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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long

Megaman Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Flamin’ Hot Chester Cheetah
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Reminder since we’re one week away now:

Both Pink Chun Li and Violent Ken are SDCC exclusives, however both will be available as online preorders on July 25 at noon EST on the Jada Toys Next Level website. From what I remember, getting last years Evil Ryu which was a SDCC exclusive wasn’t difficult so I wouldn’t worry too much about these going quick
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pics from a recent convention gave us better looks at upcoming figures, thanks to an anon last thread
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What's up with Cammy's skin tone?
What do you mean?
Don't really care about these two, where Becca?
It's almost grey
Blanka looks slightly off, but I can’t place why
Hope they make Vega (claws) taller and smug instead of angry
good christ, those heads
Why does he have an extra pair of abs? Is it canon or something?
you'll have to buy the recolor to get the smug face, sorry
What’s with his nipples?
I ask again
Is the jada chunners hot glueable.
compare the number of poses that use the toes vs ones that are flatfooted. practically every athletic pose aside from kicks is hobbled by the lack of toe articulation.
barf. toe joints hinder stability because they bend
everyone is a cyborg in that series. everyone's flesh is like segmented because that's the future
If I'm really worried about toe stability I can just use a peg stand or superglue the joint together, very easily solved. If I want figures to be able naturally use their feet I'd have to get out a jeweler's saw and a drill.
I feel like the segmented skin thing is such a lazy way to show someone is a cyborg.

It doesn’t look like Vega will be able to wear the mask. Maybe an alternate head?
Not really, she isn't that kind of figure.
wtf?? if anything toe joints help. What the hell are you talking about!
I’ll be honest I’ve never been the biggest fan of toe joints because they look ugly most of the time. Especially for a figure not wearing shoes
>toe joints hinder stability because they bend
name 5 figures in the last year that have this problem
I want them to add shoulder ball joints so we can get more natural shoryuken poses.
Pretty much every McFart Megafig.
How much more expensive is the engineering for a shoulder ball peg?
if an ugly joint at the feet allows me to actually put my character into dynamic standing poses I'll take it.
Figma Bubble Head Nurse
At what cost, though? That tiny joint is eventually going to wear out from having so much weight focused on it if you do poses like that.
some of the gi joe has them so it should be do able.
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Nah I’m sorry, looking at the SH figuarts ryu that has a toe joint it stands out too much.
>this toe joint is a teensy bit ugly
>I can't put my martial arts character into a proper punching pose
hmmm which is the bigger problem.
For him,
>this toe joint is a teensy bit ugly
If you've got a problem with joint cuts you're on the wrong board, frend
>buying mcfarlane in current year
found your problem
and what chun is hot glueable and at a similar price point?
None unfortunately unless maybe a statue and not a figure
>Toy needs stand to be stable
Bad toy design
Thanks for admitting that toe joints are a problem
they actually don't but if it ever happens to be a problem there are several very realistic solutions, that is opposed to no toe articulation making most athletic poses impossible which is a much harder to solve problem.
When is wave 3 available? I was lucky enough to snag wave 1 and wave 2 in canada... assuming I do not get duped by a company called Zed Collectibles.
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I guess you're >>11077170, If so, I messed up, I was supposed to reply to >>11077176
If that's not the case, what part didn't you understand about?
why? we already know a character is running or kicklng. adding a toe joint means it wont hold a pose
>adding a toe joint means it wont hold a pose
no, don't accept this.
>we already know a character is running or kicklng
you can do one legged poses but you can't do much with both feet on the ground, you want to have your character extend for a punch? you need toes.
How do people punch with their Marvel Legends?
10 years from now, I wonder if they will make Juni and Juli SDCC exclusives.
10 years from now action figures may no longer be produced.
Bullshit. Action figures are staying around forever.
Why? When things become unprofitable they stop being made.
And they’re still very much profitable
We can see the way things are going. They won't be in 10 years.
Nothing will be profitable in like 4 years because infinite growth is a failed ideal in favor of market stability.
That's why all the fuckin' markets that were price gouging for 3 years are falling apart.
Wave 3 hasn't had any confirmation of a release/preorder date. They'll probably talk about it when wave 2 comes out
Awesome thanks.
It's greenish from them trying to match the skintone on the hip piece. Which is a skin color on green plastic. She's looking really rough overall. Idk why they didn't put more work in her hips.
>no, don't accept this.
you sound defensive. A stand is only useful for action poses, while a lack of toe joints guarantees they can stand on display without one
I'll gladly take the basic possibility for a wide range of poses for a marginal increase in the possibility of my figure falling over.
I find toe joints ugly on bare feet, but I’ll concede maybe Jada should have included alternate feet with toe joints for those that want them
i'm gonna shove this toe joint up your ass if you don't shut up about it
Toe joints absolutely wouldnt affect a well designed figures ability to stand or even tip toe.
are you arguing for or against toe joints with this statement?
Yes it would. Eventually the toy joint will give in to upper weight and bend a figure onto the floor
Only on /toy/ can I see retards argue about toes for 4 fucking days in a thread about street fighter
It's pathetic as fuck. I get having a gripe over it, it happens to all of us. But arguing about it is fucking unnecessary. If you want to change something, speak with your wallet or go online and text the people in charge. Arguing about it on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum leads you nowhere
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What are the chances Jada gets more Capcom licenses? I'd sell my soul for Resident Evil and Devil May Cry lines from them. DMC in particular could be great since they're willing to use soft goods where appropriate.

