys
What mental illnesses do you have? Are you on meds?
What? Go play with your toys anon, at least try it. It's fun.
Seriously, stop deflecting every time someone asks you a question that makes you uncomfortable.
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what's the biggest word you've ever spelled with your blocks anon?
Holy shit this cope. No anon, not everyone literally plays with their toys.
>inherently hate Japan and anime
Sir I prefer Duplo thank you very much.
What’s a “full man grown”?
>It's my experience that adults who are MEGA SERIOUS about being adults and go out of their way to police other adults about being immature are usually the biggest, whiniest manbabies you will ever meet.
I'm just gonna quote myself here, because this observation keeps getting proven over and over again in this thread.
>ok i read my post aloud
No you didn’t
It doesn’t sound like your collecting brings you any joy whatsoever
im the other guy. im 29 and i do toy photography.
the most expensive toy i own is $100. im not rich. you dont need to be rich to not buy fisher price. disingenuous like he said.
they're literally the only positive element in my life. it doesnt stop me from being curious and judgmental about men buying fisher price and Bluey playsets.
>they're literally the only positive element in my life.
I believe you.
That's a pretty wild assumption to make. I get plenty of joy out of my collection, it's one of the things that brings me the most joy out of all the material possessions that I own. You don't have to literally play with toys like a child to get enjoyment out of them. You say I'm the one policing you but not once did I say you shouldn't buy them, just that it's silly and a sign of arrested development and that I didn't understand why you did it. You sound like you're policing the thread on how they should enjoy their toys more than I am.
>I think the McFarlane toys have nice sculpts, but the articulations and price steer me away
How old are you?
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>What’s a “full man grown”?
A miserable little pile of hangups. But enough trolling, have at you!
So, how DO you derive joy from your toys?
It shouldn't matter to you one way or another how I enjoy my toys. Stop policing the thread. Just because I don't play with my toys like an infant doesn't mean I don't get enjoyment out of my collection.
I feel a bad for you, friend, and I honestly don’t mean that in a condescending manner as I was in a similar place myself.
I was in a bit of a slump around that age with a shit flat and a shittier job and, outside of making music, I definitely relied on my collecting as a bit of a crutch to get me through.
Life is honestly pretty awesome these days though, and I really hope there’s the same just around the corner for you brother.
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If you mean the 'prices steer me away' part, oh-ho-ho, don't you worry I spend plenty of money on toys. DC stuff is just very low on my priority list. I buy DC stuff here and there that looks fun and interesting.
For example, I almost got that Shriek figure, but he was hard to find and expensive ($30 to $40) last time I checked. Yet, I see him now online for $10 immediately, so that's really nice. I don't know what changed since last I looked. I may get him now. I'd get that Blight figure too if it looked like he did in the Beyond cartoon.
Not that anon, but you've been spending this whole thread looking down on people that play with toys and whatnot, so why do you care? Just to make yourself feel good?
im fine with it, and winning the lottery wouldnt make me any less curious and judgmental about men buying fisher price and bluey.
Isn’t this whole thread about how people enjoy their toys, though, or do only you/OP get to ask that question?
its morbid curiosity
he already answered, he poses and photographs them.
Reminder that this all started because Imaginenext-kun was the asshole first, insulting other toys in favour of his preferred line (imaginext), when people bashed his toys he went on the defensive, acting like the victim and that everyone must hate fun.
Fine. I enjoy getting a new figure of a character from a franchise that I have some form of attachment to. I like checking out the engineering that was put into the articulation, the paint work, the level of accuracy to the source material. I also like to pose them in a nice display, and when I add a character I'm missing or change up the display to something that looks really nice, I enjoy that. I also do toy photography with dioramas, effects, and post processing, although I haven't really done much of that lately. I get enjoyment from that out of building/setting up the diorama, setting the lighting of the scene, getting just the right camera angle. So yeah, I get plenty of enjoyment out of my collection without having to actually play with my toys like an actual child.
Why the judgement, though? What place is that really coming from?
I don’t personally collect Fisher Price nor Bluey and I’ve no issue with anyone doing so. I came to this thread interested in why people like yourself who also collect toys do take issue with certain toy collectors.
Because, despite what you may think, a full man grown playing with toys meant for literal 3 year olds and watching modern day cartoons meant for those same 3 year olds is fucking weird and a sign of arrested development.
…and you posing your little dollies for a photoshoot isn’t?
It’s very easy to frame these things as weird or be reductive about them.
OP is a soulless NPC without an imagination.
taking pictures of toys is the Exact same thing as buying Bluey's playset.
buying Hot Toys Luke Skywalker is the Exact same thing as buying Bluey's playset.

