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look like ass
WTF are we looking at? They look like statues since I don't see articulation and I can also tel they were sculpted by someone who doesn't understand figure production or the process.

Several parts of the figure won't be easy to tool at all. Not to mention that kind of paint splatter being very hard and expensive to reproduce.
Ethan Van Sciver, comic book guy, is making these for a new comic he's selling. I think it's supposed to be rainbow bright for boys, but it looks like some kind of gay thing. Dunno
>buy an ad
Do you make your own toys or do you buy them, stupid?
>comic book guy
This is painfully obvious. These are not designed well for figures at all. It's clear he and the people modeling it have no idea how tooling works, what drives cost up, and about paint job processes.
6 inch heckin fad chasers, neca breakka, americans have no ideas and cant make toys that gaymers dont buy for their child grooming lovers for whom imaginext is great but not bootlegged marvel legends poor people cant read english but heckin kino chungus 6inch fad of bootlegs.
buy a English language course
>buy a English language course
>buy a English
fuckin lol
Looks pretty bad.
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1.35 MB
1.35 MB PNG
I'm getting the Pot O' Gold pack because this face is awesome. I'm hoping the gold on the pot is vac metalized because that would look great.
Who is it supposed to look like?

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