As far as I know, SF and MM have been successful.
Resident evil is never gonna happen the creator hates nerds and would never allow it.
the obvious solution is giving figures optional feet in the same way they have optional hands
How do you mean? It's been licensed out for statues and sixth scale figures. Why not 1:12?
how do I communicate with juhn about toe joints?
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I went and grabbed the jada customer service number, you should call that number
oh, shit. I didn't realize how close I live to them.
Why is Super 7's excuse for expensive toys that they are in California but Jada is also in California and they charge 24.99 and make better figures than S7?
I mean there’s tons of different things, super7 has different licenses, bigger figures, more paint, more accessories, etc.
Any number of reasons.
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Seems like only 2 new Street Fighter figs revealed this time. T. Hawk and Balrog
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More reveals. Tony the Tiger seemed inevitable for their food mascot line, but I was not expecting 1/12 scale Scooby Doo figures at all
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And seems like all we got for Mega Man was another recolor
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from what we've heard Crapcom is super overprotective of their licenses.
Would love to see Toucan Sam and Cornelius too.
yep the mega man line is cooked. Never finishing MM1
Fucking amazing
Yeah, this doesn’t bode well for the mega man line… I’m not too surprised though since they seemed to imply sales weren’t great.
Literally everybody said "Finish the Mega Man 1 Robot Masters" and they said "nah lol we're doing two random Mega Man 2 Robot Masters" and now the line is dead without completing a team JUST LIKE WE SAID IT WOULD
There will be more reveals over the next few days. You guys can doompost after we see what's next.
Are the guns in the back of Cyberpunk Rebecca's?
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Is Scooby Doo the new license reveal for Jada? Juhn said they would reveal their new figure license at comic con and it was something from animation
We know 7 inch is practically no more expensive than 6 since plastic isn't the main cost. I don't really think the added paint and accessories add up to an extra 30 bucks but oh well.
Who’s left? Zangief, E Honda, and presumably Akuma?
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real? there is only saggy or we gonna see someone else
antoher fucking megaman line without protoman
jesus fucking christ kill me now
this is cope
Peak commercialism has been reached?
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>Gemini Laser, a Mega Man 3 weapon
i like his facial expression, but, fuck! just finish the mm1 roster, already!!
theres still space left on that display. I'm thinking they will reveal the 2 robot masters tomorrow or something. and the mm3 recolor is a hit at mm3 robot masters.
Surely there's more popular ones from 2. Or are they going to do 2 from each game and that's it.
Idk feels like a thousand Saturday mornings watching cartoons and watching the commercials of Tony the tiger and some random kid do sport stuff. Also I kind like frosted flakes.... until they get soggy.
you are on a fucking toy board
Anon, there is a consistent theme of two robot masters from each game and a recolor.
Look at you, getting all riled up over toys.
Oh ho, what's this in the Jada booth? Is that some anime Cyberpunk?
It's fucking over.
The Megaman line?
how ugly will the rebecca figure be
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cyberpunk isn't going anywhere, they announced lucy as a guest character in guilty gear at evo last weekend. jada is on a roll maybe they can get another fighting game ip
If they do articulated fingers I'll forgive anything.
Snake Man lets gooo

I would unironically take any MM3 design over more MM2
I hope the ass tech on Daphne and Velma is as good as Bride of Frankenstein
Nah GG can rot, all they make is Bridget shit
post bride ass
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want daphnes pantyhose feet on my face
I think I've only seen like randomly1/6 scooby doo girl figures once a long time ago.
If they're going to do recolors they should at least do ones that aren't blue or something at first. I wish the line was 4 figures a wave at least. And since Bass and Protoman look like Megaman but different colors and helmets I would personally have added those in a wave isntead of Megaman. Also no Roll? Was that anon who said Jada didn't want to do her serious?