u guys are being insanely delusional about this topic. it was over for you the very second he put the fisher-price logo in the OP.
So you’re currently essentially a stamp collector but with higher space requirements?
This is some serious cope anon and you know it. You know posing high end action figures and building dioramas to take photos of them is absolutely not the same thing as playing with Fisher Price and Playskool toys on your bedroom floor. I mean, toy photography is pretty infantile, I'm not afraid to admit that. But to try and say it's on the same level as little Timmy's playtime? Lol, lmao even.

Nah, I'm just an adult.
>buying Hot Toys Luke Skywalker is the Exact same thing as buying Bluey's playset
Not at all.
Buying a Bluey playset probably represents some kind of value for money.
If that's how you need to rationalize out for acting like a literal child playing with his toys, then go ahead, call me a stamp collector.

Do you live with your parents still by chance?
>toy photography is pretty infantile
No it isn't. What is infantile about it? What makes you even think that?
It is infantile to snub your nose at those toys versus the toys you like.
>I only photograph these toys, not those toys. I'm not THAT infantile, I'm an adult after all!
Unless you’re producing pictures that are of any value to others then I think all you’ve just proved is that it really is basically the same thing.
How fucking triggered are you right now? I fully admit that collecting toys, in any capacity is childish and infantile. I even said I understand why people buy toys from their own childhoods, it's childish sure, but I fucking understand it. All this thread is about is me not understanding why fully grown men in their 20s and 30s, and I pray to God not their 40s, are buying modern day Fisher Price toys that are 100% not meant for them. I just wanted to know what you did with them, but then you all lashed out and said I hate fun and don't get enjoyment out of my own toys when I never once insinuated that you did.

You're all just proving to me that you are just a bunch of literal children.
I just call them like I see them.
I live with my girlfriend and just cash-bought a house, why do you ask?
i think part of it is i'm extremely new to collecting. i've always wanted to and i've collected other random stuff: physical movies in weird formats like UMD movies, cassette tapes and boomboxes, trinkets and miniatures of my favorite animals, cheap casio watches, weird stuff like that to fill the void.
I was never interested in collecting toys because i always thought they were very ugly, i couldnt afford it, or i just wasnt interested enough in the IP. like, i like batman plenty, but i've never wanted to buy 500 figurines of him or even 1 really.
so i only started collecting toys within the last year because of the Classified line. they aren't ugly and they're cheap and consistent. i'm an army builder guy, i guess they're called. i want 500 different figures from the same line of toys, and not a mishmash of random stuff from random IP's. GI JOE has always had very good designs, but they were being wasted on ugly cheap toys and a cartoon for babies. and i feel like they fixed that with the Classified line, so they won me as a customer. and it's my first toy.