At least I fucking love Scooby Doo.
I would love them to do Darkstalkers. Especially now that they're doing Scooby Doo now too. It'd be a perfect unintentional crossover.

Maybe small waves for stuff like Red Earth and Captain Commando since they'd only have a few characters. Star Gladiator toys is a pipe dream of mine.
Hot damn if they're doing the Scooby Gang and some monsters I'm ordering them day 1.
The Rebecca tease is neat but I can't imagine she'll look that good
Now post Chun Li's ass.
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Guile looks fine enough re-using Ryu & Ken's arms, but I wish they could've given him thicker lower arms at least, they've always been his visual trademark after his hair
Jada did apparently say that those won’t be the only reveals at SDCC. They’ll be changing them out every day. Seems like we might see Zangief, Akuma, and E. Honda after all. Probably the other two in the wave with the repainted mega man too.
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Also reminder:
Pink Chun Li and Violent Ken both will be available today as online preorders at July 25 at noon EST on the Jada Toys Next Level website
Just checked, they’re already up. $40 for Ken and $35 for pink Chun Li. Not bad pricing for what you get.
the one niggling thing holding me back from loving the line is the arm design, chun/cammy looks fine but the basic male design is kind of fugly and disproportioned.
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Holy based
Even the prototype paint chipping
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new figures!
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I just want to see how they'll handle Becky.
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This might be the first Maine thing ever. Gives me hope that they'll do the whole crew.
Who is that new mega man figure?
I hope so, I also want an articulated Adam Smasher to drop on the Becky figure.
Oh shit, Snakeman! I missed that. Skullman has got to be around the corner soon.
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So it’s just Zangief and Akuma left… I think we’ll see them before SDCC ends. Crazy that we’ll have seen everyone already
I hope, so they can focus on the next series. Either Alpha or Third Strike.
oh no…
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juhn heard my call
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Jada I believe in you, this has to be his effect piece.
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Exclusives are up
Could be SF6. Do the most famous game first, then follow it with the most current?
Many feel like they would need a whole lot of alt parts to do their thing.
Ace Attorney would be my dream Capcom license, but obviously it’s not heavy on action and it’s mostly dudes in suits. But if they could just give us at least Phoenix and Miles I’d be very happy. Maya, Gumshoe, Godot, and Franziska would be great too.
Is there a robot master height reference chart somewhere out there that I can find. I got a mild whiplash seeing Snakeman be that short
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jada is on fire, its crazy how bad Bandai this year showcase was

we are gonna get a interview soon?
Perfection. Jada Space Kook and Velma when? Jada Hex Girls when?

Jada has Initial D again, drivers when? Speed Racer Jada when?
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I think the main problem is they made bubble man so big. I always thought he was shorter than megaman like in this picture.
>Calf cut
Damn, I kind of want these Edgerunner figures because their likenesses are so bad. The designs are solid and I want more fodder for my cyberpunk display, so I don’t really care if they are kinda wonky.
Awesome, so I guess they're going to waves of 1 member of the gang and 1 monster?
Never thought they'd make a Maine, might actually pick him up.
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>the caveman is right there and we are out here
>people actually want a variety of figures that aren't the same 4 properties for eternity
It is insane it took so long for jakks and jada to figure this out.
I mean NECA figured that out a long time ago.
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so shadow man is going to be the final one they show off at sdcc right?
i can't see it being anyone else since the rest look retarded
You look retarded.
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I'd buy all these, hell even some What's New monsters.
10,000 Volt Ghost, Tar Monster and pic related are by biggest wants, also a Mystery Machine but I'm probably getting too ahead of myself.
Whatever happened to the Kool Aide Man they were making or did I just dream that?
cool but I think the only one I'd pay $25 for is the android.
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not classic, but want

but anons told me the line is over!!
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Maine looks alright but that's probably because of the glasses
I think to myself that I probably wouldn't be interested in any of the monsters, that I just can't see myself buying any of them... but if they can somehow pull off the Space Kook's design in plastic form, I would be ALL over it.
They chose Wood and Bubble Man for MM2 instead of actual cool ones like Quick Man or Metal Man.
They absolutely would pick anyone else. And I hope they do because id rather have Top, Magnet, Needle or Hard Man. Gemini Man, too, but I think he's out because they gave Mega Man Gemini Laser
>Quick Man
Bubble Man and Wood Man are more interesting designs
You'd think they'd do Gemini Man because most people would be buying two of them
Yes, but someone with >>11084882 's attitude that "only Shadow Man good, everyone else retarded" would undoubtedly also think only Quick Man is good, Bubble and Wood retarded.
Oh boy snake man, can't wait to see him in 2026 assuming the line isn't canned.
Everything is looking great. Good job Jada. I look forward to them getting more licenses, they are doing so many things right for a newcomer to articulated figures.

This art is charming but it's pretty mushy and you can tell there's not a lot of solid artistic foundation or proportions to go on. It's your classic "jam everyone in" group shot, I would not take this as any kind of canon.
Woodman is good
Bubbleman is retard because who cares about a faggot that blows bubbles
Should've been Airman because of the fucking song that everyone knows, but Juhn is a baby bitch and clearly doesn't want to make any robot master that wouldn't have head and neck articulation so you can ignore all designs and body types similar to Airman in the future like Needleman Toadman and shit because no head until proven otherwise
Jakks had that figured out ages ago, the problem was they were making shitty toys, and arguably still kind of are. Jada actually brought decent quality to these off-the-wall licenses so they seem fresh and interesting by comparison.
I swear most of you mega man autists are just whining and complaining about every single reveal. Us street fighter fans are just all around happy with every reveal. Be like us.
They're annoying, but to be fair, Mega Man fans get dicked around every time hahaha. Mega Man lines ALWAYS die after making a few main characters, then the next line starts up and does the same again.
Anyone else able to get their orders in? I managed to get both.
The angry fans are just louder
>Us street fighter fans are just all around happy with every reveal.

The entire SF2 lineup is classic and its only 12 or so characters.

There are like 100 robot masters and not all of them are good.
The only undeniable shit aspect of the mega man waves are that it has mega man be in every wave. This is one of the few lines that puts priority on the robot masters, even the ones who had never gotten one (Bubble man) or had theirs canned (Wood man). To see that they're adding mega man alts is bizarre since instead of adding stuff like the hyper bomb alt of the gemini laser alt, they could've just made Bomb man and Gemini man.

>who cares about a faggot that blows bubbles
I care about Bubble man...
This has been said many times, but including Mega Man variants for at least the first few waves is a good thing, since it allows latercomers to still own the protagonist, and also helps recoup mold costs, which has to be significant since Jada is not a huge operation. I would be concerned if they were still releasing 1 Mega Man per wave by the time we get to like, wave 9, but this is nothing. It's just standard early wave stuff, it's not gonna make everyone happy but it's good for the ultimate growth of the line I think.
street fighter bootlegs don't exist right?
it's safe to order from aliexpress?
Nah, there actually is bootlegs from what I remember. Ryu came out not so long after the official release as a bootleg and I’m sure others have as well.
they do so be careful
>Mega Man lines ALWAYS die after making a few main characters, then the next line starts up and does the same again.