anyway, its been difficult for me to adjust to being around people who also like Classified who also like fisher-price running around the house in their pajamas and playing in the bathtub, watching the DiC cartoon for 4 year olds and unironically treating it with seriousness and discussing the DiC cartoon as if it's at all relevant to the Classified line that has more in common with Tarkov or milsim larpers than it does with the 80s joes. Apology for the run on sentence, I think it's funny.
anyway, basically, it's culture shock. and my opinion "most toys are ugly" still stands. if someone gifted me a complete collection of He-Man, i would immediately sell it and not even look at them. no judgment towards He-Man collectors I guess, they still look better than any fisher-price Imaginext crap. hell, I think He-Man is even cooler than Legos. it's just not for me and it's been an adjustment.
>just cash bought house
>put off by the price of McFs
Be less transparent.
I’m only the house-buying anon, but I will happily say McFarlene toys seem a little pricey for what they are (and that’s coming from a Diaclone Reboot completionist)
your the guy that never posts anything and just screeches at every one else trying to discuss anything. you deserve the fisher price thread, screech all you want its the only thing you live for, you should be flattered
>GI Joe Classified
Each to their own, I guess. That line looks too “realistic” to be charming and too cheap/plastic-y to be high-end in my eyes, but I know it has plenty of fans. Gimme an old O-ring any day if I’m gonna get a Joe (but preferably neither as I’m a robots guy really)
>Toy photography
Pics or it didn’t happen
I like how the Fisher Price kids argument just boils down to "um, well, er, you don't have fun". Implying that their way is the only way to enjoy toys.
i have a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TF1 arriving in the mail saturday, when that happens ill be a regular in the photography threads or make a youtube channel or something
Not a bad pic at all, I like the lighting. The pose and angle are a bit flat, though; all of the personality and “life” of the photo is coming from the aforementioned lighting.
ok i did look at quote post lol >>11074635
i pose them and order props for them and think about them fondly while im at work. you dont have to do ABDL ageplay and get in the mind of a 5 year old to like toys.
i want to hear more stories of what people do with fisher-price.
not my pic that one. i just posted a fav while singing the praises of gi joe. i just got shadow tracker today, that's that guy's name.
You don't understand, yet you still judge others. That is like me saying photographing things is childish and stupid and anyone that does it is a big baby in their diapers. But I also want you to explain why you like it. And after you explain why, I will just call you a baby and say I don't understand and call you childish.
What is your point in doing this? That does nothing but just be rude and mean to people.
And I'm happy you are enjoying your toys and phtoo-graphing them. I would never be like
>oh did you take that in your diapers you big baby? waaaa, using automatic lighting on your $2 playmobil camera? go play with your toys like a real man!
See how stupid that all sounds? I hope it does.
>>oh did you take that in your diapers you big baby? waaaa, using automatic lighting on your $2 playmobil camera? go play with your toys like a real man!
you wouldnt say this disparagingly because this is what you do and not him. you are the one buying $2 playmobil cameras. he just wants to know why.
>he just wants to know why.
He's been told over and over why. If he doesn't like the answer, then that's too bad.
imaginext is fun.
An adult that plays with toys. You may not play with them the same way as when you were a kid, but you do still play with them. There is nothing wrong that, but you're being elitist about it is stupid. You can call something a "adult collectible" all you want, that's just cope. Any person outside of the hobby, outside of this board even, would say you still play with toys.
I think they are fun. You don't think so. But that is why we have things called opinions. Think of me as a big baby all you want, but I just want you to realize that your judgement is misplaced. That's it.
But I think I'm talking to a wall. You are 34 years old (if you are that same anon) on a toy forum, snubbing your nose at certain toys because they are below you. You still haven't realized that life lesson of snubbing your things at things you don't understand. Or the irony is completely lost on you. Either way, please learn that lesson soon. Otherwise you'll just end up bitter, angry, and continue this cycle until you finally realize how goofy this mentality has been holding you back.
i direct you here >>11074432
call me elitist, ok, i'm still better than you. i buy cooler things than you, i buy more age appropriate things than you, my usage of my time and money is superior to you. i don't care what normalfags think, they don't even have thoughts.
there are tiers of nerds, and people engaging with Early Childhood Development stage stuff are the lowest of the low and probably mentally handicapped or pedophilic.
>That is like me saying photographing things is childish and stupid and anyone that does it is a big baby in their diapers
Nice fallacy. Anyone with half a brain can see the artistic merit in photography of any kind and quality. You can't say the same thing about Little Timmy Play hour on your bedroom floor.

>But I also want you to explain why you like it
I already did in my post. Re-read it, or is that too hard because it's not the same reading level as Green Eggs and Ham?

>What is your point in doing this? That does nothing but just be rude and mean to people.
Honestly grown men playing with actual toddler toys should be shamed. This entire generation is too weak and needs to grow a pair.