Same can be said for Street Fighter but Jada is (slowly) doing it right. Mega Man doesn't have the same hype but perhaps they can get something reasonable done with the line overall
I just need a good Space kook figure.
They're gonna show her off right? Don't tell me I have to wait another year
I'm worried latecomers are going to want blue regular Megaman not lighter blue Megaman or Green Megaman or Megaman who is mad without a helmet anyways and it's going to backfire. I hope I'm wrong but garenteed repaint I don't want because I already have Megaman in 3 figure waves that take months and months to be released when they're not doing it in chronological order feels pretty is stopping me from getting into the line fully.
>feels pretty
Dire and is*
He's so smug!
Juhn specifically mocks one of the toymigos guys for ask for a Kool-Aid man on a tream, something like:
>"Huh, why do you want a figure of Kool-Aid man?"
so I doubt they will make one
>Snake Man
My hype is through the roof, I did not expect that. I'd be fine with any other MM3 robot master but I hope the other one is Magnet Man.
I may be wrong but I think I remember Juhn saying all of the remaining fighters will be shown during CC
Honestly, IF the line had an expiration date and I had to choose, I'd rather have random Robot Masters so more games get to shine, and I'd like it as a crossover. Having a complete MM1 or 2 group would be good too of course, but I'd much prefer at least some representatives from each game up to 6, because I really do love all 6 games and want them in some form.
I share the same opinion. Let's face it, it's extremely unlikely they will make it through every robot master, and I would HATE to only get RMs from like the first two games. If they cycle through games we can get a good assortment, then go back and fill in the gaps for as long as the line can survive.
I definitely wouldn't be as happy if they only did 1/2 because then it'd feel like any other generic Mega Man product, like those pixel stands they make. I want something that actually feels like it was trying to be a Mega Man classic line, even if it ends up failing before it can finish even a single game. I just hope they do something about the Mega Man recolours, I'm not going to pretend I don't want them all, but...I just hope that slot is at least used for a Roll and Proto Man in the future. Gemini Laser Mega Man bringing Beat with him is at least pretty cool, though.
But I don't buy any of that superhero shit.
Do you think they're going to have unmasked heads?
that calf cut is bad, I really want domestics to switch over to ball joints for the ankles instead of those ugly calf cuts.
Weird, I could've worn one was teased, maybe it WAS just a dream...
They have to, it's an integral part of the series. Creeper looks well done and is iconic but I can't say I care much for him. I hope they make some more 'cool' designs, like Space Kook and Black Knight.
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Dunno if I'm being "that guy", but that not Beat with Mega Man...it's a stage enemy called Penpen from Gemini Man's stage. Remember the little sliding penguins that come out of the big penguin with the propeller on its head?
Nah, you're fine. I didn't zoom in on the image well because "oh another recolour". That's somehow even more soulful though. I also shouldn't have expected Beat in an MM3 wave.
>Juhn specifically mocks one of the toymigos guys for ask for a Kool-Aid man on a tream, something like:
>>"Huh, why do you want a figure of Kool-Aid man?"

the kind of people buying Cheetos and Frosted Flakes figures are exactly the kind of people that want a Kool-Aid man
Where are the Cammy preorders, Jada?!
The con doesn't properly start until tomorrow, so they may have more then.
He can still the rights to Kool-Aid Man in the future if there really is a market for him.
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>1/12 Scooby Doo
Fuck man. I never expected that. I have wanted some good figures of the Scooby gang since I started collecting. I can't wait for Velma.
If we end up with an import style situation where one member of the gang doesn't come out for some reason I am going to shoot up a fucking Wal-Mart.
It's happening again isn't it?
>Becca shotguns hidden in the background
Oh God please.

Judging from the interviews with him, if he has no personal interest in something it's not going to get made
Why the fuck did they add the least combat oriented main character into a fighting game? That is retarded.
I will never stop being mad about Bridget.
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The next food mascot figure must be Tapatío Man. Nothing else is acceptable. Fuck you all.
He has seen what lies beyond eternity.
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>Makes a figure line for food mascots
>Confused by the idea of making a figure of one of the most heavily referenced food mascots out there
I mean I wouldn't buy it but that is some weird logic. Man now I kind of want them to do some fast food mascots.food mascots.
I am here to chew bubblegum and murder my own teammates in a fit of psychosis caused by my abuse of cybernetic implants and I am all out of bubblegum.
Did he really say no Roll in an interview or was an anon fucking with me
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Let's be real
I'd lick butter off every inch of her golden tan skin.
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These are my main food mascot wants
yes anon
learn how to use the archive and search "juhn roll"
he literally doesn't give a shit about roll
I would 100% buy a doughboy. And i would also buy Kool Aid man, especially if the juice was red translucent plastic.
That would be cool as hell
Only if she's barefoot
Last time I checked they removed her from the logo. Same with aunt jemima.
so that pink chun-li, she has 2 alternate smiling faces that are the same?
>One of the only major characters who has played a major role throughout the series and who has been a playable character in Megaman games and fighting games
Well that is retarded.
One has the white buns so you can swap it onto the original Chun Li. The pink Chun li has pink buns.
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Post robot master wants
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what you’ll get
ah, thanks. that's very interesting they did that.
Shadow, Pharaoh, Tengu, Splashwo
Most of the Megaman 8 guys, Shade Man, Skull Man, Metal Man.
>that slot is at least used
It's not always as easy as "taking up a slot." Like for example, if a wave doesn't have enough funding for 3 all-new molds, they can run one Megaman, which is already cut. That means it was never a "free" slot at all. The wave just wouldn't get released if they were adamant about not reusing an old mold in that case.
>making food mascots
>why would you want this famous mascot?(serious)
is juhn a stupid asshole or something?
Guts Man
Bomb Man
Metal Man
Flash Man
Heat Man
Gemini Man
Top Man
Magnet Man
Pharaoh Man
Skull Man
Dive Man
Drill Man
All the MM5 bosses, including the 4 Dark Mans
Centaur Man
Tomahawk Man
Yamato Man
Knight Man
Shade Man
Turbo Man
Tengu Man
Frost Man
Burner Man
Hornet Man
Galaxy Man
Splash Woman
Sheep Man
Punk, Ballade and Enker
>played a major role throughout the series
Let's not start making up lies
Hey, man...keeping Light's lab clean and making sure he gets his meals is a very major role. Everything grinds to a halt without Roll and then Wily wins!
no belly, very disappointing
You guys are incapable of detecting facetiousness I presume?

average internet users have poor social intelligence, now extrapolate that many times for 4chan anons
Predictions today? I’m thinking we’ll see Zangief, Scooby, and whatever the third robot master is for that wave. I’m not sure we’ll see another cyberpunk, but I’m hoping one more food mascot.
Hopefully both Zangief and Akuma, then announce which of the next Capcom games they'll be doing. EVO just finished and theres a lot of Capcom Hype, especially Third Strike.

If they make Capt Crunch, it might be my first mascot preorder though Ronald McDonald would also get my preorder.
>Predictions today?

Everything is canceled because on second thought, they don't want to deal with dumbass toy collectors anymore
>Fuck man. I never expected that. I have wanted some good figures of the Scooby gang since I started collecting.
Now Im glad I grabbed the SCOOB mystery machine for $7. Just the right scale for these figures. Skipped the SCOOB figs though, they kinda sucked along with the 5in ones, terrible QC and articulation.
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My right nut for a sparkman figure
Pixel Dan went to the booth. They said Mega Man is moving to individual releases instead of waves in the video
He also said there will be another figure in the Mega Man line revealed tomorrow in addition to the Gemini Laser/Snake Man

Technically Street Fighter moved to that after wave 1, they are announced in groups still but Ken was out way before Bison/Dhalsim. Has been mentioned before, they're being released as they are ready.

Just putting that out there before anyone jumps to AHA THE LINE IS DONE shit because of that
they also said one of the new reveals was "snake eyes megaman" so you know.
Agreed. I'm a Mega Man fan and I'm just having a good time casually picking up the ones they're making, plus it means they're more likely to sooner do my favorite designs from the later games. Got a Mega Man and Fire Man and love them, can't wait for Elec, Cut, Wood and Bubble Man to release too. The repaints are annoying for such a slow release cycle, but I'll pick up the helmetless Rock for some more expressions and a Met. You can never go wrong with a Met.
That unironically does sound like bad news for the line.
-> >>11086623
But who knows, maybe the line is dying.
Becca going to be shown tomorrow according to the PD video. If the soft goods on the final product look this good, I'm all in. Thanksfully they are slow roll outs cause I cannot dump $500 every month on figures. Wish all other companies would slow down a bit, looking at you GI Joes. Also one more SFII and MM as well for Saturday.
still not sold on his face, i was like super worried about lucy but david seem not that good headwise
Nah, street fighter is definitely still operating in waves. Yes, ken came out before Bison and Dhalsim but the same happened with Chun Li. They’re still advertising them as the same wave to stores and such and didn’t announce they’re switching to single releases like they have for mega man.
Hoping to see some people do customs heads
That jawline is… something.
You’re wrong. Juhn said they’ll reveal them in waves but they’ll be released whenever they’re ready. Plus the new packaging only shows one figure instead of all three from the “wave”

Skip to 1:20
but that's street fighter and this is megaman
the same fucking shit that has died multiple times in the last decade at different companies toylines
who the fuck would want to see pegs of fucking single release colorswap that don't move instead of robot masters
>b-b-b-but the alt color of the streetfighters are the same thing
no street fighter is actually popular and the alts comes with way more accessories and actually give you incentive to buy them
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Cap is probably the most lore rich cereal character and has cool side characters like Sogmaster and Jean le Foot.