Grow up brother, and I mean that in the kindest, most sincere way I possibly could.
>there are tiers of nerds, and people engaging with Early Childhood Development stage stuff are the lowest of the low and probably mentally handicapped or pedophilic.
This tbqh. Couldn't have articulated it better myself.
its not elitism or opinion, it just becomes a matter of objective reality and fact as soon as Early Childhood Development media enters the topic of discussion. its dogshit.
>Grow up brother, and I mean that in the kindest, most sincere way I possibly could.
What should I do to grow up according to you?
Someone not playing with early childhood development toys.
>my usage of my time and money is superior to you
That’s a bold statement, my guy! Do you make anything? How many languages are you learning? How many musical instruments can you play? Can you bake cakes or make a curry from scratch? How many countries have you visited and how many lifelong friends have you made there? Do you grow flowers or vegetables in your garden? When your car breaks down, do you know how to fix it? Have you saved enough to buy a home now that you’ve turned 29 or 34?
Alright, done. Never again. In fact, no more toys either.
What next?
crashing this board
I don't know what 'crashing this board' even means.
Yeah anon, playing with early childhood development toys is totally the same thing has building dioramas and setting up scenes for toy photography. Totally the same exact thing lol.
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Yeah, we've already established that. I'm asking how to grow up according to that anon who is trying to help me.
Unless playing with toys except for early childhood development toys is what is needed to grow-up, then I'll take that back.
> building dioramas and setting up scenes for toy photography
I’m not gonna see this as the laudable thing you think it is unless you’re going full Gerry Anderson.
Let’s see your best work.
Absolutely triggered. Tell me how the season finale of Paw Patrol goes, I'm outta here lmao.
LMAO post your fucking awesome photos first bro
If you are OP, I'm still waiting for your sincere help for me to grow up. I've got rid of the early development toys. If that is all, then that's cool. I guess I'll be a grown up soon.
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Fisher Price bus check. No losers this point without having played with the GOAT
DC threads are full of triggered man babies jealous of Todd's success, imaginext is just that same man child wanting to dissuade any conversation regarding McFarlane products.
kys pedo
> I'm outta here lmao
That’s it, anon. Run off after being called out by a bunch of preschool toy fans lmao
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These are Fisher Price; they are made of similar 'wood' like laminate plastic as that furniture you find at Home Depot, or IKEA, Pottery Barn, etc. etc. They have about 5POA articulation and I also have a slightly larger version of this Krypto, also with the fake wood construction, that can be made to bark and speak some of the lines from the movie. It even sounds like Dwayne's ego. They are in the living room and are great conversations when people come over, whether we're talking adults in their 30s or younger or older than that and nearly all of them do not collect or are into genre (SW/GI Joe/Lego/DC/Marble, etc.)

I don't see anything else I would ever own Fisher Price but I would never simply discount an entire company as having nothing I could possibly ever want to own the way some have in this thread and on this board.
Based and wholesome-chat-pilled
This thread is pure gold. All because I made some comment in the DC thread asking if the guy posting Imaginext was an actual child or mental deficient.
still waiting for those epic photos
>This thread is pure gold
I guess it’s not every day you get to read two weirdly similar self-described “high-end toy photographers” grasp for a sense of superiority whilst instead descending further into their respective mid-life crises
>the man who plays with literal baby toys thinks he has the upper hand in this argument
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Baby toy anon here, that isn't me.
I've been busy watching Paw Patrol.
Also I thought you left?
Sorry, that was me and I’m not arguing, just observing
I totally forgot these things existed! Didn’t they homage that skyscraper robot from “Big” amongst other things?
I own JP imports so rare you almost never see them for sale. 80's imports from before I was born, Max Gokin Big O with the Max Watanabe, and Big O creator Keiichi Sato signature. I own Hot Toys Batmobiles, a bunch of Chogokins, my collection is in the tens of thousands.
I also own imaginext cause they're neat.
For not arguing and not being that anon, it sure doesn't come across as otherwise, son.

>Also I thought you left?
People without lives, stuck in their basement, and coated by the cheetos dusts of the past decade plus, never leave, anon. At most, they have huge hissy fits and take their 'toys' (themselves) until that split second later when they miss the attention.
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I fuck with the toddle tots and little people. Suck my dick, OP. I don't need your approval to enjoy things you fucking tumor.
Hell yeah, I remember those. Loved all the town themed stuff they had, with the bus etc. and I think a Wild West set? Good shit.
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Based as fuck and well worth coming back to this thread for.
Not gonna lie, I was so fucking tempted by the talking castle, but I would have had to also get the dragon, and the ogre, and all the other stuff the voice chip interacted with.
Fisher Price is for literal babies. Grown men playing with them should be ashamed of themselves.
forget where you are friend?
Somewhere you need to be 18+ to post.

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