Also I'd ask for fleentstones.
>who the fuck would want to see pegs of fucking single release colorswap that don't move instead of robot masters
I’m not sure the robot masters are even moving. I’m genuinely surprised they’re still going with the line. I think Juhn just really likes mega man.
So why do properties like Mega Man struggle to move $20 figures - toy bros get stunlocked on the "IDK WHO THAT IS!!" and then hiss at it and refuse to buy. They will absolutely buy some no-name $100 Four Horsemen figure that has the same proportions they've used for 25 years because it has a new raptor head tho or spend $40 on a custom head for their fuckin' Nightcrawler figure or $80 on some dude's 3d printed barrels off of instagram. Some import company's stands or effect pieces, yeah take all the money. Don't you dare show them a comic book or video game character for US retail prices though. DON'T DO IT.

Collectors are so fucking weird
And the final reveals are Mummy, Zangief, Rebecca, and Protoman.
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This doesn’t look too good…
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i knew it would be protoman. of course they still have a megaman recolor with protoman instead of having protoman and 2 robot masters.

>vertical video in 2024

gross face
looks good
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The hands look extremely off though and I need to see her neutral face and the height comparison with the other characters.
Here he is.

I need more pics and scale reference.

Beef boi looking good.
That is pretty close to how she looked when she got fucking pissed. I do wish that they would have teased her with her normal head though.
>We are done
Many, that is heavy teasing. Guess that means last day appearance in the back without announcement where only the back of the gi is visible.
>The hands look extremely off though
So boring too. Should have had individual fingers, her whole thing is being expressive and there are only so many hands they'll include.
She looks like she shit her pants.
she's just been put there and not posed yet. wait for the official pixel dan video.
great but sucks that there's only one MM3 robot master
Pretend he's still playing "Break Man" and then he IS a Robot Master!
>give character sunglasses
>has the best face of all cyberpunk characters
fucking hell, I'm not a big fan of him but he looks great

I'm not saying this is you, but let's look at common logic of toy collectors:

there's only one of this thing. I don't now if there will be more. I'm not gonna buy it.

>if people buy it there will be more of it

nah, fuck you
I hope Proto's nose is more prominent in reality, he kind of looks like a YouTooz here
I never thought I'd be disappointed to see Proto Man...
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not my mummy ;______;
Cammy soon?
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based jada
i dont have to wait 5 years for metal slugs enemies

do we have dates for these or are just prototypes

there's photos of the final version packaged so it should be
Universal line was cancelled. Toymigos asked Juhn about it and he said they’re done. :( sucks because it was the last main universal monster missing.
where are these photos
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didn't know jada made dorbz

Yeah I'm really happy they're doing Protoman and he looks good, but he is a Megaman Recolor with a slightly different helmet and some new parts. Not sure if I like the soft good scarf or not though because I don't like soft goods on mostly plastic toys but its just a scarf.

>juhn a stupid asshole or something?

Im going to go with yes.
Been waiting so long for this man I want her other hair style and face sculpts and all of her guns and fully articulated cyberhands that you can swap with her regular hands.

This is why I'm waiting to see if they actually finish Mega Man first. And fuck I should probably wait to see if they finish the main 5 Scooby characters too.

>inb4 they both prematurely die because Im waiting and didn't buy anything
Wait nevermind where the fuck is his nose
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There may be more of a nose than it seems there, that's from their shitty cell phone stream
Hate to break it to you, but your shouldn’t be looking at the Jada version for that stuff.
Where the fuck are her tits? JJJJUUUUHHHNNNN!!!!!!

But I want it to be as feature rich as possible, for absolutely no money

they should just do it like that, it's easy

Poser spotted. Cammy is all about ass.
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She also has a fairly decent rack too.

doesn't look too different from the toy in that region
I know but wouldn't it be so nice
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The figure one is smaller and more spread out.
You can clearly see some moderately sculpted tits, you're overreacting for no reason.
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I wish they gave chun li those jewish facial features for the figure
This the first time a company has basically completed the entire SFII roster? Super jelly storm fag.
and its crazy that they took only like 3 years
Megaman just wasn't right for action figures. Not interesting enough. Megaman X would be a bit more interesting from a customer perspective, more detail to work with. But less possible reuse so the toy company will run screaming.
Is it me or are his hands kind of tiny
he wears coomer goggles, so reality isn't enough for him
Classic, Zero, Legends, and most especially Battle Network are the ones I want figures of the most tbdesu. Was never too into X.
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Don't get me wrong, this is definitely better than getting no figure at all, but I just wish figma made her since they tend to jerk off to trigger shows.
I’m not saying they should be bigger dummy, they’re not defined that’s all.
Me too man. It sucks cause Rebecca has such variety in her design but we only get the post timeskip look.
Mad hatter just posted his vid from the jada booth including Zangief being added. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w880TFVhbg8
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I'm sick of blury shitty pics
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this looks like shit
they'll have a year or so to fix the head otherwise pretty good
thank the heavens for another protoman
shame about roll though
would be nice to see light or wily one day too
don't even care about gief but i want to buy this
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No, I mean RomanKey literally made the thing you’re looking for.
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these still blury but it's the best I can find
I wonder if the tails are bendable, that would be pretty cool.
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oh no! it looks worse in higher rez!
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I'm kinda dissappointed we didn't get a GI Joe x SF collab last year for the 30th of the original GI Joe collab. Maybe in 2026 for the Arcade's 35th. At least Guile Dhalsim and EHonda from JADA will work fine. Ninja Force Ryu and Ken would be fun.
Still looks bad. Hope these are cheap ugly figures and not expensive ugly figures, but all the cloth shit is definitely leaning to expensive ugly. May Rebecca has a banger coomer body underneath
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That's all, folks!
oh no! it looks hotter in higher rez!
dat red paint is delicious!

If they don't get to it, the Funko one scales perfectly with these
They’re not bendable but I’m pretty sure they on ball joint so you can pose them around a bit
where snake man not blurry?
Am acceptable compromise. Can’t wait for the release.
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Oh, I assumed it was already posted here
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nice thanks. I hope they fix his arms. why are they white?
If only Cammy didn't have a diaper.
Anyone having this problem getting into the Megaman line? Im afraid if I buy one I'll buy them all when normally I just pick and choose my favourites. But they just look so good.
>nice thanks. I hope they fix his arms. why are they white?

mfw hopes deleted
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>but he is a Megaman Recolor with a slightly different helmet and some new parts
Uh.......yes, that is just Protoman's design, and always has been. Weird thing to complain about bruh. It's like ordering a hamburger then getting angry that they gave you a hamburger. wtf were you expecting?
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You can cherrypick art that makes her look wildly different. It varies from artist to artist and era to era, so really, almost any toy can be canon-accurate to something.
this is also from the anime movie which the figures are not based on.
I mean it's pretty clear this is the budget option, and it's cool that you get so much with it like the soft goods. If anyone feels like they want higher quality and is willing to drop a lot more cash, the option is there.
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I was complaining that we have a Megaman recolour and Protoman in the same wave when Protoman is closero being a recolor. Which is why I was replying in agreement to someone who said the same samenthing
>too tall
>tits too big
not even close anon
the face looks shit, like generic AI ""art"", also >>11088127
They made a random ass anime girl with a shitty Rebecca cosplay. It is so far off that I can't even figure out why they bothered. She isn't even blue for fuck's sake.
sauce me, chief
Aw hell yeah! Now just give me skull man
Ehhh not really a fan of this one, it looks like how she'd possibly appear in the video game world with it realistic artstyle but I want my anime girls to look like anime girls
I'm excited for this line, not doing Scooby in wave 1 is an odd choice though but that probably means he'll be in wave 2.
Also doing 2 monsters per wave is fun, it means even if this line dies after wave 5 we'll have 10 monsters which isn't too bad.
If they did make characters beyond the main 5 though I wonder if they'd do Scooby Dum for the easy parts reuse.
Jesus christ that is fucking awful. If there is an alternative head why put this one on? Throw that head in the fucking incinerator
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i really hope to get the whole gang, its one of my dreams figures and i really hope sell enough to get the loony tunes licences too
It can't be 100% accurate or they can't claim it is legally distinct. But this version is way better than what Jada just barged up. That thing is horrid to look at

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